Super High Protein Ice Cream


I’ve worked hard for this blog. I’ve seen it grow for three years now. I went from all the time in the world, no job, taking care of a small town house and a small baby….to looking after 3/4 of an acre of yard and gardens, a three bedroom house, two crazy kids, two crazy dogs and two jobs that I manage from home. But I can’t let this blog die…I just can’t. Besides an utter feeling of failure I would be lost without it, really I would. I love this space, I love my readers, I love Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and all the things this blog has brought to me. Not to mention the free goodies.

So from now on, expect more posts, but expect them to be brief and maybe not so much time consuming photography. Don’t get me wrong, I will take dSLR pictures, but expect a lot of the bulk to be iPhone shots. I can barely sit at the computer for five minutes these days let along a couple of uninterrupted hours.

So let’s get on to this amazingly awesome recipe shall we?

If you work out hard, run, lift weights, bicycle, swim, power walk, or get sweaty in any number of ways, then you need protein to repair those muscles and build up new ones. Proteins carry vital amino acids unattainable from any other source and we need those amino acids for muscle growth and recovery. Here’s a quote from

“Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and also muscle tissue. And they also play a major part in physiological processes relating to our energy, recovery, mood, brain function, muscle and strength gains, and also in our quest for fat loss.”

So yeah, protein is important. Aim for at least 1 to 1.5 grams per pound of your goal weight. But drink plenty of water to ensure your kidneys are not being taxed by all that extra protein.

I’ll break down a day for you in macronutrients:

To maintain my weight of 119lbs (I’m 5’4″) I need to eat AT LEAST 1800 calories. More on days that I expend more energy. So If I burn 800 calories during a 90 minute sweat fest at Bikram Yoga, I add more calories. Usually about 500 extra, but sometimes I just can’t eat that much!

At first it was difficult to find the right protein powder for me because, well let’s be honest, some forms of protein cause some pretty bad digestive “issues”…if you know what I mean. So we settled on an isolate, which is a highly purified (read: processed) form of whey. It contains no lactose though so is safe for most people. We tried the vegan protein powders for a while, but they fall short in both flavour and levels of protein in my opinion. Whey has a lot of protein per serving and fills in where you can’t get it in your normal daily food rituals.

But sometimes you don’t want to make another shake. I wanted a treat, but I didn’t want to ruin my progress by eating tons of fat. I did crave something decadent though. So I came up with this recipe for a protein powder “ice cream”. It’s lactose free and can be made vegan depending on the protein powder you end up using. Play with this recipe, use different flavours of powders, add hunks of fruit or different milks. It’s a treat that you won’t feel guilty about and will keep your cravings in check for days to come.

One Year Ago: Spot Prawns and Polenta (Shrimp & Grits)

Two Years ago: Steak and Pineapple Skewers

Super High Protein Ice Cream

Rating: 51

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 35 minutes

Yield: 4 Servings

Serving Size: About two cups

Calories per serving: 326

Fat per serving: 2


  • 240g chocolate protein powder
  • 240g ripe banana
  • 3 cups non dairy milk (I used unsweetened almond milk)
  • 1 tsp xanthan gum (optional, for thickening)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon or cardamom


  1. Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend until completely mixed and smooth.
  2. Chill for an hour or two (I didn't but this will make the ice cream form faster in your ice cream maker).
  3. Place in ice cream maker and follow manufacturer's instructions OR place in a metal bowl and set in freezer. Stir every 30 minutes until a soft serve consistency is achieved.
  4. Serve!

Disclaimer: I am by no means a nutritionist, dietitian or even a fitness trainer. Any of the suggestions, advice or other information listed on my site is purely my own opinion and garnered from 11 years of being either dieting, weight lifting, working out, researching nutrition or otherwise being face first in health and fitness related materials. Before beginning any diet or exercise program, be sure to speak with your doctor or other health professional.

33 comments to Super High Protein Ice Cream

  • Adrian

    Great post Elizabeth!! Im happy with the format. But happier that you are writing again.

  • Desley Baird

    Thankyou for your blogs. Thanks for the recipes and information you share with us. I find it very easy to follow and understand. Keep going!

  • I can appriciate this ice cream because I am always trying to find ways to get in enough protein to rebuild my muscle after working out. This sounds delicious and it is functional, so win win :)!
    Amy @ FragrantVanillaCake recently posted..Dark Chocolate Lavender Gin TrufflesMy Profile

  • Manaka Niita

    Wow, an ice cream that you can eat without any guilt of gaining any pounds. I’ll include it on my daily diet regimen aside from taking protein powder before and after workout. Thanks for this.

  • Sounds wonderful. I don’t have an ice cream maker and was wonder what to do to just make this into a high protein shake. (Would I just omit the xanthan gum?)

    • Elizabeth

      Omit the xanthan gum and mix 1/4 of the recipe with one cup of ice. It makes a perfect single serving shake (which is how i came up with this recipe in the first place!)

  • Jay

    Your protein numbers are way off, though it’s a common mistake. The actual recommendation is 1 g of protein per KILO body weight for average populations, and up to 2 g per kilo for strength athletes. This is no small difference!

