Moving Sucks.


I woke up today feeling like myself for the first time in probably two weeks.

It’s been awful quiet around the blog…and here’s why. The above photo is our old house. A house we LOVED. A house with a huge open floor plan that allowed us to do crossfit in our living room. But we were renting it, and the owners decided they wanted it back. So we were forced to find something else, quickly (to avoid moving on January 1st…a nightmare in it’s own right). We searched and searched, desparate to find something in our neighbourhood so as to not lose the closeness we’d developed with our awesome Paleo/CrossFit obsessed neighbours, whom we love.

After many appointments at various houses (with varying levels of disappointment), we lucked upon a house not even a five minute walk from our old house. It’s practically on the same road. Unfortunately, it does not have an open floor plan, nor does it have high ceilings (you know, for those big kettle bell swings, thrusters and wall balls) and so it does not have a very functional workout space for someone who is 6’3″ (ahem…obviously not me…). 

BUT, it was in our desired neighbourhood, and though it is a little above what we wanted to spend, we took it. That’s how much we love this neighbourhood.

Here’s a quick shot of the living room. It was built in 1941 and has been completely renovated. We love it more each day…


And here’s why I haven’t posted after the move:

The sickness. First it was the boy (before we moved), and then not two days after we moved in, both Adrian and I were struck. And now today, the littlest one has gotten it too. Passed out on the rug…

So there you go. With packing, moving, cleaning house, moving chickens and coops and dogs, and kids and toys and well, you know. It took us down to our lowest, and then to be struck by a horrendous stomach bug….well, we were distraught. When I can’t stand to look at bacon, there is something WRONG.

So when I noticed this morning that I had not posted since November 5th, I felt panicked. I hate to leave my readers in the lurch. I’m sure you all want recipes, adventure and story telling. I will be back at it as soon as I can, because this house has one thing I’ve never had the pleasure of having: a sun soaked studio just for ME. All my props have a home, I have beautiful sunlight and I have renewed fervor! I can’t wait to get back into it.

For now I just wanted to discuss something I know is a bone of contention to many Paleo eaters. Dairy.

Do you eat it? Do you not? Why?
Have you found a good source of pastured dairy in your area? 

I have recently stopped eating dairy (after going totally mental over it for a while), because I have a feeling it makes my skin break out. Although I don’t know if this is a good enough reason to make me stop having cream in my coffee entirely ( I LOVE cream). Let me know what you have found out!

9 comments to Moving Sucks.

  • Adrian

    Welcome back Elizabeth! I can’t wait to hit WODs and paleo noms in our new home!

  • have you tried the coconut milk creamer – it’s really good. After hearing a LOT of ranting over dairy and how it can cause your skin to break out, lead to weight gain and in general cause the world to fall into an Apocalypse, I decided to go without for a while – it made zero ZERO difference in how I felt or looked. Given that everyone is different I don’t say that to deter you, just my personal experience. I don’t know why at 35 I’m suddenly breaking out, and after over a year of very clean eating it hasn’t changed much – my doctor thinks I have a type of Rosacea and there isn’t much you can do for that. Try it and see, I think with food there are certain things that are clear cut for us all and certain things you jut have to experiment with.

  • Giordana

    I will never give up dairy, and thankfully haven’t had any extreme adverse reactions to it. My favourite part of my day is my coffee with cream, and cheese is just too good for words. Homemade ice cream? Come on. It’s cool with me if anyone else doesn’t want it, but I have no good reason to stop myself, and grilled cheese is just too amazing.

  • The house looks lovely! Looking forward to seeing it and I’m ever so glad you’re back at the blogging. I know I’m down to once a month and that’s enough for me but I miss what you have to say. Hope all will settle into a nice routine very soon. Doing the best we can with no equipment and limited space but we are already noticing a difference from the work outs and diet. Thanks for showing us the way!! Dad LOVES eating bacon every day.

  • I love dairy, my husband is somewhat sensitive to lactose. We used to have a source of raw milk but we moved (yes moving is stressful!). Now I buy organic non-homogenized (if I can find it), but often I can only find non-homo whole milk or homo organic milk. It’s a struggle… I wish we could find another source of raw milk… We also drink coconut milk. Hope you feel better soon 🙂
    Josee recently posted..Dawn on the Feast of St. NicholasMy Profile

  • Moving really sucks but at least you have a nice living room and a studio just for yourself plus the sunshine. Dairy? I love dairies though I can drink my coffee without cream. Can you really avoid dairies? Don’t you use it for cooking and baking?

    • Elizabeth

      I have tried many times to give up dairy for one reason or another. So far I have yet to be able to do it for longer then a few days. It’s my weakness!

  • Brittany

    I noticed that when eating Greek yogurt each morning, the next morning I woke up with extremely swollen top eye lids. My doctor put me on expensive eye drops, which she said did reduce inflammation inside my eye lids, but the swelling did not reduce so I quit the drops and the yogurt at the advice of a homeopathy expert who asked me about my dairy intake, which was 90% yogurt. She said dairy is a major source of inflammation in the body and for me it was showing up in my eyes. The worst of the swelling immediately subsided. I do still have some eye lid swelling, but I also eat dairy products–namely cheese!– outside the home. I buy no dairy save butter for my home, which I use sparingly. I rarely miss dairy the six nights a week I eat at home. I use SO brand coconut creamer in my teas and it is awesome!

  • […] year ago: Moving Sucks Two years ago: Liege Waffles Three years ago: Slow Roasted Pork Belly with Black Eyed Peas Four […]

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