I lot of people who follow me on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter see most of the things I eat in any given day. I tend to talk about that a lot, as 1. I’m obsessed with food and 2. I’m obsessed with the quality of food that goes into my body. Also I like to take pictures of food, but I think I’m one of about 11,897,456 people who do that…

But I often get asked what my planning is like. As I have said in a couple of other posts, I eat based on macro nutrients and calories. I eat 20% fat, 40% carbohydrates and 40% protein. I try to maintain about1900-2000 calories a day and I work out pretty much every day, though a rest day is in there once in a while. I prefer a working rest day. Continue reading “Meal Planning and Dorset Cereal Giveaway!” →

Remember these two little cherubs?
So I thought maybe I’d indulge everyone in their constant request for more recipe like it used to be! Like I’ve been saying in previous posts, it’s a lot harder for me in the last few months to get my poop in a group to actually design a recipe, test it, photograph it and write a post to go with it. Those two innocent little faces up there are mostly to blame, the time suckers that they are. But my other problem is posting recipes for meals that require no recipes! Continue reading “Spinach and Edamame Dip (Vegan and Gluten Free)” →

Okay, first things first. As everyone keeps asking me (because you obviously aren’t following me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram), here is my half sleeve. It is three-quarters of the way done and my (hopefully) last appointment is on June 21st. Very excited to see this baby done. I am so in love with the details and the shading and the colour and well, I love it. I can’t stop staring at my own arm. Is that weird? Well no one else can stop staring either and in fact, I sometimes feel like a pregnant women again. People stare, poke, prod and otherwise manhandle my arm to get the best view. So weird.
On a completely different note, I’d like to take a time every week to have a little question and answer period. I get a lot of tweets, posts, comments and emails with questions from you guys about all sorts of things about my life and what I have done to change it or how I handle it, so I’m going to take the time each week to answer those. They will be completely anonymous (unless you ask me to use your name) and none of your personal information will ever be given out .
Continue reading “Your Questions Answered – Volume I” →

Oh my god, I made a video.
And then I tried to edit it. That part where my kid walks by me and goes into the kitchen, where he proceeds to open the door to the yard and let both the dogs in…while I’m filming. Yeah, I had to figure out how to get that out of there. Then I tried to upload it.
Continue reading “Workout of the Day – June 7th, 2012” →

So many of you have been following this blog since the very beginning (or near to it) and have seen my life evolve over the years. Today marks another day in the journey I’ve been on towards better fitness and overall health. I’ll admit, what began as a way to shed the baby weight I’d gained with my second child, turned in to an all out life dedication to health and fitness. I would not go so far as to say I am obsessed, but I am, a little bit. I love being healthy. I love feeling strong. I can’t stress this statement enough: “Strong is the new skinny”. I just feel good. I love the way feeling strong makes you feel like you could take on any challenge the world throws at you. I have more than my fair share of confidence these days.
I LIVE health and fitness, I breathe it, I am it. I talk to people about it daily on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, in real life, at kindergym, to my friends and family (to their annoyance, I’m sure), anyone who will listen. I feel like I am changing lives. I know I’ve inspired people to get into health and really care about their bodies. It’s not about starving yourself, it’s about eating and moving our bodies. These two simple things are in everyone’s power to use. Anyone can do what I have done, you simply must make the time in your life. Care about yourself and your body, what goes into it and what power (or lack thereof ) comes from that. Continue reading “My P90X Before and Afters Plus “Supplements: What I Use”” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.