This is a repost of a recipe I did last year in the middle of winter using frozen berries. I am reposting this recipe for two reasons:
1. Blueberries are a dime a dozen right now and they are fabulous! Go buy a flat and make this recipe right now! It’s super healthy, delicious and takes all of 30 minutes to make.
2. I want to win $1000. So sue me. I have two kids and a one income household. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do right?
Continue reading “Repost – Baked Salmon with Blueberry Sauce” →

Do I look frazzled? Hair a mess? No makeup (gasp!)?
Yeah, that’s a pretty good summation of the previous eight weeks. Turmoil, tears, triumph. We will overcome this period of our lives and one day we will look back on them with a selective blur and remember only those times that shine with happiness and laughter. But for now….it’s hard.
I can’t say I really believe in the umbrella term of “colic”, but this child falls under the official definition. In my opinion, and that of others with more initials after their names, most colicky babies are just underdeveloped in the area of digestion. I can’t say I help her any with my ingestion of anything and everything with no bias. What I eat, she eats and I will not give anything up. Well, okay…I gave up raw garlic (sob!) but only because the mister made me. I don’t think it’s made a difference though…
Each and every night from about the time I start on the task of making dinner, she is awake and she is not happy. She cries, and it is loud. It’s not that gentle newborn cry, it’s an eardrum grating rasp and I think I may have incurred hearing damage from it. We do what we can to comfort her with different holding strategies, bouncing, jiggling, cooing, distraction, diaper changes, swaddles, bicycle legs, etc. but she just keeps on going.
Continue reading “Hanger Steak Sandwich” →

Summer to me is lazy days, hot temperatures, fans blowing the hot air around and walks to the lake with my boys (and new girl) to go fishing for perch and small mouth bass. Sometimes we are even graced by the presence of a delicious rainbow trout, but mostly,with this heat, they stay away. It amazes me every night we go how my little boy has grown. How can such a small person cast a rod and reel it in all by himself at only two and a half? My how they do grow so fast.
I can’t wait for all the times we are going to go camping and swimming and hiking together, just as soon as the newest little one is old enough to appreciate it. Right now she is all diaper changes, nursing, crying, sleeping and gurgling. A little too things to appreciate the finer things in life.
Continue reading “Stuffed Pork Loin” →

I’ve been thinking. Yes, sometimes I do get a moment of mental clarity to actually sort our my thoughts. Usually is occurs around the time I am closing my eyes to go to sleep, mind still racing, small chubby cheek pressed up against my breast, a tangle of arms and legs below the blanket and not a pen or pad of paper anywhere in reach. These are the times I treasure though, when I can just think.
Sometimes it’s about the past and things I’ve done, and thinking of ways I might have been able to do them differently and wondering what the outcome would have been. But mostly I think about the future and what I’m going to do. About the dream we have to buy a boat, and travel down the west cost with our growing family until we hit the Panama Canal, eating our way through different cultures and writing about it. Then turning tail and heading up the East Coast to do the same thing there, stopping in the Caribbean for awhile and seeing where the tide takes us. Since our plan is to homeschool our children, the learning potentials are awesome and I can’t imagine what the experience would be like for them.
Continue reading “Quick Quinoa Salad” →

Well, it’s Friday and that means a winner has been chosen. Are you excited yet? On the edge of your seat?? I AM! Who wouldn’t want these books???!
** Side note: I am not affiliated with the authors or publishers of these books, nor am I associated with Amazon. All prizes are furnished by me personally.
Continue reading “Pulled Lamb Sandwich” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.