Grilling the Perfect Steak

Spring has sprung my friends!

Today is more of a lesson in the fine art of grilling meat than it is a recipe, so no long lists of ingredients will haunt you this fine afternoon.

One of the most popular questions I get asked by friends, family and readers alike is “how do you tell when meat is cooked?” This is a loaded question. Everyone likes it differently and everyone you ask this humble question to will probably have thier own answer. Here’s mine:


The actual testing of doneness is crucial, yes, but there are other steps of equal important. Let’s take a look, shall we:

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Pan Fried Pork Chops with Apple Compote and Apple, Cheddar and Rosemary Biscuits

Pork Chops, Apple Compote and Apple, Cheddar Biscuits with  Rosemary

Here we are in one of my most favourite parts of the year, the beginning of spring. In fact, Autumn and Spring are my favourite seasons. I mean, yes summer is all hot and sunny and has an abundance of fruits and vegetables, but spring is where it all begins and autumn is where we say goodbye. I like the beginning and the end better than the middle, for the middle is so long that you get used to being in it, but spring is fleeting and autumn turns to rain and snow before you know what hit you. But it is not “officially” spring yet. We are straddling that line between seasons at the moment really. Here in Victoria, BC, spring comes a little early, but there is still time to be waited out before it will be here.

I have my seedlings sprouting on my kitchen counter, waiting for that last frosty morning to rear it’s ugly head. Gardening is in my future, and I will be posting about it soon! Food wise, things are starting to happen though. I see California Asparagus and Artichokes in the grocery store, two of my favourite spring veggies. Artichokes grown in BC tend to mature in mid summer, but California gets all the fun. California artichokes peak in March and asparagus is a spring vegetable as well, though somehow it is more known in summer. Probably because it is readily available and cheap during those hot summer months.

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Lunch with a Blogger

Brunch at Alibi Room, Gastown Vancouver BC

It’s not often I get to go out for breakfast/lunch/dinner/drinks/appetizers/well, you get the picture. Living out in the sticks and having a toddler, severly restricts the places I can go to eat. No longer can I stroll into my favourite neighbourhood pub and expect a wonderful seat by the bar, no. I can expect to be turned away upon entering, as I have a child in tow. It boggles my mind why children aren’t allowed in pubs, although I can see some customers would not appreciate the loud squaks of a rambunctious 2 year old as they crawl under his table for the upteenth time. I am jealous of Europe, where anyone under the age of 14 need only have a parent or guardian with them to enter any establishment.

For me this has meant the reduction of time spent in fine dining establishments, or at the very least, a doubling in the cost of a night out with babysitter factored in. For the most part we stay home now and I cook what I deem to be “restaurant” worthy food. Works for me and especially, for our budget.

On a recent trip to Vancouver (if you missed it, see this post), I got the delightful and rare opportunity to go out for food. Not only were we going somewhere I had never been, but we were being taken there by an absolute Vancouver food/beverage specialis, Melody Fury of Gourmet Fury.This girl knows what she’s doing and I gave her all my trust, well, I handed the checklist over to my somewhat beverage finicky husband and let him decide the stats of our would be destination. After a brief chat with Mel about what would be more appropriate (great food vs. great beer selection), we were whisked off to the nether regions of Gastown to a delightful little hole in the wall, Alibi Room.

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Shrimp Stuffed Sole

Shrimp Stuffed Sole Fillets

I know a secret, do you?

How about “The Secret”? I haven’t read it, but a have taken a  glance through it’s pages while standing in a very busy book section at Costco, chewing on a delightfully free sample of Iso Protein bars. I get the gist. A riff on the “Field of Dreams” in my opinion. Though replace “build” with “visualize” and “he” with “it” or whatever noun fits best for your situation.

So here I sit, stuffing my face with freshly baked Brown Butter Blueberry Muffins, whilst a visualize only good things to come in my future. My garden will be brimming with gorgeous greenery in a matter of weeks. The seedlings are just below the surface of the dirt, set upon my countertop, awaiting transplantation when they are big enough to stand it. The deer, rabbits and raccoons will not eat them. I will remember to close the gate.

My house is a sanctuary, as I’ve cleaned and reorganized as much as I can. Incense has been lit, windows have been opened to the sing songy birds and fresh spring air outside. A new bed is coming soon for the little man so as to free up the crib for the new arrival.

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Red Thai Curry

Red  Thai Curry

I’m still not much for words right now, so I will leave you with a dish that I consider “ultimate” comfort food.

To me, comfort food fits into two main categories, pub food like wings, burgers and fries and one dish meals, easily made at home. This is an at home variety. It can be made in no more than two pots or pans and is eaten out of one bowl or plate. There’s no complicated techniques and all of the ingredients are easy to find.

When I’m not feeling on top of the world, this is the food I turn to. I admit it, I eat for emotional reasons. There’s a reason this site is called “Guilty Kitchen” you know.

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