Living in the Pacific Northwest has it’s ups and downs. Mostly the ups have to do with the beautiful terrain and the amazing food available to us from spring through fall. Some of the very best of our sustainable food comes from the waters that surround my Island, Vancouver Island. Growing up the daughter of a salmon fishing guide (my amazing mother), I got to sample every, single available species of salmon in our waters, and there are many: Chinook (aka spring or king), chum, sockeye, coho and pink and the ever elusive Tyee (a chinook weighing 30lbs or more). I’ve tried them every which way you can prepare them, smoked, raw, filleted, in steaks, in salad, canned, fresh, frozen, tea-brined, etc.
Me likey salmon. Continue reading “Whole Barbecued Salmon” →

This post has been coming for a long time. If you’ve been reading Guilty Kitchen for more than a couple days, you’d know I’ve gone through just about every “lifestyle” diet there is, from Atkins to Vegan, to Paleo and back again. You’d also know I’ve been anorexic, overweight and everything in between. But if you follow my social media, you may have noticed lately, that I’ve been breaking up with paleo.
About two years ago, I started the Paleo Diet, which fuelled my rise into the world of being a multi-published cookbook author, but it also coincided with my first foray into CrossFit, weightlifting and worlds of fitness and strength I had never even heard of. I thrived on it for the first few months. My constant dieting and Beachbody cardio had brought my 5’4″ frame down to a measly 115lbs, but after 2 months on the paleo diet, I was back up to 130lbs. Most of that was not muscle, even though I was doing CrossFit 6 days a week, I still put on mostly fat (though I did gain some serious muscle too). Continue reading “Breaking Up with Paleo” →
Hello my very favourite readers. Last week I held a very informal poll on my Facebook Page asking my readers what kind of recipe they’d like to see next. The overwhelming answers were “healthy snacks” and “fitness and health informational posts”. So today I give you Peanut Butter Apple Oat Bars, a perfect little transportable snack that is very easy to make, inexpensive and perfect for before or after the gym, or even if you just can’t make it one more minute without sustenance. These bars are moderate carb/high protein and very low fat. Now, I’d like to take a minute and talk about those macronutrients. As someone, in the always friendly world of online commenting, tried to point out that high carb/low fat automatically means that it is unhealthy because, let’s face it, that is what the dreaded food pyramid has been pushing on us for years and is mostly to blame for the obesity epidemic (or so they say). That being said, I’d like to point out that anyone who performs any kind of intense physical activity NEEDS carbs for fuel, as does our brain. Brains running on fat are logey and slow, as our brains preferred energy source is and always will be glucose…as in, carbohydrates. Before, during and after an intense lifting session (and/or especially long endurance sessions), ones body is in need of carbohydrates to replenish their glycogen stores (the energy our muscles utilize for fuel). Continue reading “Peanut Butter Apple Oat Bars” →

Timing your nutrition is the holy grail of performance, maximum muscle building and proper recovery (some people will tell you it’s also good for body composition, but that’s debatable). A lot of people are confused (rightly so) when it comes to putting this knowledge to work, though.
So how do you eat to optimize performance, muscle growth and recovery while also keeping body composition in check? Well, if really depends on who you ask, but taking a page from my own personal experience and those of the people I look up to (Layne Norton, Lyle McDonald, Krissy Mae Cagney, etc.) there is really only one way to do it properly. Continue reading “Nutrient Timing” →

This is it you guys! The final day! 11 Days of Giveaways – Day 11! And it’s a BIGGIE. Many of the prizes are things I have or would like to have, but this one right here…I covet. Seriously. You’ve seen my ice cream posts but you have not seen my ice cream maker…it’s a little old, a little slow, a little small and if you put too much in, well, it’s a soft serve ice cream fountain.
But this baby, this baby is THE BEST ice cream maker around. The KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Attachment (MSRP $149.99) produces up to 2.0 quarts of soft-consistency ice cream and other frozen desserts, fits all Stand Mixers except KSM6573C and KSM7 models, has several recipes included with the attachment and features a little quirky bit called the dasher, that rotates inside the freeze bowl to spread, scrape and mix the batter. Unlike mine, that leaves a rock hard layer of my ice cream on the sides of the bowl… Continue reading “11 Days of Giveaways – Day 11” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.