Lately there’s been a slew of sickness, depression, frustration, stress and endless work around our usually even tempered house. It’s been very hard. This move (though only one of nine times in the past 8 years) proved to be the hardest yet. With two kids, a dog, a hamster and four chickens to move plus all our belongings, we had a very rough go of it. Normally we would be settled in by now, but packed boxes still remain in our living room, bedrooms and playroom.

A wonderful company out of Quebec’s gorgeous Iles-de-la-Madeleine (L’Anse aux Herbes) sent me a beautiful box of infused oils and herbs. Find their products online on their site.
Continue reading “Spot Prawns and Polenta (Shrimp & Grits)” →

Well, what’s a vacation and a big house move without a recap post, right? I promised pictures of my trip and the big move in, and I always deliver on promises. So let’s start at the top shall we?
The kitchen of this house is A-MAY-ZING. It’s my dream really and all it needed was an island to be perfect. Thank you Ikea Calgary! I have always admired Ikea’s quaint kitchen gear and accessories and I finally have a house to showcase them. Isla especially likes the cabinets near the sink, the perfect hidey hole.
Oh, did I mention the double oven? Something I’ve never “always wanted”, but something I’d love to have in my own house one day when I am an owner again…That little oven is just so damned convenient.

Continue reading “Braised Beef Cheeks” →

Having been a mother for all of three years, two months and 20 some odd days, I can’t say I’m all that used to the fanfare surrounding Mother’s Day. It used to be the day that I made sure my mom had flowers in a vase and a good breakfast in her tummy, oh and lots of piping hot coffee. I still try to maker my own mother’s special day extraordinary, but I have my own kids now and a husband who makes sure that “my day” is bright and relaxing.
Having all the mothers, grandmothers, mother-in-laws and fellow breeders children lovers in one house does make it easier. As much as I love to go out to those fantastic all you can eat gourmet buffets, my waistline appreciates a little more laid back approach these days.
Last year I was treated to a fantastically simple breakfast in bed. There was fresh fruit, hot coffee and toad in the hole (or egg in a basket…) and I propped it all up on my 9-month preggo belly and consumed it all in peaceful silence while Adrian kept Cohen entertained for half an hour. It was fantastic and memorable and simple, I loved it.
This year there is more to do, what with the fresh move under our belts, a house half unpacked and the presence of not just my mother but Adrian’s as well, plus the two kids, husbands, dog, chickens, hamster…you get the idea. It will be hectic and noisy and wild and awesome.
We’ve been home from our big trip to Calgary for all of three days and I’ve yet to unpack. There are boxes everywhere, furniture ripped apart and halfway sanded or painted. There are baby chickens in my studio ( a lot of them) and there are so many things that need to be done. But for this weekend, our last before Adrian returns to work, I shall just relax and enjoy what life brings me.
I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day, whether you are cooking for everyone or are being blissfully cooked for. Adding these simple scones to the table will make everyone happy. They are sweet and salty and bursting with that floral aroma of vanilla but also the toasty nuttiness of brown butter. Perfect alongside a table of other treats that mom can pick at all day long or even served as breakfast in bed alongside a hot cup of coffee and some fresh cut fruit. Whatever you are doing this Sunday, make sure to take a minute out of your busy day and just say thanks to your Mom, you know she’ll appreciate it.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Continue reading “Brown Butter and Vanilla Bean Scones” →

Just a quick note here while I drag myself up from the sea of boxes, bags and miscellaneous bric-a-brac….ooof, moving is such an ordeal.
The only thing getting me through this move is this amazing house. 1/3 of an acre covered in fruit trees, strawberries, blueberries, an empty raised bed garden just waiting to be planted and a brand new chicken run set on a patch of fresh green grass. Ahhh, it’s paradise.
In a day we leave for a wedding in Calgary and I have to say goodbye already, but we have plans…oh do we have plans.
As we unpack box after box I visualize all the things we will do here (an island in the kitchen, yes please), shelves here or there, art over there, red shag carpet there.
Home. It’s those simple comforts that make a home, just like it’s the simple comforts that have gotten me through this long slog of moving.
Cohen’s warm little toes in the morning.
Dominoes warm little nose poking me to play ball for the eight millionth time….
Continue reading “Mango and Prosciutto Salad” →

Now that I’m living amid stacks and stacks of boxes, I’ve come to embrace leaving the house with two small children. We used to do it every day, to head to a Strong Start preschool near our house. That ended after the 15th time going there to find that parents were bringing their visibly ill children to school and getting their germy hands on everything. Since going to the school, we’ve gotten sick about every second trip, so I stopped. Then I felt bad and started going again, last week…the week before we move and then go on a two week road trip. Guess what? Yup…sick again. Last time I ever go there.
Parents everywhere hear this: Please, for the sake of every living person alive, do not take your sick child into public. It’s not good for your kids and it’s not good for anyone else. Braving going to work may be one thing (although just as bad) but heading out to “mommy and me” events dragging your snot dripping infant/toddler is so not cool.
Rant over.
In any case, I had an opportunity to head out of the house, drive a million miles away (45 minutes) and head to the most amazing park in Victoria, the legendary Beacon Hill. Here is where most tourists to our fine city must go. If not for the vistas of the ocean as you stroll along it’s high cliffs, then for the duck ponds, flowers, and petting zoo. The whole park is also overrun with peacocks, and whenever I hear their haunting call I am brought back to my childhood. I used to visit this park every summer with my favourite aunt and I still think of her today whenever I go.

On a sunny morning between rain breaks, I took the kids for a little stroll to visit with the animals. The resident park dwellers are pretty friendly and most (squirrels, ducks, geese, etc.) will come right up to you.
Continue reading “Brown Butter Caramel Cake with Whipped Chocolate Frosting” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.