Sunomono Salad

This post marks the beginning of what will be a three part series on Japanese food. First we will see Sunomono Salad, then Spicy Grilled Tuna Steaks, and finally rolls. Where did this sudden burst of exotic flavour come from? My sister. An avid sushi restaurant junkie for years, my sister soon learned her favourite flavours and soon devised ways of making them at home. Soon after discovering her abnormal love for the Eastern flavours, she ended up moving to Baffin Island. If you don’t know where this is, I don’t blame you. I will give you a hint though, Arctic Circle. It is located in one of Canada’s newest Provinces, Nunavut. Nunavut means “our land” in Inuktitut, the native language of the people in the Northern part of Canada. I’ll tell you another thing about Nunavut, it’s freakin’ cold, and there’s nothing there. Believe me, I visited…in October.

Let’s just say it became a little difficult to acquire the means to make sushi while in such an unforgiving land. I ended up sending “care packages” to her, which consisted mostly of rice vinegars, organic foods and rice. Food’s not cheap when it has to be shipped on cargo vessels when the ice melts.

In any case, my sister survived and has now moved to the desert, another place where it is difficult to acquire seafood. But being on the mainland of Canada, things can be had for whatever price you are willing to pay. And so the sushi obsession continues. I’m not complaining though, I get to eat like a Queen, and I don’t have to cook anything.

Come back during the rest of the week to see the reaminder of this meal!

Tako Sunomomo Salad

*Amounts will vary depending on servings needed

For noodles:
1. Boil 1 litre of water. Add “Mizkan” brand rice noodles or Japanese vermicelli.
2. Cook until just softened. Immediately remove and cool with cold, running water.
3. Store in water in refrigerator until needed.

For dressing:
1/2 cup “Mitsukan” sushi seasoning vinegar
5 Tbsp white sugar
1/4 cup + 3 Tbsp white vinegar
3/4 cup + 2 Tbsp water

1. In small saucepan, mix all ingredients over medium heat until completely dissolved.
2. Remove to refrigerator to cool.
3. Dressing is best if allowed to rest in refrigerator overnight, but can be made the morning of.

For accoutrements:
3-4″ chunk of Tako (octopus), Sliced thinly
3″ chunk of cucumber, sliced thinly in halves
1/3 cup rehydrated Wakame seaweed

To assemble:
1. Drain noodles by expressing the water out by hand.
2. Add to small bowls (filled about 1/2 to 3/4)
3. Top with slices of cucumber, wakame seaweed and octopus.
4. Fill bowls 3/4 of the way with dressing and serve.

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