Roasted Squash and Corn Salad

Today, on day two of a seven week cleanse (more on this later)….I bring you this lovely fall salad. Filled with the fresh tastes of the waning harvest, this salad is a perfect way to use up those little niggling bits and pieces hanging out in your fridge. Last zucchini, last corn and the newly arrived armloads of squash.

In reality, I’d love to bring you my cleanse meals, but they are nothing short of boring. I think I will post some photos later as I know there are people out there (much like me) who are desperately searching for recipes to eat on their detox or cleanse. It is nigh impossible to find anything! It also greatly depends on the type of cleanse you are doing. Ours, a brand called ReCleanse, claims to be a full body detoxification.

It starts upon rising, where you drink a glass of water with the juice of 1/2 a lemon followed by two of their “Colon Cleansing Formula” pills. Breakfast is soon after, accompanied by two of the “Multi-Systems Cleansing Formula” Pills. There are snacks, complete meals and lots and lots and lots of water. Dinner is more pills, water and a complete meal.

Each meal needs to be a certain amount of servings from each food group: light carbs, dense carbs, protein and fats. As a small person, I get the minimum amount allowed…which means my meals are smaller than what I would normally eat. There is no sugar, salt, dairy (except plain skim milk yogurt for some reason), yeast, alcohol, mushrooms or peanuts allowed. In order to follow the whole point of the program (to cleanse the body of built up toxins and such) you pretty much have to stick to a whole foods diet. They do allow stevia, xylitol and agave as sweeteners and one cup of coffee a day. Thank god! I don’t think I could possible survive with just a cup of water or green tea…I NEED CAFFEINE!

Our first day went fine, though I can see the no salt thing getting boring. They do say that your tastes will naturally change towards enjoying more bland flavours as your sensitivity increases. I think this may be true. I am not one to shy away from sodium. My meals are always seasoned to my liking and in sauces and curries, I ALWAYS use fish sauce. Lots of fish sauce….

The hardest part of this cleanse is probably the salt. I honestly and truly love my salt. I hope that I need less at the end of this cleanse to feel like my food is umami filled, but as it is right now I am CRAVING something salty.

This salad is close to a detox meal, but it does contain some no-nos. Namely sugar, salt and dairy, but this will be the kind of food we eat at the end of this seven day ordeal. This recipe is one that I created for the Stonyfield Blog, so you will have to make a journey over there to see it, but I tell ya…it’s worth it. This is one of my favourite fall meals and I can’t wait until I can devour it again. Six more days.

One year ago: Sweet Potato, Sausage and Kale Stew

Two years ago: Cornmeal Crusted Salmon with Basil Mussel Broth

Roasted Squash and Corn Salad

….for recipe, please see the Stonyfield Blog

Similarly delicious recipes from other fabulous food blogs:

Roasted Corn Pudding in Acorn Squash from 101 Cookbooks
Yellow Summer Squash Soup from Love & Olive Oil
Corn, White Bean and Squash Blossom Chowder from The Well Seasoned Cook
Roasted Squash Soup with Corn from Healthy Green Kitchen
Roasted Cauliflower, Buttercup Squash and Kale Spaghetti with Pancetta from Food52

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