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Workout of the Day – June 7th, 2012

Oh my god, I made a video.

And then I tried to edit it. That part where my kid walks by me and goes into the kitchen, where he proceeds to open the door to the yard and let both the dogs in…while I’m filming. Yeah, I had to figure out how to get that out of there. Then I tried to upload it.

Let’s just say I finally figured it all out and I am posting it now. I swore I’d never do video, but you know what, I think I might like this.

How about live food demos? Outside running tips for us Pacific North Westerners? Tabata style HIIT workouts? Crossfit tips from my neighbour? Let me know what you want to see!

In the meantime, get out your workout shorts, shoes and heart monitors if you’ve got ’em and let’s get our sweat on!

Do this workout three rounds through for the best burn. Here is a text list of the moves:

15 hang squat cleans
15 mountain climbers
15 renegade rows
15 burpees


I’m heading over to Seattle today for BlogHer Food. Hopefully I’ll see you out there!