Let’s talk chili.
I know what you’re thinking. “It’s still summer!” “I’m too hot to eat chili!” blah blah blah…
I don’t feel sorry for you, because you probably live in some subtropical climate that’s alive with sweltering heat all summer long. The weather ’round here, on the other hand, consists of about three weeks of “heat” and then kaputz-ville. Summer’s GONZO.
I enjoyed it while I could. I sported shorts, and skirts, and dresses with leggings (cause you know, I still get the goosebumps when it’s 25°C out) and all number of skimpy frocks. But now I’ve already dug out the boots, the scarves, the sweaters. I may be too hot some days, but other days, I win. It’s a weird transitional thing that happens around here. Summer tries to hang on…but in the end, it’s too friggin’ cold for me about 95% of the time. Continue reading “Primal Chili” →

Once in a while, a truly great thing comes along that cannot be overlooked.
Sometimes it’s a piece of wonderful art that you cannot take your eyes off, or a fabulous pair of heels that you may never wear, but will also never regret buying. Maybe it’s a lucky lottery ticket that pays for your next vacay to a tropical paradise, or simply a wedge of the creamiest, dreamiest cheese ever imagined by man. Yeah, most of my “great things’ are somehow food related (natch). So it was with utter glee and jubilation that I was asked to cover the introduction to one of the most anticipated (by me and many other omnivores) events of Victoria’s many food parties: Brewery & The Beast or as the Twitter hashtag explains #meatfestyyj. Continue reading “Brewery & The Beast” →

We’ve all been there.
It’s the middle of summer and all of a sudden, everything is ready. All at once every single plant in your garden and tree in your yard is brimming with an overabundance of produce. Too many carrots, lettuce spilling out into the pathways, trees dropping fruit all over the place and attracting wasps and always, always too much zucchini.
Continue reading “Zucchini Noodle Salad” →

Being that this blog is still called “Guilty Kitchen”, there is, and always will be, an undying need for guilt ridden foods. If there’s one thing people are always asking me for, it’s desserts. Summer time screams for desserts filled with plump and juicy berries or sweet stone fruit picked fresh from the tree. Lucky for me I live in the land of all of these glorious fruits. Just down the street from me is a mecca of blackberries. Not kidding. I picked eight pounds in less than an hour. I die.
Living a Paleo life has proven to be one of the best things I’ve ever done for my body. Not only do I feel better and look better every day, but the food I get to play with is out of this world delicious and it’s like having a whole new set of toys to play with. I have a whole new perspective on food and what I cook, so naturally my recipes are changing and evolving. I look forward the most to updating past recipes into Paleo goodies, I think there are a few that may not work, but for the most part, this blog is about to become almost all encompassing. Continue reading “Paleo Fruit Crisp” →

Summer time. Finally.
For two years now the weather gods have decided to overlook our little island and instead bless their good fortune on other locations. We’ve had exactly six hot days and by hot I mean over 20°C. Which isn’t saying much.
That said, I’m not one for super hot weather either. I feel like I can’t move, can’t get my normal activities out of the way. The heat stifles me, I can’t breathe, sleep or eat properly. I hate it. I like a nice mild heat, maybe it’s my ginger-ness. Us gingies have to stay away from the hot sun you know, or face the equivalent of a cute little Mogwai being fed after midnight (if you get that reference you are of appropriate age to read this blog).
But my kids looooove the sun. They strip off every last piece of clothing and spend as much time bathing in it as possible. I apply 2mm thick swaths of 350 SPF sunblock on them and release them into the wilds of our gigantic backyard. As long as the kiddie pool is full of fresh water, the dogs are roaming freely and the sun is shining…these kids live outside. The boy thinks it’s his personal bathroom too, but that’s a whole ‘nother beast right there. Continue reading “Better Than Lara Bars” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.