Pumpkin Chiffon Pie

Lately I’ve been really trying to make an effort with the kidlets. Now that it’s fall and the potential for even a slight downfall is around every corner, I tend to stay inside a lot more. Considering I live in a rain forest, this may seem like a surprise to you, but having lived here all my life has not made me “used” to the rain, it has made me cautious of it. I, of the large volume of frizzy, unmanageably curly and poofy hair, tend to enjoy looking out the window and sighing more so than actually strapping on the gumboots, rain coat, hat, waterproof pants, etc. Fot that is the bare minimum of clothing I would need to be out in the rain.

I hate being wet.

What can I say? I got it from my Mother. She likes to be warm and dry too. Probably the reason she moved to Mexico for the winters. Brilliant. I think I’ll be right behind her one of these years.

Lately though, as the rain has not showed up for it’s winter round the clock lashing, I’ve been taking the kids out every day. Tossing caution to the wind, I strap two sometimes screaming kids into the car, drive to whatever blissfully natural or otherwise intriguing site I can find, hop out, unstrap kids, strap one on to my chest and hold the others hand in a death grip as we meander about whatever it is we are looking at. Fun stuff. No really, it is totally worth the Herculean effort of dragging plural kids around.

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