Fresh Fruit Salsa

Just a quick entry today, as I am catching up on household chores after a week long visit with my sister and her utterly adorable daughter. I love babies but it only made me more apprehensive for what may be a coming storm to the Guilty household. We are about to be a family of four, four! I’m exhausted just thinking about it, but I know we’ll enjoy (almost) every minute of it when the time comes.

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The Ultimate Vegan Brownies


Vegan Brownies? On Guilty Kitchen? What kind of guilty, purely indulgent treat is this?

Good questions. I’m not usually one for giving up dairy or eggs or meat, although I have done my fair share of vegetarianism/veganism, when I was a lowly single living with my grilfriends. Not only was it a great way to save money, but it kept me trim as a race horse and fit as a fiddle.

Nowadays, I am nary without eggs or giant jugs of milk (or cream!) to satiate the crazy little tornado running through the house. So why a vegan brownie? Because someone dared me to do it, dared me to make my own recipe for vegan brownies. And not just anyone…a fellow pregnant woman also nearing the end of this 9 month journey, and we shall call her “Phatty” (totally not derogatory). Someone with just as many raging hormones and ridiculous cravings as me. A dare set forth by a fellow pregger can only be responded to with an affirmative. Yes of course I will make you vegan brownies, because no one says no to pregnant women, not even another pregnant woman.

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Dijon Rosemary Chicken and Roasted Beet Salad with Horseradish Cream

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Sadly, I didn’t bother with the gren themed food or drink this year, as I’m Irish all the time…

I do have a fabulous lamb stew though, if you are looking for something specifically “Irish-y”, you’ll find it here. There is also a fabulous beer bread to go with it as well. So pop on over there if you are feeling like getting your Irish on today. Otherwise, scroll down for a fabulous Easter dinner!

I swear I’m not holding back on you, faithful readers, but I have this recipe I’ve been using for ages. We must eat it at least once a week and have since we got married (maybe even before). Usually we eat it on chicken breasts (bone in or not) because I try to eat healthy and I like to avoid too much fuss. Sometimes though, Mr. Guilty just has to have some skin, so I give in and make it with thighs. Really, you could slather this sauce all over an entire chicken and it would be just as good, it’s a very versatile sauce.

To go along with our same old same old chicken, I needed something new and exciting. I became inspired seeing a traditional Ukrainian dish called tsvikly. Traditionally used as a festive relish at Easter, I decided to make it into a salad instead. I didn’t think just having a side of relish with my chicken would be enough food though, so not being one to stick with a recipe or tradition, this salad was born! Seeing the flavour combination of horseradish and beets had my intrigued and I just had to try it! Serving the beets still warm makes for a very interesting texture and consistency to this salad (and also allows the goat cheese to melt a little bit) which had the whole family coming back for more the next night.

So if you are looking for an Easter dinner that is not your same old traditional (read: somewhat boring) ham, than try this über flavourful salad!

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Crispy Sweet Potato Fries and Roasted Broccoli with Almonds

It’s a lifelong (okay adulthood anyway) quest that’s taken me to many a restaurant in search of the most delicious of crispy sweet potato fries. Easily achieved, albeit less heart healthy, when dipped in vats of boiling hot vegetable oil. It was with this realization that I let myself become defeated and settled on always having a slightly soggy at-home version of my favourite burger side dish.

Well no more my loyal readers!

I have finally devised a way to make these flavourful, vitamin packed delights remain that way and still come out crispy and tasty. It’s taken a few years of experimenting and a lot of taste testing, though all that hard work was definitely worth it. Please, spare the accolades, I am simply a humble cook. Remember to mention me though when your family is swooning over their favourite “guilty” side dish, unaware that they are truly fat free and healthy. *Insert evil cackle here*

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Corn and Bean Tacos with Chili Lime Cream

Tacos, tacos tacos, burritos, cilantro, guacamole, salsa, sour cream, tortillas….they all play a huge role in my life. Why? Am I actually part Mexican and have been hiding it from you all this time? Sadly, no. That would give me a great excuse to love this food, though I think if I was culturally attached in a bloodline kind of way, I’d probably have a lot more authentic recipes. Sadly, I am your typical European Isles ancestor type (Scottish, Irish, English).

My reasons for loving Mexican food with unabashed passion are thus:

1. My parents live in Mexico for 6 months out of the year and the best gift I receive upon their triumphant return, is new recipes to try!

2. Hubby and I have take a couple vacations in the land of sun and tequila (including our honeymoon) and we have a certain special attachment.

3. We got married on Cinco De Mayo.

4. Last but not least, who doesn’t love Mexican food?! I know people have strange aversions to cilantro (I used to too!) and spicy foods, but there is so much more to our Southern neighbours glorious food than that!

Continue reading “Corn and Bean Tacos with Chili Lime Cream” →

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