Fish Tacos Redux

I’m NAK.

Not familiar with this simple abbreviation? You must not be 1. a new mother, 2. an internet geek, or 3. obsessed with your kids.

NAK stands for Nursing At Keyboard and it’s how my life is working these days. I sit, nursing pillow strapped to my body like an overly stiff, micro fiber tutu, babe laying comfortably across and chest exposed. Perfect time to write my articles, no? I do live in the middle of nowhere, so I could conceivably walk around like this all the time, though I choose to try to squeeze myself into my still a little too tight prepregnancy clothing.

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Finally, a Giveaway!!


He wants to share something with you….

And he’s really happy about it.

I know, I know! It’s been almost a year since I held a giveaway and I felt like this time, it should be something fantastic. I’m actually going to give away two books I am DYING to have myself, but have yet to purchase. You can have all the glory, just let me know how you like them! I love to give and it’s high time I started doing it on my blog, giving back to my loyal audience.

I am not going to make you do ridiculous things for this prize. I will not make you tweet, e-mail, blog, digg it, journal, etch into a tree, carve into stone or spray paint on buildings. I will not make you tell 1,459 of your friends about this giveaway so that you have one more chance at winning, and I won’t even make you beg, plead and cry.

I simply ask that you leave a wonderful comment at the bottom of this page telling me why you deserve to win these prizes and don’t forget to leave me your e-mail address so I can inform you of your prize! I may pick a winner randomly (using if there are an overwhelming number of deserving responses or I will pick the winner myself based on the amount of humour/sympathy/tears/etc. that come through in your comments.

So what am I going to giveaway you ask?

These fine specimens:

Now I am only holding this giveaway to tide you over until I can squeak out a decent recipe in the 3.5 minutes I have to make dinner every night…so hold on tight!

Please note: This contest is over. Done. Gone. You’re too late.

Contest Rules:

1. Leave a comment telling me why you deserve to win this prize. Spelling and grammar count…;)

2. Contest open to residents of Canada and the United States. Sorry other countries, I’m not made of money!

3. Contest closes July 29th at 12 a.m. Pacific Time.

4. Winner will be chosen at random by me.

5. Once winner is chosen, prizes will be shipped directly from, depending on winning country.

6. Good luck!

PS. I just realized I have been blogging for one year… I guess this is kind of a one year anniversary party as well. Whoo hoo!!!

Key Lime & Vanilla Bean Buttermilk Ice Cream

Ice cream. Ever the temperamental beast.

In the recent past, I’ve made ice cream without a machine and somewhat regretted the results. Although a mighty tasty concoction I could make, the consistency was never quite….well, right. After searching for months to find a suitable (read: affordable) machine, I was dissapointed to not have found anything of even “okay” quality. Almost everything I could buy locally was $100 or more. Too much for something I may use three times a year (especially now with all these kids in the house!).

But recently, I had the good fortune of befriending Marisa of OrganicFair, a local farm that sells various gourmet spices and essential oil blends as well as über goumet ice creams, vanilla beans and fresh, farm raised free range eggs. Marisa gave me an old Deni ice cream machine that she no longer needed, having commercial machines at her disposal at any time day or night. She also gave me priceless advice on the chemistry involved in ice cream making. It’s not the easiest thing making up a recipe for what is essentially a science experiment.

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Strawberry Shortcakes

I want to write something witty today. Really I want to amaze you with my awesome ability to rear two children, write and develop recipes, take gorgeous photos and still have time to write amazingly thoughtful prose.

Too bad I have lost half my brain cells this week. Hubby went away. For 5 days. Oh sure, my parents are here to help me, but that doesn’t get me anywhere at night. This little lady you see above has a very low respect for bedtime. Especially mine.

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Tea Brined Gravlax

Heady summer days full of squealing children and oppressive heat calls for simplification.

Simplifying dinners could mean a lightly thrown together salad, cold sandwiches, or maybe a fancier alternative, such as tapas style eating, a favourite of my family. When I think of tapas, I think of cheese and vegetables fresh from the markets, cured meats, olives, fruits, and seafood. What could be better than sitting on the patio, sipping your favourite cocktail (newly removed from the forbidden list) and snacking on your most cherished of foods.

Seafood has always played a large role in my life, as my mother was a salmon fishing guide for most of it. My childhood was spent huddled around a “Little Chief” smoker waiting to sample the newest catch as it came hot out of the smoke filled air within. Summers were spent eating meals of fresh cod, salmon, crab, or whatever we could get our hot little hands on.
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