Fresh Homemade Almond Milk

For a long time I bought my almond milk in the store in a Tetra Pak. Then I thought, “Wait a sec, this has, like, one ingredient, maybe two. I must be able to make this myself.” and off I went to Google it and find a recipe. Well, there are a lot of ways of making almond milk. Soaking, no soaking, deskinning, leaving the skins on. I guess it’s personal preference. I prefer a fast approach. This turns into a beautifully frothy, delicious beverage. I use it in my cereal and in my sons smoothies.

At the end of the process you will be left with a lot of almond meal. Don’t worry, I will give you some ideas as to what to do with it.

Almond Milk

1 cup raw, skin on almonds (do not use roasted, it will go rancid)
4 cups cold, fresh water

Flavouring: Here’s where it gets personal. I use a little bit of vanilla and no sweetener. I’m sure a lot of you don’t like it that way, so add whatever you like to taste.

1. Place almonds in blender

2. Add water and flavourings, blend on high for about 3-4 minutes. (You might want to start by pulsing it a bit, just so your blender doesn’t blow water and almonds everywhere. That’s coming from experience)
3. When it’s all blended and frothy looking, you will now need to sieve out the almond meal. You could use cheesecloth for the whole process, but I found it a bit messy. I used a fine mesh sieve first, sieveing the liquid into the container. I then take the remainder of the almond meal and put that in a piece of cheesecloth and squeeze out the rest of the liquid. This will ensure a very dry crumb.
4. Refrigerate your almond milk and let’s deal with the meal, shall we?
5. Spread your almond meal on a cookie sheet and place in your oven with just the light bulb turned on. This will ensure that the almonds aren’t roasted, they just dry out. You could turn it on at a very low temperature, but I would stick with the light bulb method.

6. It takes about 6-8 hours to dry, so I usually do it over night. When it is dry enough, I run it through the blender again or pound it using a mortar and pestle to achieve a powdery consistency.
7. You now have almond meal or almond flour. You can try my almond cookies or thy this site.

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