Grilled Peach Salad

As the cooler air greets me a little earlier each day and the sun takes that long journey over the horizon a  little later, I can’t help but keep a tight grasp on the last remaining hints of summer. Here in the Pacific Northwest, summer comes late and leaves early, so we take what we can get.

My go to meals of summer usually involve layers of lettuce and other greens, fresh vegetables from the garden, sometimes a protein of some kind and a quick homemade dressing. Sometimes a like to spice it up a little bit and add something special. Grilled salmon, or a great cheese, sometimes I just throw on whatever is in the fridge.

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{Guest Post: Hélène of Le Cuisine d’Hélène} Zucchini Spice Bread

Today’s post comes to us from Hélène of la Cuisine d’Hélène. Her beautiful blog used to be written from right here on Vancouver Island, but she now writes from the great city of Ottawa in Ontario. Hélène and I share many of the same passions such as eating seasonally and a love of farming, but we also love cooking, baking and our photography. Being from this beautiful side of the West Coast, we also share a love the the natural beauty all around us. Hélène’s recipes are always vibrant, beautiful and full of lavour, not unlike this drool-worthy zucchini spice cake.

Being that I have a monstrosity of a zucchini plant currently taking over a whole corner of my garden, I think I’ll be making this over the weekend. In fact I’ve already created my own recipe for a similar (but chocolate filled) version of zucchini bread, so look for that recipe in the next week as well.

For now, enjoy this luscious cake from Hélène!

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Whole Wheat Peach Pancakes

When I was a kid, Sunday mornings were made for sleeping in. Rolling out of bed a little later and stumbling up into the kitchen to the warm and inviting smell of pancakes, or waffles, or fritters. Sometimes there was bacon or eggs, maybe even some freshly toasted, buttered bread to accompany it. Family breakfasts were for decompressing from overworked schedules, to connect with each other over our favourite thing, food.

Here’s my confession: I don’t really like pancakes. No matter the batter, the fillings or lack thereof, the flours used, the butter or no butter dilemma, I much prefer waffles. There’s just something satisfying int he crunch of a waffle done right, and the many little divots to hold all the butter and maple syrup I can cram in there. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ll eat them if that is the only offering, but I don’t make them for myself.

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{Guest Post: Laura of Gourmette NYC} Plum Clafoutis

Today marks another guest post. This one comes to us from Laura of Gourmette NYC. Laura is a wordly traveller, adept at numerous languages, and makes a mean vinaigrette, according to her blog. New to the food blogging scene, Laura brings a knowledge of classic European foods as well as her own take on modern food.

Today she brings us a classic French recipe, clafoutis. Somewhere between a cake and a custard/pudding, clafoutis have been made in France for centuries and have recently been brought back to the spotlight by the movie Julie & Julia.

I have a ginormous prune plum tree right outside my kitchen window and just about daily it is producing 20 lbs. of fresh fruit. So thank you Laura, I’ll get right on this!

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Peach and Blackberry Upside Down Cobbler

This week I’m kicking off five glorious days of peaches. You’ve got peaches on your counter? Fruit flies making a home in there? Well, I’ve got five delicious solutions for you.

Today’s recipe is for an upside down peach and blackberry cobbler. So here’s the thought process behind this: I wanted a cobbler. Check. I wanted it to be different. Check. I wanted it to be delicious. Check. This cobbler has your standard biscuit dough, but I added browned butter and thyme to liven it up and I used it as a bottom crust, instead of a topping. Then I cooked it in a cast iron pan. I filled this pie with juicy peaches and hand picked blackberries from the park down the road. Then, seeing how naked this cobbler would be without a topping, I also added a crisp topping filled with butter and oats and sugar.

Continue reading “Peach and Blackberry Upside Down Cobbler” →

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