I don’t often write posts centered specifically around consumer products….so expect a return to the normal recipe post by the weekend…
This. Vacuum. Rocked. My. Socks. OFF!
Seriously. I have been using a Shop Vac for two years and before that I only used a broom (hardwood floors) and before that…a crappy Dirt Devil that overheated and never came back to life. I have never owned a “good” vacuum and with my lion’s mane of hair plus two shed-erific dogs and your standard dirt from kids, etc. I was highly in need of a vacuum intervention.
So I got the Shark Rotator Lift-Away Upright Vacuum from the Canadian Tire Destination Home Guide after being gone for three days and having a super busy weekend after returning (ie: I had not had time to wash my clothes yet, let alone vacuum the floors). The dogs were here the whole time, being looked after by family, so that accumulates fast, being that it is spring, they shed about thirteen pounds of hair a day….not joking….it’s gross.
We don’t have very much of the square footage carpeted, but the carpets that are around are the dogs favourite place to lay down, or wrestle…which in the beams of light from the sun looks like a cloud of dog hair and some moving animals.
Here’s our area rug in between the kitchen and office:

I know you see that dog hair! Gross. I’m not even exaggerating when I say that it looks like that right after I vacuum it…at least with the Shop Vac. But look what happened after I vacuumed it with the Shark Rotator!

This was with after using the brushroll feature. You just push a button on the top of the vacuum when you hit a high pile carpet and the brushes start rolling…almost like a self powered lawn mower. It kinda drags you along. Then I made the mistake of looking in the clear canister. JUST THE CARPET. Oh my god! That’s embarrassing. Continue reading “The Shark Rotator Professional Lift-Away Upright Vacuum” →

Happy Times.
Spring is here, the clocks have moved forward (which means more evening sun for those 800m runs at 5pm) and oh yeah, we bought a house.
Yup, bought a house.
Continue reading “Paleo Slow Cooker Short Ribs” →

PRing my back squat
Time for one of those non-recipe related posts. One where I can deluge information on you like the proverbial projectile vomit of an overworked weightlifter. Oh sorry…..bad analogy there.
So most of you know, by now, that I switched over to CrossFit last summer, roughly seven months ago. Before CrossFit I was doing a lot of running and Beachbody workout programs such as Insanity and P90X. Having done various workout routines (of mostly my own creation) for the previous 8 years, I was totally stoked to be doing these DVDs. They gave me great results (I lost over 20lbs doing Insanity and P90X gave me a good muscle base to start CrossFit with) and I talked about them non-stop to anyone who would listen.
But I kept hearing about CrossFit…. Continue reading “Why I’ll Always Be a “CrossFitter”” →

Life is pretty sweet right now.
I’ve got these two crazy, ridiculously cute, unimaginably annoying, super loving, curious, disturbingly loud and dirty kids. They rock my world and show me what life is truly about every. Single. Damn. Day. I’ll be honest, sometimes, for the briefest of seconds, I wish I’d never had kids. I see those couples out, driving their crazy-ass expensive cars, staying up late, drinking all night, going to hotels and travelling when they want…and then I shake my head and I remember the depth of my love for these kids and how fulfilling my life is because of them and their constant need for language, and touching and knowledge. These two are my life.
Also I have the best, most supportive husband on the planet who has grown to love the things that I love. My throw weights around together, we eat awesome food together. We hang out, we go places. We make every minute count.
Continue reading “Paleo Blueberry Muffins” →

Here it is, what you’ve all been waiting for!
Who doesn’t like crispy, fluffy waffles with pockets for filling with whatever kid of semi-liquid edible gold you can think of.
I like to put a little ghee on mine, or some coconut manna (coconut butter). But in the next few days, I’m going to be experimenting with dinner waffles…you heard me. Curry scented waffles with caramelized onions and mushrooms on top, maybe some runny egg gravy.
Continue reading “Paleo Protein Waffle” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.