    I personally eat at least 2g/kilo, but that’s not what’s actually recommended or appropriate for everyone.

    • Elizabeth

      Actually it’s not. On the recommended macro nutrient profile I am currently eating, 1g per kilo of body weight would be a sad 54 grams of protein a day. At the 40% protein/40% carbs/20% fat profile I am on that would mean I could only eat 500 calories of food per day and only 200 calories coming from protein.

      Basing your protein on body weight, in my opinion, is not ideal. Basing your protein intake on macro nutrient profiles is much more realistic. All you need to figure out is your daily calorie needs divided into the chosen percentages. For me to maintain my level of muscle strength and growth along with keeping a lean figure and not storing carbs as fats, I need a lot of protein. 54g a day would be a sad diet…

    • Should be shooting for 1g of protein per your LBM / Lean Body Mass. Unless your light enough to get your body weight in, then by all means.. but for us big guys and power lifters its very hard to hit 1g/per lb. LBM has been the general consensus for a few years now based on scientific studies, not bro science.
      Drew recently posted..Redirect a user after loginMy Profile

  • I like the recipe, but I have a problem with homemade icecreams, they turn out all icy. I don’t have an ice cream maker but freeze mine in the regular freezer containers. Any suggestions?

  • Frank

    I love ice cream and even my kids do. So I think this will be my new favorite.
    Frank recently posted..A Simple Intro To FFL KitMy Profile

  • Doc Jay

    That stuff looks great! While we are talking Ice cream, it’s probably a good time to give you a reminder that you, Mr. Guilty, and lil Guilty Pleasure have Dental Recall appointments this Wednesday.

    I emailed Mr. Guilty with the times. If you can’t make it please be sure to call our office immediately so you can be rebooked.

    Your friendly Dentist who surfs the Internet and knows you.

  • Jaron Darryl

    Protein is essential for everybody’s health. Also calories are very important. This ice cream carries the protein and calories both. So, i think this ice cream is good for all. Thanks for this post.

  • Ice cream my fav so definitely going to try it. And I strictly believe Ice creams can never ever be unhealthy food. 😉
    Minnie(@thelady8home) recently posted..Lobster CurryMy Profile

  • Cassandra Koh

    This seems to be very good. I love ice cream so much, my body needs lot of protein too for me to deal better with my job, Thanks for sharing this delicious and healthy food… <3 ice cream, 🙂

  • Joseph Y

    That looks yum and healthy, I guess. I have one question. Is that 240g chocolate powder equivalent to 240 grams of protein. Because I think that is going to be way to much protein for me.

    • Elizabeth

      That depends on how much protein is in your preferred protein powder. But remember, this is 4 servings. So one serving will have roughly 60g protein.

  • I would never have thought to turn this into ice cream. My husband is always asking me to make more and more protein, and creativity is wearing thin. I can’t wait to try this!!
    Jen @ Jen’s Favorite Cookies recently posted..Cinnamon Waffle CookiesMy Profile

  • I’ll be trying this today.. I may make a batch of strawberry only, then choc/banana if it turns out.
    Drew recently posted..Redirect a user after loginMy Profile

  • Hey, thanks for continuing to pursue your blog! Great recipes here!
    I’m going to try this with greek yogurt instead.. heard it’s a great substitute for bananas.. the oligofructans or whatever in the fibrous banana fruit gives my tummy a real ordeal everytime I try banana soft serve! :X
    Anyone else have that problem?

  • Ryan

    How’s it taste? debating getting an ice cream maker just to try this..

  • Tory

    Holy cow your protein estimations are way too high. As a registered dietitian I can attest to the fact that most people need about 0.8-1 g pro/kg body weight. It is actually endurance athletes (I’m talking multiple hours of training per day) who may need up to 2 g pro/kg body weight not strength athletes as people believe. Besides renal issues, ingesting too much protein can cause the body to excrete calcium, not a good thing for most women! Another note: the recommended macronutrient range for protein is 10-15%, so you are taking in about double what your body needs based on your ranges. Just some food for thought as I see a lot of incorrect information about nutrition in my line of work and like to put the facts out there if possible 🙂

  • Anthony

    I have found this already pre-made protein ice cream, called Jambo Protein Ice Cream. Looks good. You might want to try it.

  • Excellent article once again! Thank you=)

  • Nancy

    Just making this now. Using what I have, so recipe is altered a bit: Almost 2 cups of frozen strawberries – no sugar added, Xanthan Gum, and wheybolic chocolate protein powder from a local nutrition store. Coconut milk (unsweetened) used for mixing base. I have it in ice cream maker now, and pre-tested flavor — AWESOME!!! Already setting up after 15 minutes, I’ll let it run longer. Thanks for posting the recipe! Friends coming this weekend who are on a high protein diet – can’t wait to share it with them!

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  • […] I often get asked what my planning is like. As I have said in a couple of other posts, I eat based on macro nutrients and calories. I eat 20% fat, 40% carbohydrates and 40% protein. I […]

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