Apple Cinnamon Bread Pudding

The first day of fall.

Most years I look forward to this day like no other. The crisp air, the falling leaves in a rainbow of colours, the last (and best) of the seasons harvest, the smoky scent in the breeze, the rain, big sweaters, chunky boots and soft woolen scarves.

This year though, I feel like I’ve been slightly robbed. The summer was very late to get started and after only a few short days of “summer” heat, it was gone. So very fleetingly. So here we are in my favourite season, and yet I feel like she’s been here the whole time. I haven’t had nearly enough to time to miss the way fall makes me feel.
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Kitchen Crew Mission #2 – Autumn Bake

This weeks challenge for the Canadian Tire Kitchen Crew series was an easy one for me.  The task was put forth as such:

“Thanksgiving. For some, just hearing the word makes them shudder, especially thinking about all the work creating a thanksgiving feast for your family entails. Your mission this week is to get inspired and take a new view on old Thanksgiving classics. From side dishes to the main event – anything goes!”

Thanksgiving with family doesn’t scare me. Roasting a 22lb. turkey doesn’t scare me. Mixing gallons of freshly made dressing into thai noodle salad in giant rubbermaid containers with my arms buried down to my elbows for a wedding party of 400 people doesn’t scare me. Making all of the above for Bono, or David Eggers or Gordon Ramsay…well, that might scare me a little.

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Art of the Cocktail: Sip Around at The Office Lounge

Now until September 30th, there is a fantastic event happening around Victoria, or #yyj as us Twitter-philes know it as. Step into any of the participating restaurant/lounges and you’ll be welcomed with an appetizer and cocktail pairing that rivals any you may have experienced before.

As part of the Art of the Cocktail, Sip Around is a more casual version of the main event. Whereas at big showdown on October 1st showcases many different liquors and cocktail creations, Sip Around offers a more relaxed approach. You can take a lounge or restaurant every day for a week, sampling their food and bevy offerings or you can do it all in one day (though cabs or buses are recommended!).

I will be attending the main event in October, but gearing up for it is the best part.

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Corn and Zucchini Tacos

Corn. Zucchini. Late harvest vegetables that we all (mostly) love. The only problem with zucchini is that it has a mind of it’s own and can take over vast swaths of your garden if left unchecked. Even an avid gardener (me) can lose track of where the newest veggie has taken hold and all of a sudden there are four or five ready and ripe for the picking (never over 8-10 inches in my house). But what to do with it all?

Zucchini can get awfully boring if used over and over again in the same fashion. Baked with, it is wonderful as I’ve shown with my chocolate zucchini bread and a great guest post from Hélène, who gave us a spiced version. You can bake it, roast it in butter or throw it in to soups and curries, as we have been doing all summer. But there must be other ways?

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Kitchen Crew Mission #1 Part Two – Roasted Chicken

For my second part of my Canadian Tire Kitchen Crew Mission I decided to show what can be done with dinner in less than 20 minutes of prep. Yes, it is possible to make a most fabulous dinner with such little prep time and I didn’t have to use a slow cooker either. Most people that I have met assume I spend a lot of time in the kitchen, and this would be an accurate representation of my life, yes. BUT…I don’t like to be in the kitchen all night long, especially as it’s the only time that I get to spend with my husband and the kids at the same time.

The kids are so young they still go to bed relatively early and that’s fine by me, but spending quality family time together is rather important as well. The best way to do this is to throw something together quickly and get it in the oven so that we can head outside (barring wind, rain, snow, clouds that are any shade of gray, thunder, falling leaves, you get the picture…I like nice weather).

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