Skirt steak, sometimes confused with hanger steak and flank steak.
Let’s clarify, shall we? Skirt, flank and hanger all come from the same general area of the cow, the lower rib region. There are four main cuts that come from this area: Brisket, skirt, flank and hanger (there is also the short ribs cut from here too), although good luck finding a hanger steak at most retail outlets as it is not a popular cut and is often ground up for hamburger meat.
The skirt steak is cut from the diaphragm, and includes the inside and outside skirt. The inside skirt is what you will find in the grocery store. Although you could use flank steak in place of skirt in most recipes, I prefer the skirt steak for it’s thinness, texture and excellent flavour.
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I haven’t been keeping up on my cooking these days. Well, let’s not say that. I have been cooking every night, as usual, but these days, I am sticking to old standbys and cheaper meals. It could be the weather outside has me spending more time in the garden, or on the deck with the kiddies, or it could have more to do with this writhing alien in my belly.

One forgets how time consuming simple tasks become when you can’t stand up for more than 30 minutes without having your feet ache, your back be on fire and your head feel light. That’s when I tend to stop what I’m doing, head out to the deck, slump myself into lounging deck chairs and wait it out.
Continue reading “Baked Oysters and Busy Days” →

Another spring-tastic recipe for you to revel in.
We started a garden this year, again. Being in a new house, a rental at that, can seem daunting to beginners like us. There was a huge garden out back, but it had been sorely neglected for some time. Covered in random patches of stinging nettles, lemon balm, wild raspberry canes, rhubarb and surrounded by a large vine of unknown grapes (four varieties to be exact). Seemed like the perfect place to get a taste of starting from scratch.
Continue reading “Strawberry Rhubarb Pie” →

I know that Easter was, well, a while ago, but I don’t usually have an “Easter” dinner. In fact, on Easter Sunday, I took in a rather delicious dinner out with my mother and father in law, and of course my two lovely boys (that’s my husband and son). It was fun to be out for dinner at a restaurant I used to go to when I was single, one that is still standing mind you! A feat, in Victoria, that is not to be considered small. So, because of this fine fact, I found myself without any leftovers to make one of my favourite childhood dishes. Pot Pie. Lucky for me the grocery stores here and everywhere, I’m sure, buy much too many turkeys for every holiday and always have great sales on in the following days. We bought ourselves a nice, fresh 8 lb. young turkey and set to work.
Continue reading “Turkey (or Chicken) Pot Pie” →

I know you are tired of hearing about spring aren’t you? Well, too bad. I love spring. For so many reasons, it is my favourite of seasons. Not least of which is that my birthday is celebrated during those short months of coming warm weather. Truly, my favourite part is the return of fresh, local produce to within reach of my desperate overwintered hands.
But let’s get to the question posed above. Is it flatbread, or is it pizza? Well, the answer is complicated, because it is both. It seems that the term “flatbread” is used in just about every country on the face of this blue and green orb. In some countries it is baked on the side of giant wood burning ovens kept outside and may provide the main meal of the day, in others it is simply baked in the home oven and eaten as a side. Most “flatbreads’ are unleavened although this one does contain yeast, as it is whole wheat and needs that helping hand. From tortillas, chapatis, bannocks and dosa, to lavash, naan, pita and roti, a flatbread is just that…Flat. Bread.
Continue reading “Is it Pizza or Flatbread?” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.