Mushroom Ravioli – Mushrooms Canada Guest Post

You may have noticed that I don’t post as often as I used to. Things are getting pretty hectic around my guilty little kitchen….first there’s that new business thing that I started. Then we went and bought a brand new car…and now, we’re moving. That’s right, again. If you’ve been with me for a couple of years, you may remember that we had moved to where we are now froma  tiny, dark townhouse in the city. We packed up our city life and moved to the country, the deep, dark, far from civilization country. The “neighbours with shotguns and fireworks” country. The “dogs roam free with absolutely zero human control” country. The “nothing within 20 minutes drive and absolutely zilch within walking distance” country.


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Raisin “Bran” Muffins

I don’t often have nothing to offer photo-wise for the introducting to today’s recipe. But today I actually have nothing. Save for this:

It’s been a crazy couple of weeks with weddings, new businesses, a house hunt, researching new cars, day to day life, etc. It’s hard to find time to do anything.

What I did manage to make time for was baking. I needed something to offer both my oldest boy (the picky eater) and my youngest daughter (the voracious foodie), but I also wanted it to be healthy for me. I’ve been doing the Insanity workout for about five months now. Results are amazing, but it’s a lot of upkeep. Food is fuel yes, but to me it better be damn good if it’s going in my mouth. There’s no sense in eating it if it ain’t good, right?

So I had to come up with a healthy muffin, because that’s what I really wanted to make. Easy handheld food even a three year old can work with. Immediately my mind went to bran muffins. Too bad I didn’t have any bran in the house. What I did have was wheat germ, a much healthier alternative to bran. Bran may have fiber going for it, but the germ has protein, potassium, iron, vitamin E, folate, phosphorus, riboflavin, calcium, thiamin, zinc, magnesium, essential atty acids AND it’s great source of fiber. Take that bran.


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Gluten Free Cinnamon Oat Pancakes

What to do when life gets hectic and you can’t think through the noisy haze of daily life? Grab a board and hit the waves? Only if you’re one of many crazy west coasters who think 7°C (45°F) is somehow tolerable. No, I’ll just sit on the beach with a glass of prosecco or white wine and watch, thank you. Which is exactly what we did this weekend.

Grabbing the only available date in March for a three bedroom villa in Tofino, BC, we headed off to the real rough west coast of Vancouver Island (where Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynold’s fateful marriage took place) with our in-laws and the kids and settled in for a blissful weekend of wave watching, wine drinking, crab eating and beach combing.


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Spice Rubbed Pork Chops

One thing is changing here in the guiltiest of kitchens and that’s the amount of time I have to spend on each and every blog post. Now that I am running two blogs, two Facebook pages, two Twitter streams, developing recipes, running a photography business and caring for the lives of two small children, one grown adult man, a rambunctious and crazy puggle and one lazy hamster (whew!) it seems there is one thing suffering and that is this blog.

I love Guilty Kitchen. It is a place for me to talk about my abnormal love affair with all things food related and I never want to give it up….I may have to dial it down though.

I continue to cook each and every day and when I make something fantastic, original and mouth wateringly good, I will no doubt share that with you. I will be taking most of my life happening-type blog posts over to the Garnett Wren Blog though, as that is where I need to share a huge amount of photos all the time. So join me over there will ya? I’d love for you to be on this journey with me.

Guilty Kitchen remains an essential part of my life and I hope you will continue to share it right along with me.


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Lemon and Blueberry Roasted Banana Bread

It’s been absolutely gorgeous out lately, even in the evening where we were presented with a fabulous full moon a few nights ago. It’s times like these that I wish I had a telescope or a telephoto lens. I had to make do with a 105mm and a creative crop. It reminds me of when I was a young kid and I used to lay out on the lawn with my best friend Courtnee, and watch the night sky. We’d tell each other all the constellations we knew and sing lame show tunes from Les Miserables and The Phantom of the Opera. Those care free summers of my youth…

But these days I only have a few minutes, if any to gaze at the night sky. The short gap between getting kids to bed, taking care of my own personal hygiene and then trying to squeeze in some intellectual type reading stuff before my eyelids glue themselves shut. If only there were more hours in the day, or an eight day week. But seeing as my new business is in it’s infancy, I’ve been practicing religiously in different lighting situations, from capturing a bright moon in complete darkness to photographing my daughter in the height of the afternoon sun.

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