For the longest time I wanted to be smaller. To shrink. To be thin.
I grew up thinking that slim is beautiful, skinny arms and legs, a tiny waist, being able to slip into a size 2 little black dress and have it hang in just the right way. The signs were all around me. “Nutritional shakes” and programs were all the rage when I was growing up, people were running left right and center with their sweat bands on. People were “getting physical”, going to step class, buying thigh masters and treadmills.
I didn’t get it, I just knew that being thin was what women were “supposed” to be. But I didn’t get thin….I got fat. From about age 13 to age 18, I piled on the pounds. I went from slightly chubby to full out overweight. I was 5’4″ and 185lbs in my final year of high school. I was depressed, upset with myself and unable to control my emotional eating habits. I ate for pleasure, when I was bored, when I was sad or happy and anytime in between. Food was my comfort. Continue reading “What’s Beautiful?” →
I haven’t done this in a while, so it’s not quite Wordless, but I’m going to be doing this every Wednesday. Be it an iPhone shot or a full on edited DSLR, it will make an appearance here.
I got a lot of comments on this yesterday and thought I would repost it here:

This is4-5 days of Paleo groceries. It cost $270. About 90% is either organic, local or both. Anyone who says eating this way can be cheap is dreaming. Especially if there is any kind of fitness or strength training going on. The kind of calories burned in a CrossFit workout requires serious refueling. It’s hard work to keep our bodies fueled with the best, but we’ll keep trucking along under the notion that paying astronomical prices now will save us from future suffering and pain.

Autumn is a time of crisp, cool mornings. The sound of leaves crunching under your feet and the smell of wood smoke hanging in the air like the last drops of dew on a spider’s web. It’s a time of year we tend to overlook those simple things in life, but the transition from hot and lazy summer days to the cooler months of fall are something I take in with gusto every year. I am totally one of “those” people. I relish the fall, the colours, the scarves, the boots, the kids returning to school…oh wait. Continue reading “Paleo Pear Tart” →

With the hectic lifestyle of living with two young children, two rambunctious dogs, a full time working husband and all of the activities life invariably throws at a family, having a routine in the morning is something I hold dearly to.
My routine is something that keeps me calm, sane and organized when I get up to the screaming of the little ones at ungodly hours of the morning. The first thing I do after rolling out of bed is stumble upstairs to my kitchen where I immediately grab the kettle, fill it up and set it to high. I clean out my Bodum, grind fresh beans and measure them with careful precision. I wait for the steam (no whistling please), and then wait a minute after it boils. I pour it over the beans and let it sit for three minutes. I stir it, pop on the lid and wait another three minutes, I get my cups out, the cream and sweetener if we are using it. I pour the coffee, I sip it, I savour it. It’s ready, which means, I’m ready, Ready for what the day has to throw at me, and I can take it all on.
Continue reading “Bodum Giveaway!” →

This is what most people think when they think about the Paleo “diet” (though, I like to call it a lifestyle as diet implies that you are depriving yourself or trying to lose weight). Meat, bacon, fat, etc. And they wouldn’t be too far off, though Paleo represents a lot more than just eating meat. After delving into the lifestyle these past few months, I’ve come to realize there are a lot of different kinds of people doing it and they all have their own “versions” and rules. Continue reading “Coconut Pancakes” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.