11 Days of Giveaways – Day 3


Today’s Prize for the 11 Days of Giveaways – Day 3 is a lifesaver, literally.

Way back in 2012, I started following an account on Instagram that I thought was pure badassery. Her name is @KMaeCags and she is hawt, buff, covered in tattoos and speaks 100% honestly about pretty much everything. She knows how to crush a workout, will teach you to do the same, smashes doughnuts like a boss and will even help you build a diet that will leave you with a smokin’ hot bod should you put in the work. Her name is Krissy Mae Cagney and she is the voice and talent behind the soon to be open Black Iron Training facility in New York City, the programming mastermind behind KMaeCags programming and diet ebooks and also the creator of the Doughnuts and Deadlifts brand.

I heart Krissy and her philosophy.

I had the great opportunity to meet her in person, finally, and spend the weekend with her in Portland last month, where we chilled, ate two dozen doughnuts per person per day and had a freaking blast. It’s my pleasure to say that she has offered to donate her Flexible Dieting ebook (where you will learn how to calculate your macros based on your goals) as well as a wicked awesome training program not for the faint of heart. I have personally completed this 10 week program and it is nothing short of fantastic. One winner will receive a copy of Flexible Dieting and a copy of either the She Hulk or Hulk program. 

KMaeCags logo

This giveaway is open to ANYONE anywhere, as it will be emailed to the recipient.

Layered Giveaway Items 3-2

a Rafflecopter giveaway

20 comments to 11 Days of Giveaways – Day 3

  • I am always interested and open to everyone’s ideas and points of view on dieting, the pros and cons and how certain foods and affect the body. My mom has recently switched over to a paleo style diet, and any chance I have to gain more knowledge to help her, I jump on the opportunity 🙂

  • Brianna

    I would use these books to get more on track and really understand the macros system. It would be great 🙂

  • KMM

    I’m super confused about my macros as there is so much conflicting info. This would be a great read.

  • I love KMae! I have her flex dieting book and sexy sculpt – would love to get She Hulk!

  • Alexandra

    Good morning! I’m researching/learning many different views and taking little snippets to be better with my nutrition and my patients/clients nutrition. Education is key! I would add this to my repertoire!

  • Melissa

    This would be great bc then I can figure out my macros….

  • Michelle B

    I would read them and utilize them, obviously. I’m always looking for new ways to switch up my training and step up my food game.

  • Brendon

    This is definitely one of the workout programs from her I have been very interested in.

  • Genevieve

    Donuts and Deadlifts…..love following Krissy via your posts….this would be one of the most amazing items to have during the journey I am on….thanks to you!!!!

  • Leslie

    I am always trying to figure out, and tweak, my macros to suit my needs. I have lost 136 pounds (following Paleo) and my needs have changed with my goals and fitness level. I’d be interested to read this book to see what the program is all about. Thanks!

  • I’m just starting out with weights and gym time and I want to be the healthiest me I can be!

  • Kalissa

    I love lifting heavy and getting stronger, and I’m always looking for new lifting programs and ways to switch up my training. I also need to really dial in my nutrition.

  • Ed

    I am always up for a new read on workouts and diet. Hope I win!

  • Mel Houghton

    What a prize!!!
    Living the wanderlust dream the past few months has severely dragged down my motivation with all the new foods I “need” to try while on the road. Following Krissy Mae myself on all social media is a godsend, but the worst part is seeing her release new books that I KNOW will help me get back on track, but not being able to afford them. I’ve been wanting to pursue her flexible dieting lifestyle, as I currently have a very unhealthy mindset in regards to my relationship with food. It scares me. The fear of putting weight back on. I know flexible dieting is for me, I just don’t know where to start .. This prize is one in a million.

  • Krissy rules, donuts rule, this is awesome!

  • Nadia

    I would love help fine tuning my diet and macronutrients. I find the idea of flexible dieting and donuts/dead lifts really refreshing.

  • Chatelaine

    Macros are something I’ve always feared. I’m interested to learn more about them and apply some great tools!

  • Brittany

    I’ve been wanting to try Flexible Dieting for a while now! Counting calories and working out got me 30# lighter, but I’m stuck. I’m making small strength gains but I’m pretty much at a plateau and could really use some help. Also, just in general, KMC is the kitty’s titties and I want to be her when I grow up (even though she’s several years younger than me).
    Brittany recently posted..CrossFit Gear: Nice vs. Necessary (Or: What You Should Probably Have In Your Bag)My Profile

  • Alex

    I would love to learn about flexible dieting – thanks for the giveaway!

  • I love reading all of your adventures with her and her programs. I’d love to see if her ideas would suit me!

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