It all starts with a plan. At first, it’s in your head and you only catch glimpses of it as you sleepily roll around in your warm bed. But then you catch it by tail the with the tips of your fingers, and it begins to come to life. You grasp that idea with the strength of 900 lb. gorilla and you don’t let it go for any reason. You think about it constantly, you eat it, breathe it, dream it. You get up in the middle of the night, keep pads of paper with you wherever you go, manically type on your iPhone in the middle of the aisles of your favourite grocery store. It takes you over from the inside and then finally, it begins to take shape. Physical plans and blueprints get printed, rolled tightly to unfurl at the job site. Contractors are hired, fired, yelled at, throttled, threatened and ultimately become a piece of the background as the maddening pace of a restaurant’s construction takes foot.

Continue reading “Smoken Bones Cookshack: The Rebirth of a Restaurant” →
When Elizabeth suggested that I do a round up of my top 10 brews of 2011, I was actually really nervous. I’ve been a beer guy for years, but a lot of people claim the same thing and well, their idea of a great brew is Bud. Sorry, but I wholeheartedly disagree.

Continue reading “Adrian’s Top 10 Brews of 2011” →

It’s January.
For some of us Canadians, that means we are just heading into the depths of winter and all it’s depressing greyness, cold and damp dark days. Fortunately for me, my parents happened to settle on the west coast, particularly, Vancouver Island. Even better than that, I had the fortuitous idea to move to the capitol after high school and settle in the warmest climate in Canada. My garden is budding already, there are flowers shooting up from under all the trees and the house sparrows have returned to the birdhouse outside my kitchen window to create their nest and have 16,986 chicks before the next winter settles in.
January also means that people are into their annual health kicks. Gym passes, yoga mats, weight sets and ab machines have been bought, grocery lists have been decluttered of “chips, chocolate bars, cheezies and instant noodles”. Deals and pacts have been made with ourselves to be different this year. Continue reading “Roasted Cauliflower Salad” →

Starting out the year right is part of everyone’s resolutions right? Lose weight, get organized, clean the closet, stop procrastinating, be a better wife/husband/sister/brother/friend. We’ve all made the promises to ourselves. Well, some of us. I don’t make resolutions anymore. My whole life is a resolution. I have a billion and one pop up reminders on my iPhone reminding me to be a better mom, stop yelling, sweep the kitchen, play with the kids. I have serious concrete plans to get a tattoo on my left wrist that simply says “breathe.” I live my resolutions year-round. Continue reading “Pear and Ginger Smoothie” →

Happy New Year everybody! It’s that time of year again…time to start anew. Time to put away the last of last year’s clutter and start with a clean slate. Around here, the first day of the year is reserved solely for recovery. Both for the house and for ourselves. Although this year, with the crazy stomach flu we’ve had, we didn’t get up to too much craziness on NYE.
The beginning of the year also marks a turn of the seasons, yes we are just (technically) heading into winter, but we are also seeing every day get longer. Before we know it, spring will be here again! But before I get carried away, let’e talk Winter Brews. As the seasons change, these popular brews will soon be unavailable again for another long year. Okay, so maybe it’s not the last chance but the stocks of the great winter brews will be dwindling quickly. So why not indulge in yet another big boisterous brew during the waning holiday season? Continue reading “Tipple Tuesdays – Winter Brews and Chocolate Hazelnut Truffle Cake” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.