I woke up today feeling like myself for the first time in probably two weeks.
It’s been awful quiet around the blog…and here’s why. The above photo is our old house. A house we LOVED. A house with a huge open floor plan that allowed us to do crossfit in our living room. But we were renting it, and the owners decided they wanted it back. So we were forced to find something else, quickly (to avoid moving on January 1st…a nightmare in it’s own right). We searched and searched, desparate to find something in our neighbourhood so as to not lose the closeness we’d developed with our awesome Paleo/CrossFit obsessed neighbours, whom we love.
After many appointments at various houses (with varying levels of disappointment), we lucked upon a house not even a five minute walk from our old house. It’s practically on the same road. Unfortunately, it does not have an open floor plan, nor does it have high ceilings (you know, for those big kettle bell swings, thrusters and wall balls) and so it does not have a very functional workout space for someone who is 6’3″ (ahem…obviously not me…). Continue reading “Moving Sucks.” →

So much going on around here, I’m finding it very hard to get my writing mojo concentrated on GK. Harlow (our little pitty) is still sick, the lump won’t go away, and after another ultrasound this week, it looks like surgery is in the cards for her. Probably mid way through the month. There seems to be a foreign object lodged in her body that needs to come out ASAP. I have an inkling it is a piece of metal suture from her spaying. When we got her, she had been spayed in California by god knows who and it looked terrible. The rescue people who brought her to us were supposed to take her stitches out ASAP but it didn’t happen for whatever reason. Her sutures remained in for 21 days more than they were supposed to. By the time the rescue organization got around to it, they were so jammed in her flesh, they couldn’t get them out. I took her to a vet who removed what she could, but I think a piece got stuck in there…
So surgery it is.
Continue reading “Let’s Start Over” →

Some of you may know me in the flesh, some of you may not.
If you follow me in my personal life, you may have heard that our new dog, Harlow, the chocolate lab/pit bull cross that we rescued in May, had become suddenly and mysteriously ill. She’d come with some problems in her back hocks that we were told may be congenital arthritis, but then suddenly she had a swollen lump on her belly and it started getting bigger and streaked with red. An emergency visit to the vet told us that she needed a lot of different tests to figure out what was wrong with her. Continue reading “Paleo Pancakes” →

Totally going to toot my own horn and my husband’s here. But check out this deadlift! BOOYAH! Also, awesome shot Adrian! Thanks for catching this PR moment for me!
Okay, now on to the Paleo deliciousness!
This is a special post brought to you by moi, of course, and none other than the lovely Merrell Shoe and Clothing Company.
Guilty Kitchen partnered with Merrell, outdoor shoe and clothing brand, this month, to encourage communities to come together outside (where all the fun happens). Farmers markets and grape harvests are places in the Fall that bring families and friends together to celebrate a fine life outside. Together we share an original recipe, created specifically for Merrell, that uses a key ingredient you probably get a lot of at your local CSA and often don’t know how to use. Ever wonder what to do with all of that kale besides boring old kale chips?
Are you a member of a CSA or Community Supported Agriculture? CSAs are springing up all over North America as convenient ways to eat locally produced foods. Farmers produce a crop (be it vegetable, animal, fruit, fish or eggs) and people buy shares. The product is delivered to your door or picked up at farm stands in your neighbourhood. CSAs provide a great way for anyone and everyone to participate in supporting local farmers. The farmer is assured his crop will be sold, and you, the buyer get to enjoy fresh, local food at better then market value (most of the time).
Continue reading “Kale and Bison Roll Ups” →
I don’t like to toot my own horn.
So some of you may know that I am now officially a “writer”, though in my own mind, I’ve always been one. It’s nice to be validated by an actual in print magazine once in a while you know. Us old folks have a certain feeling about the paper copy vs. the digital. I’ve written for several online websites, but I always really wanted to see my work in print. I’ve been working for EAT Magazine now for about six months as a freelance photographer in print. It’s awesome.
But then I thought I should do more. I should write! So I offered my services to the editor as a writer as well, you know, I’m well rounded that way. And guess what? I got me a job….In the online edition. Ah well, works for me! Want to read my first pieces on a local brewpub’s gourmet dinner or our beautiful city’s first Meat Fest? Natch…check it out!
You can also see all my photos by reading the magazine online, if you love me that much. Or just stick around here… Continue reading “Paleo Zebra Cake with Caramel Frosting” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.