So today I have a very busy post to write.
First, let’s talk fat. And when I say fat, I mean like, the good stuff. You all know how much I love coconut oil, but did you know I also love avocado oil, macadamis nut oil, lard, schmaltz, butter (grass fed of course and best of all, tallow?
It’s not easy to find a good source of grass fed tallow, although finding good butcher shops is the best way, so when I saw a company called FatWorks, I jumped ALL over them to send me a sample. If you Canadian/American border laws, you”ll know it’s no easy task to get animal based products over here from over there. These guys work ed super hard to send me a little jar of the creamiest, fluffiest most delightful smelling tallow this girl has ever SEEN. Make sure you follow FatWorks on Facebook to hear more about their products and find out where you can buy it. Continue reading “Tallow Roasted Squash and Onions {Plus a Review and Giveaway!}” →

Today I’m bringing you an extra special post (no recipe per se, but there are MANY in this post) bringing you an unbelievable offer from our friend Todd at Primal Toad (who organized this whole sale). I’m super excited to be a part of all the affiliates selling this bundle, and not only because I will get a part of the proceeds. <– Disclaimer!
Yes, when you buy the Harvest Your Health Bundle Sale from ME, I will get a portion of the sale price. Is that why I am participating? Hardly. I imagine my traffic is not quite high enough to reap huge benefits from the sale, but what I am excited about is bringing you these awesome references to make your life a million times better! Every book in this bundle offers some amazing information, resources, recipes, tips and more for you to better your life and the lives of those around you.
Here’s a simple breakdown for those solely looking at the $37 price tag: You are saving over $1000 ($1107 to be exact) by buying this bundle! Each book will cost around .52 cents in the bundle vs. an average price of $14! A savings of over 97%. Not only are you saving money, but you are getting EVERYTHING you need to transition to a healthier lifestyle. Not only will these resources save you money and time but you will also be receiving cooking strategies and ideas for meal planning so that you are not eating out every day (a common problem when switching to paleo/primal). For the cost of ONE MEAL OUT for yourself, you could purchase this bundle and save thousands!

So let’s break it down even further. What comes in this fantastic bundle of goodies?? Continue reading “Harvest Your Health Bundle Sale” →

Because I was too lazy (and it was too dark at that point) last night to break out my DSLR and take real photos, and I have very limited time today between dropping my preschooler off and picking her up, I present to you a summary of every food blogger’s first “Fall/Autumn” post that involves something with pumpkin.
Sweaters. That smoky smell in the air. Scarves, so many awesome scarves. Boots of unimaginable cost, but they’re so PRETTY! Boots with heels, and slouchy boots, boots that hurt your feet and boots that make it hard to walk. Hunter galoshes on every foot (seriously…is it time for that to not be a fad yet?). Continue reading “Pumpkin Waffles” →

We all know how much I love buying local products, especially in season produce and meats. Something I don’t talk about though, is how often I head out to the farm stands (every other day, if not every day) to ensure everything I buy gets used and not wasted. I try to only buy what we could use in a week or less so that nothing ever goes bad. Inevitably though, I buy something too big, something unfamiliar (I like to challenge myself) or something close to it’s end and it goes bad. Then, I cry.
Happily, the people behind FoodSaver brand vacuum sealers asked me if I wanted to review their brand new FoodSaver 2-in-1 System (available at Costco and this fall/winter and I dove at the chance. I have a vacuum sealer but it is not so beautiful as this sleek countertop beauty and let’s just say I’ve not been that happy with it’s use. Continue reading “The Benefits of Buying Local” →
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” – Hippocrates
There are a lot of questions from fans and readers who have been following me since before I went paleo, and that is usually something along the lines of “what are the first steps to going paleo?” “What sites/resources do you recommend for going paleo?”
So today I dedicate this post to helping you find your way if you’ve been thinking about going paleo. These tips are short, concise and will help you figure out what your first steps should be. Without further ado, I give you my Top 10 Tips for Going Paleo:
10. Start Small
If the thought of giving up processed foods, grains, dairy, sugar, legumes, and refined vegetable oils all at the same time scares the crap out of you, start be removing one at a time. Start with the baby step of removing processed foods. Feel better without all the packaged, unpronounceable ingredients? Start removing grains next (thereby removing gluten, a big irritant for a lot of people). Remove each component for a minimum of one week before moving to the next one. You’ll start to feel amazing after the first two weeks, I promise.

Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.