Simple Roasted Potatoes


Something we all strive for in life, but how does one achieve it?

One can downsize, simplify… all well and good, but what does that really do? Won’t you just get right back in to accumulating and complicating things?

I want life to be like it used to be, before everything got all complicated and adult.

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Layer Cake

Today is a very special day.

Three years ago today at 3:10am, in a dimly lit hospital room full of busy nurses, I had the most excruciatingly painful experience of my life. This was the day I had my first child, a son (who weighed almost 9lbs. I may add). It was the most crazy, beautiful, painful, life changing event of my entire experience here on this earth….and I can remember almost the entire day.

Today is my son’s third birthday and he has changed so much in those short three years.

It is absolutely astonishing what happens to these tiny blobs of DNA and plasma as they grow into tiny humans full of willpower, humour, sorrow, fun and joyfulness. I cannot explain to anyone who has no children what this is like, because it is like nothing you will have ever experienced save for those who have had a child. There are times of anger, of frustration, of sadness, of sympathy, joy and empathy, happiness and giddiness. There are crazy ups and downs, doubts and bouts of confidence. It is all muddled into this totally imperfect aspect of life we call parenthood.

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Whole Wheat Cheese Crackers

She has a cold.

I’m so very tired.

I baked a pie, made ravioli from scratch, baked a four layer cake, made fish tacos (tortillas from scratch) and hosted a little party all in three days.

I’m tired.

Oh…and I got a business license. Notice that logo up there…yup, I’m all legal now. Need photographic services in the Greater Victoria Area (shameless self-promotion!)? Check out my Facebook page (official website is still in progress).

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Fish Curry

So now that I’ve made my dream (nightmare?) of owning my own business a reality, I had to go out and celebrate by, what else, but taking pictures. We dragged the family out for an excursion to one of the more beautiful parts of Vancouver Island, Sidney. Sidney is a small, seaside community that also doubles as a port of entry to the American San Juan Islands. I’ve never been, but I’ve heard it’s gorgeous, just like here.

Like a lot of smaller communities in this area, it’s filled with old people. There, I said it. There’s a lot of ’em around here…

There are a fair amount of wonderful, retirement age people who make it their reality to live out their lives here on the Southern tip of Vancouver Island. It’s most likely the weather that brings them here, being so moderate all year round. There’s also the abundance of retirement villas, tourist industry and various other attractive bric-a-brac. What do I know about being retirement age? I just know this place rocks for more than weather.

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Banana Oatmeal Muffins

I took a plunge yesterday. A huge one. One I’ve talked about, yet feared, just about my whole adult life.

I applied for a business license, registered a business name and bought a domain name. My heart is pounding just typing that! I’m heading into the professional photographers domain and I don’t take the step lightly. I know that the market is oversaturated with photographers who picked up a DSLR and thought they were God’s gift to photography, but I think I have a certain style and knack that might just please a few people. At first I will just be doing family and friends, building a portfolio, but I do hope to get mentored by a few great photographers I know and soon enough I’ll be living the dream. The dream of having a job that really gets you excited and out of bed each morning (and pays at least a fair wage). You may all think food blogging is a lucrative job, and it is, but it pays more in connections and community then it does in cold hard cash.

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