It has been too long. I have gone too long without being more than a bit player in Guiltykitchen.com. I have watched my lovely wife build Guilty Kitchen from nothing to thousands of hits per month, thousands of followers on Twitter and hundreds of fans on Facebook. She works tirelessly every day and nightto bring you, our kind readers, food and photography of all kinds.
But enough about Elizabeth. This post is introducing me! Ha!
I was born and raised in northern British Columbia in a small town called Terrace (population: about 10,000 people). By north, I mean so far north that in the summer the sun only sets for a short period of time. I was far away from anything resembling “foodie” food and it was never a thought in my mind. Good food was bought from “Subway” by money my sister gave me. McDonald’s was the place to work and Tim Horton’s had 3, yes, 3 locations to serve the small population. I still remember the day that a 7-11 opened for the first time. WOW! 7-11 in Terrace! We had finally made it as a town.
Continue reading “Toor Lentil Curry” →

Heading into the depths of winter and the end of daylight saving time is my most loathed part of the year and also my most loved. How can that be you ask? I love the holidays. From the minute the clock strikes midnight on November 1st, as I head to bed with a sure-to-be sugar hangover from all the Halloween candy, I am in holiday mode. I am one of “those” people.
Slowly, the boxes of decorations meander their way into the house as the days go on. First a reindeer here, a little carved wooden sign that reads “snow” covered in snowmen, little stuffed Santas, a wreath, candles, shiny balls, garlands, wooden trees adorned in bells…they all slowly creep their way into the house. The line the walls, the window sills, the tops of every available surface and they stay there for eight weeks straight.
As the weeks slowly creep on, my mind wanders towards the baking, the music, the lights. Every aspect of holiday attitude becomes my day to day reality. My children’s eyes sparkle with the twinkle of hundreds of Christmas lights strewn on the ceiling high above. This is my time.
Continue reading “Canadian Tire Kitchen Crew Holiday Edition – Mission #1 Liege Waffles” →

I slept for three hours last night. Total.
I’m functioning on thismuch sleep and I can feel it’s weight bearing down on my mind and body. You know that feeling you have when you stay up all night long? Yeah, I did that a couple times when I was a stupid teenager, but now that I am a mother of two kids, I try to sleep at least nine hours a night.
So what has gotten in to me?
Continue reading “Healthified Banana Bread” →

Do you remember the first time you ever flew on an airplane? The anticipation, the fear, the excitement. The thought of careening through the air at hundreds of miles an hour through the clouds and over the mountains. Passing over terrain you’ve never (and will never) set foot on. Flying (for those of us who only do it for special occasions) is a thrilling and memorable experience.
I was thirteen years old the first time I flew on an airplane and it was one of the most thrilling experiences of my life. For one, my parents had sent my sister and I solo on our inaugural flight and we were a teenage mess. My sister was fifteen and she was put in charge of the both of us. She was to keep me in line, make sure we got where we needed to on our connections and so on.
I remember the first plane out of Campbell River, BC was very small and loud. It took off in the early evening, around 7pm. We were to fly from Campbell River to Vancouver and then from there, we would take a connection to Toronto, our final destination. It was a red eye. Thinking back now, it was quite a journey for a couple of kids, but we had our parents high expectations riding on our shoulders and we were determined to prove ourselves. The second plane that took us to Toronto was huge. The biggest plane I’d ever been on (natch, being my first air travel trip) and have ever been on. We were stuck in the middle aisle behind some large, loud males who kept their chairs perpetually reclined, if I remember correctly. This was before the little TV sets in the back of the chairs and we were forced to watch Gwenyth Paltrow’s painful rendition of a woman seeing multiple dimensions of herself in “Sliding Doors”…ugh.
Continue reading “How to Make Your Own Dashi for Miso Soup” →

After my last post, it occurred to me there were other things I do during my days that I didn’t mention. Did I mention I make all our own bread? Yeah, I somehow manage to bake bread from scratch one or two times a week. But you know how I can manage such a feat while also juggling two Satan spawn children, blogging, recipe creation, blah blah blah?
A bread machine!
I had never used one until about four months ago, when my Mother-in-Law so generously gave me her old Black & Decker. This beauty has seen it’s fair share of dough, yet still goes strong. It also makes some fantastic bread.
Continue reading “Whole Wheat Machine Bread” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.