I know what you’re thinking: “Why is there no glorious recipe for something awesome and delicious right now?!” I totally get that, but I also want you to remember a couple of things. First, that I am a mom of two small humans and second, that I spend the majority of my free time with them. If you are reading this post, just know that I wrote it when the kids were either in school (in which case, hallelujah!) or while they were in the house with me but completely involved in something super interesting, giving me ample time to write without constant requests for food or butt wipes (parenthood is ah-may-zing!).
So let’s talk a little bit about what entertains a 6 year old boy and his four year old sister. Let’s see…there’s biking in the driveway and in our quiet street with some sweet jumps and ladders we made for them. That usually ends in scraped knees, heavy breathing and way too much fun with all the neighbour kids. Then there’s dress up, that usually ends with feather boa bits all over the living room carpet. There’s playing baby…but that doesn’t work for the boy. Colouring is always fun, but usually ends in pen being put in places that doesn’t come off so easily, which can also be said for any kind of craft, playdough or Rainbow Loom. There’s Pokémon cards, but the attention pan of a four year old for that is pretty limited.
The one thing that has always entertained the boy of them for hours versus the usual minutes, is building toys. Lego started it all and last Christmas, Cohen spent eight hours building a firehouse out of the stuff. Seriously. You give that kid a kit and he will sit there until it is done. He will forego food (unless there’s doughnuts), bathroom breaks and fun outside with his friends until the whole thing is put together. Continue reading “Keeping Kids Entertained After School” →

Some of you may know that I’ve been participating in a campaign with Lavazza over the last eight months or so called “Lavazza Passionista”. Today’s post will be my last in the campaign but it also just so happens to be International Coffee Day, which is really just every day for me, but I digress…
During the past few months, I’ve talked a lot about my love of coffee, my love of caffeinated beverages and the various forms they come in. Personally, I’m a big fan of French press, pour overs and Americanos (cause I’m a total coffee snob), but sometimes I like a quick cup of joe when I’m sitting at my desk and I need something to sip on. Sure, water is good for you, hydrates you and does numerous other cleansing and purifying things for our bodies (right?) but coffee, well, it’s in it’s own class of awesomeness and also, on a satisfaction scale…I’m thinking coffee wins.
Continue reading “Coffee, Caffeine and Lifting” →

It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s been around this blog for a few years, that I love doughnuts. But more than just doughnuts, I have a special place in my heart (and stomach) for apple fritters. It could be that my mom used to make us fritters on very rare and very special occasions when I was little, cooking them in a shallow fry in the cast iron skillet in the early morning. The scent of apples or peaches and hot oil filling the air, and the inevitable catastrophic mess that ensued after covering the finished little dumplings in icing sugar. Continue reading “Apple Fritter Doughnuts” →

This post has been in the making for quite some time. Why would I want to talk about shoes, you may ask? Mostly because I often get asked what kind of shoes I use for lifting, running, walking, looking hot and otherwise living my life. Now, some of you may be thinking, “well, this is an odd shoe post…where are the fancy shoes?” but I’ma tell you right now, that I rarely wear “normal” heels or fancy shoes. Two reasons: they hurt my delicate little feetsies and they are fucking hard to walk in. Am I right?! Continue reading “Best Shoes for Weightlifting, MetCons and Life” →

So, because I love you guys, and I’m always happy to give back to the people who have given me so much, today I am giving away one of THE BEST blenders on the planet! I’ve been using the Blendtec 725 Designer series since the spring and let me tell you…I luuuuuuurve it. Like, I don’t usually love appliances, because they often suck a lot of balls, but this bad boy is the REAL DEAL. When it says it will blend your smoothie perfectly every time, it ain’t lying….you literally put everything in the jar, push the smoothie button and walk away. When you come back 45 seconds later, voila: a perfectly blended, creamy smoothie. It also has various other preprogrammed cycles that also work impressively well. I once made a salsa in two seconds, true story.
Continue reading “Blendtec Blender Giveaway!” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.