Paleo Pancakes


Some of you may know me in the flesh, some of you may not.

If you follow me in my personal life, you may have heard that our new dog, Harlow, the chocolate lab/pit bull cross that we rescued in May, had become suddenly and mysteriously ill. She’d come with some problems in her back hocks that we were told may be congenital arthritis, but then suddenly she had a swollen lump on her belly and it started getting bigger and streaked with red. An emergency visit to the vet told us that she needed a lot of different tests to figure out what was wrong with her. 

Contrary to popular belief, blogging is not a huge money maker. Yes, I write and photograph for a local magazine as well, but that magazine is a free mag and also does not pay huge bucks. We are a single income family mostly, with a little bit extra coming from me every now and then…Randomly huge vet bills are not factored into our monthly budget (which is tight). We were faced with some seriously hard decisions.

Harlow is under two years old, is a most fantastic specimen of “man’s best friend” and I had become very attached to her, as had the kiddos. The initial diagnosis was that she may have been bitten by a tick at some point and was now suffering some sort of inflammation in her body. Only further testing would better our understanding of her condition. The swelling in her hocks might be a factor and she would require tapping and analysis of the fluid. This required anesthetization, shaving, etc. For all the procedures the vet wanted to do, the bill was around $1500. I don’t know about everybody else, but we live on a fine line of expenses vs. income. We’re also a butt load in the hole with little to no credit left. Paying this bill might have pushed us right over the edge…

So we left the vet with the minimum we could afford that would help her. A week’s worth of antibiotics and some anti-tick medication. I immediately went onto Facebook and put out a heartfelt plea to my friends and family: help us save this dog. If the medications didn’t work, Harlow would have to be put out to foster families who could afford to help her and she would no longer be ours…there was just no way she was going to be put down. Too many people see the good in this little face.

There’s nothing like having to ask your friends and family for money to bring you down to earth. I try not to ask for help at all unless it’s life and death, and you know, this was that situation you always think will never come.

Our friends and family and people I’ve never even met came through in ridiculous time. Our plea was answered and the vet bills were paid. We’ve been able to see some improvement in Harlow’s abdomen and she seems to be getting better. We hope that further testing won’t be necessary, as we didn’t raise nearly enough for that, but she seems to be out of the danger zone for now.

I sincerely want to thank every single person who gave us support either financially or emotionally. Every single comment and dollar is appreciated beyond words, I am just so thankful for all of you out there. My kids say thank you for their “best friend” and that she lives to chase another ball. So thank you thank you thank you.

Oh yeah and I made these awesome pancakes too. These are pretty much what the kids eat every single day for breakfast. We actually had to get four more chickens to keep up with our egg consumption, but they are falling behind. So despite the fact that we now have 11 chickens, we still have to buy a dozen or two eggs a week!

In any case, eat up people and thank every day that you are here and that you have awesome friends, family and Twitter strangers to keep you going!


One year ago: Kwagala Project – Beans and Posho

Two years ago: Warm Lentil Salad

Three years ago: Caramel Apple Cream Cheese Tart

Paleo Pancakes

Rating: 51

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 15 minutes

Total Time: 30 minutes

Yield: 8 pancakes


  • 1/4 cup nut butter (pecan, hazelnut, roasted almond, doesn't matter)
  • 1/3 cup unsweetened apple sauce
  • 3 pastured eggs
  • 3 tbsp liquid (I've used coconut milk, water, whey drained from yogurt, whatever...)
  • 2 tsp pure unsweetened vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 3 tbsp dark chocolate mini chips (I use Enjoy Life), optional
  • 4 tsp golden flax meal, optional
  • 1 tbsp hemp hearts, optional
  • 3 tbsp coconut flour (use one extra tbsp if you don't use the flax or hemp)
  • ghee or clarified butter for cooking


  1. Mix the nut butter and apple sauce in a bowl until a smooth consistency is achieved.
  2. Mix in the eggs one at a time. Add in remaining ingredients as listed.
  3. Heat a non stick frying pan on medium heat. When preheated, add in a tsp or two of the ghee and let that get hot.
  4. Spoon out a couple of tablespoons of batter at a time into round pancake shapes (or squares, Mickey Mouse, whatever).
  5. Let the pancakes cook for 1-2 minutes, then flip and repeat.
  6. Remove from pan and serve however you want!

Also check out ridiculously cute Chef Katelyn for more great Paleo Pancake ideas! Who doesn’t love a pancake pre WOD?!


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