RANT WARNING! If you don’t want to read the rant, skip to the next section!
So it seems I have sparked some serious negative commentary about my “complete and utter obsession” with health and fitness. Some people think that what I say and do on my blog is what I spend ALL DAY doing. Well you would be completely wrong if you thought that.
I am a mother. First and foremost. I spend every minute of every day with my kids. I am a stay at home mom and I wouldn’t give that up for anything in this world. I would do anything for those little balls of freakish energy and they know it.
We all have struggles with balance. Well, my biggest struggle right now is figuring out a way to switch my blog from what it was to what it is. I have always been into health and fitness but I am more vocal about it now, yes. But I still wake up every day to my little squishy faced monkeys and I start my morning with their needs in mind. After a less then one hour workout, I literally spend the rest of the day with them. We go out, we have picnics, we go to the zoo or the water park, we have friends over, we play, I yell, there’s crying and dirt and poopy diapers. I love it and it drives me crazy. Continue reading “Paleo Trail Mix” →

So I’ve been getting a lot of flak lately for my frequent picture taking while sweating. What’s up with that?
I know I haven’t always been as obsessed with fitness and health as I have been in the past four months, but fitness and healthy foods have always had their home here at Guilty Kitchen. The whole reason I named my blog “Guilty Kitchen” was because I wanted so bad to eat healthy food and get my exercise every day. I struggled with that for a long time. Balance was an issue. I would eat healthy five days a week and binge on booze and indulgent food every weekend. I worked out every day for the past 8 years in one form or another (except when I was 9 months pregnant and resembled a hippopotamus). Continue reading “Quick Tuna Lettuce Cups” →

Whoa nelly.
Did I just shock you with my time travel back to the early years of this millenium? I did didn’t I? I blew your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind.
Well, I blow my own mind whenever I look at this picture. That. Is. ME. At 18 years old, posing for my wonderful graduation shot. I even got my hair did. You like it?
But let’s get down to the nitty gritty here. I weighed 185 lbs. in this shot. After my scoliosis surgery in 1997, I ballooned up to this weight because I no longer had to take phys ed (because I had a doctor’s note) and I gorged on junk food whenever possible. I had an unhealthy love affair with cheese sandwiches, chocolate milk, gummy candy, cheezies, slurpies, bagels with an inch of cream cheese smeared on them, egg sandwiches, margarine, and pop. Everything and anything that could be classified as a non food was my choice of “nourishment”.
Continue reading “Raw, Vegan and Gluten Free Cashew Dip” →

So, just a little note before I get to the recipe.
Three Years.
Yup, it’s my blogiversary. Did I bake a ridiculous cake? No.
Did I throw a blogger party and invite all my food blogger friends? No.
Did I instead make these cookie balls, completely forget about the anniversary date and go on like nothing happened until I went to write this post. Likely.
I am going to instead celebrate by getting in my car with my three besties (kid FREE!) and driving 700 miles to stay in the prairie sunshine while visiting one of the biggest rodeos on EARTH. Yes, I’ll be on the road this week my friends. Basking in the (supposed) sunshine, digging my heels into the dirt and whooping it up cowgirl style in Alberta. The Calgary Stampede prides itself on being the “Greatest Show on Earth” and I hope it comes through. I’ll be visiting some foodie friends along the way and if you want to follow along during my trip, keep up with my Facebook or Instagram page. I’ll be posting like crazy.
Before I leave, I’ll be mixing up a batch of these beauties for the road….
Continue reading “Chocolate Coconut Protein Cookie Balls (Paleo + Gluten Free)” →

What? What’s that you hear?
The sound of my crying in the last half hour of my very last tattoo session for my food/photography sleeve (or so I thought…)
The photo above is from Thursday evening, as I completed what I thought would be my very last session on this epic sleeve (you like the heirloom tomatoes??). At the end, my artist (Emily Shoichet) and I decided a little colour (almost the same as the shirt I’m wearing in the pic above) around the outer edges will do wonders for the overall look. Plus I want some Himalayan Pink salt all up in my salt grinder too, so one more session on July 15th! And then THAT IS IT! Continue reading “Tofu, Roasted Garlic and Preserved Lemon Dip (Vegan and Gluten Free)” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.