Foodies of the World and Compound Butters

Today I want to talk about a few things. First, there’s this:

Foodies of the World is a book about food and foodies being published by the Slattery Media Group out of Australia. A few months back they contacted me about being featured in a book they were working on and I couldn’t resist but agree! As the cover boasts: “More than 100 recipes from the world’s great food blogs” and I couldn’t agree more. Though I have yet to receive my copy, I have seen quite a few other bloggers boasting (and rightly so!) about their inclusion as well. Some of my fellow bloggers include Sea Salt with Food, Wellsphere, And Then I do the Dishes and Eat. Live. Travel. Write. how could I have said no?

If you are interested in buying a copy, feel free to use the link above or the one located in the left sidebar. As you may have figured out, there is a commission involved if you use these links. Just know that you are continuing to fund our adventures in food and living! Now on to the food!

Continue reading “Foodies of the World and Compound Butters” →

We Were Experiencing Technical Difficulties….

While attempting to improve your overall experience here on Guilty Kitchen, something went terribly wrong!

We have now fixed the problem and everything is back up and running. The contest for the book giveaway will still be extended until midnight on Monday, October 4th, 2010!

Thanks for understanding!

Tiramisu No-Bake Cheesecake

And a Giveaway!

Wow! Look at that! Business cards! I feel so professional!

Why am I showing you my business cards? Because I wanted to show them off, duh. Also I really felt like I needed to spread the word about the company who makes them, because they are fabulously amazing cards. Very sturdy, wood from sustainable sources and 100% recyclable. Also, they were extremely fun to make online and pretty inexpensive for the quality. I mean look at those gorgeous things!

Next time you are in the market for some fancy pants business cards (or sticker,s or greeting cards, etc.) please take a moment to visit because you won’t regret it. I promise. Oh and no, they don’t know me at, nor did they send me money to give this endorsement. It is purely my opinion that they rock.

On a completely different note, as promised, I am giving you the Tiramisu No-Bake Cheesecake recipe today.

I was actually thinking of hoarding this recipe for my own selfish desires and not sharing it. Sometimes a recipe comes along that is just so good, you feel like sharing it would be giving something away without a fair return. But it’s just so so very very good that I have to share it with you, I have to know other people are making this dessert and giving it to their loved ones for their birthdays, because it is amazing.

This cake was the hit of the party, boozy, chocolate-y, creamy and dreamy it leaves nothing to be desired. But please, don’t share it with the little ones. The only complaint came the next morning when many of the partygoers complained of weird dreams and not sleeping well. Coulda been the 1/2 cup each of rum and espresso, but I digress.

I also have something else I’d like to give you, cause I’m generous like that, you know?

Continue reading “Tiramisu No-Bake Cheesecake” →

Canning 101 – Tomato Sauce on Simple Bites

Today on Simple Bites is my article on preserving tomato sauce. So if you, like many people around this time of year, have a million tomatoes and nothing to use them up in before they go bad, head on over to Simple Bites and find out a great recipe and technique for preserving tomatoes without canning. The perfect recipe for beginners!

See you on the other side!


Our New Friends and a Frittata

Time is moving quickly in our house, as every parent knows it does and it’s not slowing down any time soon.

The kids often play together on the floor while I keep a watchful eye from the kitchen. How they once stood apart from one another staring only with an uncaring eye, they now show interest and even enjoyment. I can even leave them alone (under supervision!) for short periods of time and giggle at how they “play”.

I know I will miss this time when they start doing homework, refusing to kiss me goodnight and bringing home girlfriends and boyfriends, but I can’t help but want them both to be a little older. I can’t wait for all the exciting things we are going to do and be a part of when they are both old enough to walk and talk. Oh, the places we will go, the food we will eat! I’m excited at the prospect of the future, but am trying to live in the present. It’s hard to enjoy each and every day as it comes when you are elbow deep in piles of dirty cloth diapers, unfolded laundry, grocery bags to unpack and the like, but I am doing my best. Every time I gaze into my kid’s eyes and see their innocent little faces, I know I have to enjoy it all. I pause as often as my life allows.

Continue reading “Our New Friends and a Frittata” →

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