Goodbye Sweet D60

Life always has a way of curbing your enthusiasm when you get too excited doesn’t it? Last night was one of those nights.

I was just steamin’ along, poaching eggs, making hollandaise, baking English muffins, stirring a big ol’ pot of apple butter for my first canning experiment, sautéeing spinach and mushrooms and cooking the kid’s dinner too. My camera was up on the tripod, just outside the kitchen door, ready for my every picture taking whim. Little Cohen was running around as usual, making an enormous ruckus. His Daddy was playing with him and all was well…then the eyes were off him for a second. A split moment, every parents nightmare…


There goes my brand new Nikon D60 SLR (retail value? $589.00CAD), purchased less than two months ago. The lens is under my feet and the body is laying on the ground on the other side of the kitchen. There are little bits of black plastic bits everywhere. The lens won’t attach anymore and the body is completely cracked. It still works, and takes pictures, if I hold the lens to the body, but that’s not going to work, is it?

So, I might be missing for a few days until I figure something out.

Wish me luck…this could be expensive. Just take this as one of those lessons you learn from others. Having kids really does cost a fortune….sometimes indirectly.

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