What’s cuter than a naked baby? Nothin’. Period.
Well, I suppose the baby in question might be cuter if it was your own, but this is my blog, so I am going to continue to inundate you with pictures of my children until they are old enough to make me stop. Especially naked ones like this. Mainly I’m putting this up for my Mom. Hi Mom! *waves* That’s for you!
You know what’s not as cute as a naked baby? When your toddler teams up with said baby to destroy your beloved magazines.

Troublemakers! I am in deep doo-doo people. These kids are going to kill me, and I know it’s going to long, slow and painful. Just imagine the trouble these two are going to come up with when they are teenagers! Oh, someone say a prayer for me.
Continue reading “Beef Stroganoff” →

It’s a new year, and I realize many people will be fielding their resolutions for the next few months (or weeks) and many of those will have to do with eating healthier. Well, then this recipe is not for you. This recipe is purely of the gooey, creamy, sticky, savoury but sweet variety and has (I’m sure) an unprecedented amount of calories. So if you, like many, are into those kind of resolutions, then maybe you would prefer to look at this recipe instead. Go ahead, I won’t be hurt.
Brie is my absolute favourite cheese of all time. If you put it in front of me, I will eat it. All of it. There’s no stopping me. When I was pregnant, I would look at you with death in my eyes if you offered it to me. Brie, being a soft, mould covered cheese is not allowed on the strict diet of pregnant women, as it can carry listeriosis, a deadly toxin for developing fetuses. I could barely keep myself from just tasting a little morsel, and during my second pregnancy, I may have lost all willpower and eaten it anyway.
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There’s something in the air right now, and I don’t mean tiny wonderful snowflakes…
Sadly, as much as people who have never been to this part of Canada seem to think, we do not get a lot of snow. In fact, the temperatures here barely ever dip below the freezing point. When they do it wreaks havoc on our sensibilities. Us lucky folk who live on Vancouver Island or the far West coast (Vancouver) have come to rely on our moderate climate. Yes, it rains, yes it rains a lot. But we only on occasion have to dig out the toques, mittens, hats and longjohns and usually only for voluntary outings to majestic mountain skiing resorts.
No, that something in the air is change. It’s the beginning of the new year and that means only one thing to me. Spring is on the way. Once the calendar resets itself, all I can think about is that the days will no get longer and the weather will only get better (though we do tend to see snow, if at all, in January). Even the chickens in the backyard know something is changing, as they have gone from withholding egg production to practically shooting them out their backsides at alarming speed. Someone please send recipes that require the use of 26 eggs, stat!
I’m excited for 2011, though I’m not sure why.
Continue reading “Roasted Sunchokes” →

I’m totally going to jump on the bandwagon here and do a recipe roundup of the top 10 recipes of 2010, as chosen by you, my readers.
It’s been an amazing, memorable year and I am eager to get started on the next one. So much happened this year, but the biggest thing was a small addition to our family and I couldn’t be happier about it. It feels like we are finally done, this family is complete. Maybe it’s just the thought of being pregnant again (shudder) that keeps me thinking this way. Either way, I am happy to have my family and I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Before we get started, I just want to say thank you to my readers for being there for me. When I started this blog I had no idea how such a community could exist. Food bloggers are the kindest, most generous people and they are always there for you. My readers have to be the sincerest people and always ready to be my shoulder to cry on, or to boost me up when I am down. So thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Continue reading “Guilty Kitchen’s Top 10 Recipes of 2010” →

Well here we are in the that awkward yet perfect time of year. The space between Christmas and New year’s. Some people take this time as holiday time, others are forced to work a couple of days in between. But whatever you did this year with your holiday time, it is coming to a close in a few days.
The presents have been unwrapped, the stockings unstuffed, the turkey’s been whittled down to a few leftover slices. Now is the time to prepare for the next bout of parties and get togethers for New Year’s Eve.
Sadly for us, and I’m sure a lot of other parents of young children, it’s almost impossible to go out on New Year’s. There’s the simple matter of overly priced babysitters in short supply, but there is also the mind set of myself and a few of my friends. Why spend all that money on babysitters, stay out abnormally late and then have to wake up bright and early on New Year’s Day simply because your kids don’t know it’s a holiday?
We prefer to eat our heart’s out at our own house, watch silly movies, go to bed at a semi-reasonable time and wake up to a new year bright and refreshed!
Speaking of waking up to a New year, you know what else it’s time for right? New Year’s resolutions. Something I’ve never been a big fan of. I simply don’t make them, and not just because I never keep my promises to myself. I don’t make resolutions because I use the whole year to make personal improvements and not just one night a year.
Continue reading “Bulgur and Bacon Salad” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.