Creamy Chicken Winter Squash “Linguine”

Creamy Chicken Winter Squash Linguine
Here is Recipe #2 in the Thai Kitchen Canada Lucky Recipe Challenge! If you missed yesterday’s post, don’t forget to check it out. The rules are simple: live blog on Instagram as I create seven dishes over seven days using Thai Kitchen products in Global Mash-Ups that challenge my creative thinking. At the end of the seven days, readers will have the opportunity to vote on all the dishes and then finalists will be chosen for another round of voting. All voters will be eligible for the Awesome $5,000 in prizes available! So let’s get to the recipe!

This Creamy Chicken Winter Squash Linguine has been one of my favourite recipes to make this winter. I love winter squash in every form but I usually only make it in a few particular ways: roasted with onions and tallow, thrown in chili or brushed with maple syrup, butter and cinnamon and baked on it’s own. Here, the thick and creamy squash mixes with the subtle hint of umami from the fish sauce and even more creaminess from the coconut milk. Tossed together with the rice noodles and topped with a quick and simple baked chicken breast, this is a perfect weeknight meal.

This recipe made me curious as to what else I could make with pureed squash. So many uses in sauces! You can use it as a thickener, on it’s own as a soup, as an accent in cream-based sauces or even just as an interesting sauce all on it’s own. Who knew squash could be so interesting?

Creamy Chicken Winter Squash LinguineOne year ago: Paleo Chocolate Coconut and Lime Pie
Two years ago: Roasted Cauliflower Salad
Three years ago: Baked Brie
Four years ago: Chicken and Barley Soup

Creamy Chicken and Winter Squash "Linguine"

Rating: 41

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 40 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes

Yield: 2-3 Servings

Deliciously easy Global Mashup of Asian flavours and delightful Winter favourites. Try this simple dish next time you need to impress on a tight budget and a short time frame.



  1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Cut squash into cubes, toss with melted oil and place on a silicone or parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 30-40 minutes or until squash is soft and golden on some edges. Reduce oven temperature to 375°F.
  2. Place the squash, coconut milk, fish sauce and Chinese Five Spice in a pot and blend with stick blender until completely smooth. Set aside.
  3. Lay chicken breasts on parchment or silicone lined tray, season with salt and pepper, if desired, and bake for 25 minutes.
  4. Bring a large pot of water to a boil, place noodles in and remove from heat. Let stand 8-10 minutes or until soft. Drain.
  5. Slice chicken breasts into small pieces, toss noodles with sauce, place in bowl and serve chicken on top.

Creamy Chicken Winter Squash Linguine

This is a sponsored post, but, as always, the opinions and images are my own. For more information, visit the Thai Kitchen Canada site.

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