Pear and Ginger Smoothie

Starting out the year right is part of everyone’s resolutions right? Lose weight, get organized, clean the closet, stop procrastinating, be a better wife/husband/sister/brother/friend. We’ve all made the promises to ourselves. Well, some of us. I don’t make resolutions anymore. My whole life is a resolution. I have a billion and one pop up reminders on my iPhone reminding me to be a better mom, stop yelling, sweep the kitchen, play with the kids. I have serious concrete plans to get a tattoo on my left wrist that simply says “breathe.” I live my resolutions year-round.

I’m not saying this to be better than you, nor am I saying everyone should do this. But for some of us (mostly type-A personalities…A for anal!), striving to be our best is simply part of our daily life. Perhaps this is why I’ve been so stressed out over these past few months. I can guess that most people reading this blog have the same problems I do. Money is tight, the kids need new clothes, the garden needs tending, the car needs an oil change, groceries are running low, too many things to do, lists to check off, plans to make. Life gets int he way of, well, life. Isn’t that a conundrum?

So what to do?

I relax. I breathe. I play puzzle with the kids. I laugh. I make coffee in the afternoon just for the hell of it. I have some chocolate whenever I feel like it. I take the kids out for pizza buns at the bakery and let them sit on the sidewalk outside to eat them, their faces covered in gooey sauce and we laugh. I make dinner late so Adrian and I can hang out together. We play MarioKart on the Wii like we’re teenagers. I pass out at 9pm after reading a few passages from my latest book: “Blood, Bones and Butter”. I just do the things that make me feel good and make the kids smile. What else can I do?

One of the things that makes me happy is having a smoothie. I know a lot of people prefer solid food (boring!), but I love a good smoothie. Recently I have been experimenting more with different flavour combinations and this was one that I came up with on a day I wasn’t feeling all that hot. Ginger is good for that I hear…

One year ago: Baked Brie in Phyllo with Preserves

Two years ago: Chicken and Barley Stew

Pear and Ginger Smoothie

Yield: 1 serving
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: N/A

1 bartlett pear, cored but left unpeeled (If using bosc, peel first)
juice of 1/2 a lime
4g fresh ginger, peeled and grated
2 tbsp plain Greek 0% yogurt
dash of cinnamon or cardamom (or both)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup coconut milk (I use So Delicious Vanilla)
1/2 cup crushed ice (optional)

1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

Similarly delicious recipes from other fabulous food blogs:

Classic Green Monster (the original!) from Oh She Glows
Cucumber Yogurt Smoothie from The Perfect Pantry
Orange Julius Smoothie from Gimme Some Oven
Strawberry Hemp Milk Smoothie from Gluten Free Goddess
Raw Chocolate Banana Smoothie from Healthy Green Kitchen

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