Fresh Dolmades

So there’s these grape vines at our house. A lot of them…of varying species. We know one of them is juicy concord, but the rest remain a mystery. They are green and some are tasty, tangy, and tart and then there’s some that are completely flavourless. When we moved in last year they were obviously neglected and looked as if they had never been cut back at all.

So this year, being the entrepreneurial people that we are, we decided to cut them back and see what happened! After a few long months and no sign of growth, we thought for sure we had done it wrong, cut back too much. But a few weeks ago there were signs of some life. Small little buds were appearing and soon enough there were leaves!
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Swiss Chard Ravioli – Homemade Pasta

Homemade pasta. Not exactly one of the quick dinners I was imagining I would be making three weeks after the birth of my second child. But you know what? It’s not nearly as hard as you think it is.

Have you, like me, always wanted to make your own pasta to see what all the fuss is about? But you didn’t even want to try because you don’t have a pasta roller? Well I’m here to tell you that it is not needed. A heavy hand and a heavy rolling pin is all you need to be eating gourmet pastas every night of your life. Though I don’t recommend that, carbohydrates are evil, didn’t you know?

The stuffing is a product of what was freshest at the farmer’s market this weekend. Huge bunches of rainbow swiss chard just called out to me as we had planted numerous plants last year but decided not to this year. One year of swiss chard coming out my ears was enough, but I still love the stuff.  Mushrooms were also looking good, and that last little bit of truffle oil in my cabinets was just screaming to be used here. What’s better than creamy mascarpone and truffle oil? Well, this pasta for one.
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Strawberry Picking

It’s the simple things in life that make it worthwhile.

Taking your children out to a farmer’s fields and wading through rows upon rows of succulent strawberries while you pray to some foodie god with a good sense of humour, that your child eats under a pound of the sweet red jewels ranks right up there.

Last weekend, we made a journey to the Saanich Peninsula, a stretch of farm land located across Saanich Inlet from us. Stretching out for many acres is a farm called Oldfield Orchard and Bakery, where U-Pick strawberries are a seasonal favourite of many people from Southern Vancouver Island.

We’d never done it before, but the thought of all those juicy berries just called out to me.

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Stuffed Mushroom Caps

Life is full of smiles and tears. Mostly, for the moment, it’s full of poop, tears, crazy kids, food and somewhere…sleep.

I can’t say I’m enjoying meal after meal of gourmet awesomeness, but I have a house full of people giving it a go….also I’m still in the process of getting used to feeding a baby while typing with one hand, not so easy!

I hope you continue to visit my kitchen with me and learn as I go just how difficult life might be for the next couple of months. I love your support so keep it coming and I will continue to try to bring you my signature meals!
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Chimichurri Sauce

So quick, so tasty, so very flavourful.

Things I am in dire need of while grappling with our new life. It can be hectic with one toddler, but throw an often unsettled infant into the mix and you’ve got a whole other ball game. Dinners once spent at the dining room table are now hectically eaten with babe to breast over a messy living room ottoman.
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