Asparagus Soup

Fresh Asparagus Soup

All across the world of (North American) food blogs, you may have noticed a similar theme….

Spring. The season, that is.

It’s here for the most part, and it’s here to stay, at least for a few months. The weeks of grey, cloud filled drudgery, scrounging the produce aisle for something, anything, fresh and somewhat local (read: within 2000 miles) is finally over. And I couldn’t be happier. I see asparagus and other spring time delights popping up everywhere, and it makes me think that the food movement started by a certain Alice Waters, way back in the ’70’s, may finally be making some progress. People want to eat local food, they want to know where it came from, how it was produced. They care what goes into the production of such a vital ingredient in our lives, and that makes me happy.

It’s not hard to eat local (except in the middle of December, in most places in Canada), but it can take a certain degree of effort that not everyone is willing to put out.

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Birthday’s are for Eating

Birthday Flowers

It’s been a few days. I’ve been in a food coma, and I’ve just woken up for a brief spell to tell you all about it before I dive back into another round tonight.

Birthdays were always about food. Just like most holidays around the world, at least part of the celebration is centered on food. Cake is usually enough for most, maybe a backyard BBQ with hotdogs and hamburgers. Me? No way.

When I was a child, my mother always asked me what I wanted for my birthday dinner. Inevitably I would answer with, “Ummm, uhhhh, lasagna? Oh! and garlic bread too!” Yeah, now that’s a combination. My mom makes THE BEST lasagna on the planet and I could not resist it’s temptation around my birthday. Strangely, some friends of ours invited us over for dinner last night and when we were discussing what to make, the subject of lasagna came up. I jumped on my chance to make it for my own birthday. Such comforting, savory and delicious a dish, it is usually something I don’t make. It is gargantuan (at least my recipe is) and the leftovers scream at me from the fridge until I consume every last bite, so something I usually reserve in my adult life for get togethers and gatherings. I don’t give this recipe to many people, but I think the time has come for The World’s Best Lasagna recipe to have some spotlight. Seriously, it’s good. You will never make another.

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Avocado Cilantro Dressing

Avocado Cilantro Dressing


Guess what today is?

27 years ago today, my poor mother laboured for many hours in a hospital bed. Then I came into the world, all 5 lbs. 10oz of me. My older sister’s dreams of being an only child were shattered in those moments and life has never been the same.

That’s right, today is my birthday.

I look forward to painting my toenails a glorious shade of fuchsia, travelling into the “big city” with my growing family, eating the most delicious tuna tacones the world has ever known and then finishing it off with a double scoop ice cream cone. Chocolate dipped waffle cone please.

What could be a better way to say, “Happy Birthday” to me? I can’t wait to see our little guy’s face covered in his first ice cream cone experience, and I can’t wait to spend an evening by the ocean side, enjoying every minute this life has to offer.

I’m not getting older, only more beautiful and wise.

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Spring Asparagus and Pancetta Fettucine

Asparagus and Pancetta Fettucine

It’s a busy time in the household this week. As the weather gets better, we are spending more time in our fledgling garden, learning as we go how things need to be done. It’s quite the trial and error system, but it’s the best way for us to learn. This will be our second garden in two years that we have started from scratch, literally digging up overgrown grasses and weeds that other people have left behind to turnn it into something that will provide us with delicious vegetables and fruits all spring, summer and fall.

Also, I’m hoping it will help in the picky eater department too. As we spend more time in the garden digging in the rich brwon dirt, we are also sharing this time with out two yeard old son. I hope that somehow all those rumours are true about letting your kids help at the garden level. Maybe he will become super interested in the vegetables that are growing right here in his backyard and maybe he’ll actually try one or two. One can only hope.

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It’s Burger Time!

Cherry Blossoms View Royal

It’s coming and I could not be any happier.

No, not the baby. That, I can say, is something I am waiting for extremely patiently. Unlike a first pregnancy, where you are in such a rush to get to the baby part (silly first timers), the second time around is a lot more easy going. I’m not counting the days until my next weekly baby update, or the next midwife appointment, nor am I impatiently decorating a nursery and hoping the days go by faster. Quite the contrary, really. If I can just stay in this state of pregnancy (just at the third trimester mark), no longer nauseous, but not yet uncomfortably huge, I would be a happy momma.

I can say this time that I am happy to wait, happy to have a few more weeks of just me and my precious little tornado.

Flying lessons Beacon hill Park

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