Pumpkin Chiffon Pie

Lately I’ve been really trying to make an effort with the kidlets. Now that it’s fall and the potential for even a slight downfall is around every corner, I tend to stay inside a lot more. Considering I live in a rain forest, this may seem like a surprise to you, but having lived here all my life has not made me “used” to the rain, it has made me cautious of it. I, of the large volume of frizzy, unmanageably curly and poofy hair, tend to enjoy looking out the window and sighing more so than actually strapping on the gumboots, rain coat, hat, waterproof pants, etc. Fot that is the bare minimum of clothing I would need to be out in the rain.

I hate being wet.

What can I say? I got it from my Mother. She likes to be warm and dry too. Probably the reason she moved to Mexico for the winters. Brilliant. I think I’ll be right behind her one of these years.

Lately though, as the rain has not showed up for it’s winter round the clock lashing, I’ve been taking the kids out every day. Tossing caution to the wind, I strap two sometimes screaming kids into the car, drive to whatever blissfully natural or otherwise intriguing site I can find, hop out, unstrap kids, strap one on to my chest and hold the others hand in a death grip as we meander about whatever it is we are looking at. Fun stuff. No really, it is totally worth the Herculean effort of dragging plural kids around.

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Warm Lentil Salad


Today, I was going to give you a little history behind me, Guilty Kitchen and the years leading up to my escapades in culinary extremism. You know, a sort of “here’s where I began” kind of post, with lots of pictures of me as a fat high schooler. Oh joy.

Instead, I am going to gush about something I just went out and spent too much money on.


I couldn’t help myself. Christmas now falls on October 18th, if you needed a reality check there. I unwrapped this beauty just this afternoon and here’s my first picture:


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Pumpkin Soup (Swp Pwmpen)


Pumpkins, witches, hay bales, tractor rides, harvest, autumn leaves, smoky wafts on the breeze, crisp cool air, scarves….comfort food.

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, you know how much I love autumn. I know I’m not the only one who revels in this most colourful of seasons, as I hear most people say that fall is their favourite too. I’m sure we all have our reasons, but most of us share a love of the common elements, listed above. Although I’m not that big on Hallowe’en, I do happen to love the season it falls in. Don’t you?

Which is why I created this recipe. Perfect fall fare and so easy to make, it practically cooks itself.

Which is a good thing, because I cannot concentrate for more than five minutes at a time right now. No I have not come down with a sudden case of ADHD. Rather my kids have all of my attention, even when I’m trying to give it to something else.

Whoever said two kids was not double the work, is a damn dirty liar, I tell ya.

Two kids two years apart means one wants me to play with him constantly/get him a snack/find his missing toys/kiss his boo boos/wipe his arse (excuse the crassness) and the other wants me to change her diaper/fill her belly with milk/burp her/flip her over after she gets stuck/rock her to sleep/entertain her all while I am also trying to do the laundry/write a blog post/cook a meal/iron/take photos/answer e-mail.

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Sweet Potato, Kale and Sausage

Today is Thanksgiving…well, maybe it was yesterday actually. Here in Canada, sometimes holidays fall on Sunday and then the following day is given as a statutory holiday, giving people a choice in which day they want to celebrate on.

We decided that the Monday would be our day of thanks.

Today I will be in the kitchen for a good portion of the day, mixing up cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie, frying up sausage for stuffing and chopping potatoes for mash. Busy busy busy little bee…

But a big problem that happens to all of us on Thanksgiving is leftovers. What to do with them?

I have a few ideas for turkey leftovers here on Guilty Kitchen, such as:

Need a more in depth discussion? Hear me discuss my leftover ideas with Gregor Craigie of CBC Radio One On The Island.

Today’s recipe is for a great side dish to accompany any Thanksgiving meal, as it seasonal and easy to prepare the day of.

So to all you out there, spending your day in the kitchen, (or to the Americans still planning their Thanksgiving meals), I raise my glass to you. I am thankful for all the readers out there who provide feedback and motivation for continuing this little food blog. It’s been a great year so far, and I have so many things to be thankful for, but I’m especially thankful for my family, who grew by one this year. So Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends, cheers!

So what’s your Thanksgiving tradition, is it a big turkey dinner? A walk in the park? Grandma’s secret pumpkin pie recipe?

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Pear and Blue Cheese Salad and a Winner!

Recently, we’ve been out here a lot. On our lake.

It’s been a hard year for me to even attempt to get out there, what with the littlest kiddo still attached to me by physical force. Also, she’s not quite big enough to be stuffed into a life jacket and tossed into a boat for a joy ride. I don’t think she would appreciate the beautiful scenery as much as the rest of us do.

So when the stars and planets align correctly, and she goes to sleep when there are people (ie. awesome grandparents) around to stay watch, we nip out of the house as fast as possible, launch our little boat (The Hum Dinghy) and head out on the still waters. It may be fall, and the leaves are a’changin’ but that’s when the trout bite the hardest.

I captain the boat, while the boys drop their lines in. And then we wait.

And wait.

And wait.

Sometimes we are so lucky as to actually catch some dinner….

Continue reading “Pear and Blue Cheese Salad and a Winner!” →

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