It’s that time of year that I like to be outside, my toes dug deep into warm soil as a dig weeds out of every nook and cranny in my garden. I’m a bit anal about keeping those free riders out of my expensive organic fertilizer and compost. If you don’t give me something in return, then you must be a weed. Out damn weed! We’re having a really great time this year with our garden. It’s definitely a big change from years past where a “garden” consisted of three containers of tomatoes and a dying, aphid infested basil plant.
What moving out of the city has taught me is that there is so much more on offer in the sticks. Not only am I lulled to sleep every night by symphonies of owls and frogs, but there is a vast ocean of dirt, plants and grass to greet me every morning as I sip my 16 ounces of caffeinated bliss. (One thing I don’t give up in pregnancy is my coffee, only one mind you, but that one is mine.)

I’ve been talking so much lately about our garden and all the hard work we’ve been putting in, so I thought I would actually share some of the information I’ve managed to scrape by to make it successful. As well as photographic evidence, of course. Continue reading “Cobb Salad and Natural Gardening” →

So the name of this blog is Guilty Kitchen, but lately I haven’t felt too guilty about the loveliness being posted for your enjoyment. I’ve felt pride, and I’ve felt remorse (because there’s no leftovers), but I haven’t felt guilt for a while. Maybe it’s because as I see less and less of my toes, legs, and lower regions, I think to myself, “Damn, that’s going to be hard to get rid of after this baby comes.” Who has time to exercise with a toddler and a baby and a food blog?? Who I ask you? Not me.
Then I went to my 34 week midwife appointment. I was told that I am measuring slightly behind in belly girth and needed to eat more.
Me????? I need to eat more????
Continue reading “Jacked Up Cookies and Cream Ice Cream” →
Happy Anniversary!
Oh, what? It’s not your anniversary?
Aw, that’s too bad, cause it’s mine and it’s one hell of a day to celebrate it! Three years ago today, my wonderful husband and I were married.
Want to see pictures? No?
Too bad…

We’re Married…OMG!
And after all that panic and hair curlers, make up and sweaty palms…we were married. It was done. So what’s left to do after such an eventful afternoon? Well, there’s the symbolic first dance of course:

And the cake too…

Continue reading “Cinco de Mayo” →

I’m a big fan of finger food. I like getting right in there, using my hands to eat. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the use of utensils, and contrary to a recent episode of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution, my child (2 years old) does and will learn to use forks, knives and spoons (and probably chopsticks too!). But there’s nothing like digging into your meal with your hands and really feeling the food. Textures and temperatures, they’re all right there for you to truly embrace that food, get you closer to it and love it even more.
In many countries, use of utensils is rare and often only for special occasions. The use of breads, banana leaves, and other forms of vessel is common practice. What fun to eat your dinner off a freshly washed banana leaf!
For me the serving of finger foods is not as common as it could be in our household. Often there are chopped salads, or whole chunks of meat or saucy things dripping in goodness (also I’m partial to really hot food). I’m sure we could eat them with our hands, but this would be somewhat against the natural order of Western culture, right?
Continue reading “Hummus” →
Something odd occurred to me this morning. Something all together tragic and unthinkable. Guilty Kitchen has no breakfast recipes.
How could this have happened? I mean sure, there this quiche, and this lovely shirred egg recipe, but those require a little work and planning and are by no means the lazy mans Sunday morning breakfast. I’ll tell you how it happened. I have a child who eats nothing but peanut butter on toast every morning. It’s a little depressing to think about, when I think back to all the amazingly awesome whole, natural foods I used to feed him before he had a mind of his own. Oatmeal from scottish oats, mixed with flax and apples, seasoned to perfection with cinnamon, no sugar and a little plain organic yogurt stirred in. Sometimes he would have a smoothie with silken tofu snuck into the mix, or cubed up fruits with cereal and a side dish of yogurt. Oh those were the days when I thought I had a little foodie on my hands.
Now, I could maybe get him to take one bite of my oatmeal and yogurt concoction, so why bother? But today I decided enough was enough. I want my child to grow up healthy, strong and with an uncanny love for all things edible. So I decided to whip up a batch of my whole wheat buttermilk pancakes, though I added a few things to my original recipe and topped it off with a little blueberry maple topping, just to double entice him.
So now I have a batch of these wondrous little cakes in my freezer, just waiting to be popped out on any given day I get tired of hearing “Toast!” as the answer to the daily question of “What would you like for breakfast?”
Not this time kid…

Continue reading “Buttermilk Pancakes” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.