I’ve worked hard for this blog. I’ve seen it grow for three years now. I went from all the time in the world, no job, taking care of a small town house and a small baby….to looking after 3/4 of an acre of yard and gardens, a three bedroom house, two crazy kids, two crazy dogs and two jobs that I manage from home. But I can’t let this blog die…I just can’t. Besides an utter feeling of failure I would be lost without it, really I would. I love this space, I love my readers, I love Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and all the things this blog has brought to me. Not to mention the free goodies.
So from now on, expect more posts, but expect them to be brief and maybe not so much time consuming photography. Don’t get me wrong, I will take dSLR pictures, but expect a lot of the bulk to be iPhone shots. I can barely sit at the computer for five minutes these days let along a couple of uninterrupted hours.
So let’s get on to this amazingly awesome recipe shall we?
If you work out hard, run, lift weights, bicycle, swim, power walk, or get sweaty in any number of ways, then you need protein to repair those muscles and build up new ones. Proteins carry vital amino acids unattainable from any other source and we need those amino acids for muscle growth and recovery. Here’s a quote from Muscleandstrength.com:
“Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and also muscle tissue. And they also play a major part in physiological processes relating to our energy, recovery, mood, brain function, muscle and strength gains, and also in our quest for fat loss.” Continue reading “Super High Protein Ice Cream” →

It feels like forever since I created a recipe for this blog, my baby.
Life has changed so drastically in the past six months that the landscape is like Mars. Nothing remains the same except for the kids, but they grow and change daily as well, so I guess they’re out too. My workouts are different, my marriage is different, we got a second dog, the garden is in and organized, my parents are back to visit from Mexico, so much change. But the biggest change of all was to my diet.
No longer could I look at food and see recipes as I did before. After two years of hardcore fitness and not seeing the results I wanted, I was at the end of my rope. I decided to do the drastic. I decided to cut out all the things I knew I shouldn’t be eating anyway. No more white bread (sourdough!), no more booze (the beer! the cocktails!), no more sugar (the candy!) and no more dairy (Greek yogurt!). I tried this for four weeks with some pretty good results. Then I changed my macronutrient profile to a 20/40/40 split. Which means I started tracking (using My NetProDiary for iPhone) all the macronutrients I consumed in a day. 20% fat, 40% carbohydrates and 40% protein.
Those last five pounds literally fell off my body. Continue reading “Clean Eating” →

There’s something about watching the creation of a new business. Maybe it’s because it’s a friend of mine, or maybe it’s because I love coffee, but watching the renovation, construction and overall building of the new 2% Jazz location (in the Hudson Building) has been nothing short of pure excitement. Having been through the same process before with Smoken Bones (conveniently, right around the corner on the other side of the building), I was well versed in the art of construction photography.
Continue reading “2% Jazz and 98% Funky Stuff” →

Those who know me, read this blog or follow me on Twitter might be aware that life has been throwing me a few curve balls in the past few months. I say I’ve been hitting them out of the ballpark. Life is too short to have sorrow (so says a great song by “Pretty Lights”…look it up) and I intend to make the most of every day from now until the ends of time. Though it is easy to say, it is a lot harder to actually put it into practice. Sometimes you feel like shit. Sometimes you wake up with a hang over. Sometimes your kids drive you so bat shit crazy all day that the minute your husband walks in the door you want to run for the nearest mental institution and commit yourself (if only for the free housekeeping and food). But there are moments we strive for, so we push past the ones that make us want to scream at the top of our lungs. We revel in the good moments. Here’s an example: Continue reading “Recovery/Breakfast Smoothie” →

If you read my last two posts, you’ll know that there has been a very important and life changing thing going on in my life at this time. It’s hard to string into words the emotions that have been swirling around this house for the past few months, but it is nearly impossible to convey. Suffice it to say, there have been many tears, arguments, tense moments, quiet thought, introspection, discussion, belly laughs with friends, changes in routine, diet, habits…there have been ups and downs and everything in between. But this family is stronger than ever now and we only have each other to thank.
It’s hard when you are used to telling the whole world what’s going in your life. When something comes up in that life that seems too important to share, too intimate to show to everyone and anyone, then everything comes to a stand still. What could I possibly say here that would not share our secrets, air our dirty laundry for all the people to see? I felt empty. I couldn’t sit at this keyboard and write anything, say anything without thinking I was saying too much. If I share our lives at this tender time, will it make things worse? Will it be therapy? Continue reading “Chocolate Chia Energy Balls” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.