I’ve told you how I feel about Halloween before, it’s not my favourite holiday.
But I have a confession to make about this particular Halloween. I bought a pumpkin to carve….and then it sat on a bookshelf until yesterday. Totally uncarved. It never got to scare little kids with an awesome ghoul-y face carved into it’s flesh, nor did it light up our stairwell for the kiddies to see. Also, the our own kids never got a chance to help me cut a face into a gourd. Sad isn’t it?
But then I thought about all the awesome pumpkin food I’ve been cooking up lately, and it got my creative juices flowing.
What’s hearty, satisfying and easy to make while the wee one naps?
Quick Bread. Of course!
The only trouble with making up recipes is sometimes they turn out slightly different than you had in mind. In this case, the recipe made a HUGE loaf of bread (but without leaking over the loaf pan….whew) and took a little longer than expected to cook. But according to some friends of mine on Twitter, 90 minutes is not too long to wait for perfection. Ha! Thank you Twitterverse.
So when making this recipe, remember this: It’s very easy and quick once you have everything ready to go, especially if you are making the pumpkin purée from scratch. So get your mise en place ready first! Then sit back and take a 90 minute breather as your house fills up with the scent of all things autumn.
For those not in the know, here’s a quick tutorial on how to make pumpkin purée from scratch, whether you have an itty bitty pumpkin or a gargantuan one. Just don’t be using an already carved Jack O’Lantern that’s been sitting out for two weeks. That is for the compost.
Continue reading “Pumpkin Carrot Bread” →
This being the first time I’m doing this, it’s not actually going to be word free…but stick with me. I am going to make this a weekly ritual on Guilty Kitchen. Just a picture or two (or three) to keep things moving and give you glimpses into our everyday lives. Not that you didn’t get enough of that already, but I’m sure you’ll love it.

Today is November 1st. In this house, that can mean only one thing besides the fact that it’s perfect weather for cuddling on the couch after a long night of ghoul dodging.
Christmas is almost here!
I know, it sickens you doesn’t it? You think I’m a total shill for the commercial holiday industry, but in reality I just love all that this season brings into my home. We love the decorating, the music, the food, the family and friends, the parties, the celebrating. We love everything about Christmas, but we don’t really buy a lot. I swear. Last year, we gave away family portraits and cookies as gifts. Each made with love and hard work. (Damn, it took me eight freakin’ hours to make all those cookies!)
This year, I may be doing something a little different, but I have plenty of time to figure it out. In fact, I totally stole the idea from Joy the Baker. She did these lovely cards filled with recipes for her family, and that is totally something I want to do for mine.
But what of the most recent celebratory day, like the one that happened yesterday? Some people feel about Halloween like I feel for Christmas, but we just don’t have that drive. We bought a pumpkin to carve, but it is totally still whole on top of my bookshelf. I think I will make that pumpkin soup again. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy and it’s totally cold and dreary out lately, perfect weather for soup.
Continue reading “Gluten Free Oatmeal Cookies” →

Who is that shaggy creature?
No, not the doggy, that’s Boomer.
I mean that shaggy red headed creature…the big one. That’s my Dad, which of course means that’s me, and my sister. Aren’t we cute?
Remember when I told you I was going to share a bit of my history. Well there it is.
Here’s another one. Get ready, it’s pretty embarrassing , but I think I can handle the humiliation.

Oh my god. I can’t believe I just posted that on the interwebs. I’m so embarrassed!
There’s me, at 18 (ten years ago) in all my plump faced glory. That was the last shot taken on my grad film strip. Classy.
How about one more?
Continue reading “Homemade Twix Candy Bites” →
Hello there.
Isn’t that a sexy face?
How about this one?

I guess this one is more of a pitiful face. It looks like someone beat him up.
So what’s with the faces?
This weekend we made our annual trip to get haircuts for the boys. We like to save a little moolah and only do it once a year. Seems like the best way to save money, doesn’t it?
Well, it appears as if the irregularity and infrequency in barber shop visits may have created a bit of an ingrained fear in one of the boys. Panic set in as soon as he was hoisted into the barber’s chair and told it was haircut time. He fought valiantly, but I won.
And doesn’t he just look so cute now? Happy as a clam. As long as there is a lollipop involved.

Another equally amazingly exciting thing that happened this week was this:
Continue reading “Pumpkin and Black Bean Chili” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.