Back to SCHOOL!
Every time I think about that, I think of that old school supply commercial that had “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” playing in the background. The adults dancing down the aisles, joyously buying their kids school supplies in anticipation of the freedom school can bring to parents. Continue reading “Strawberry Muffins” →
Last year, an event debuted in Victoria’s downtown industrial district that shook the very core of our usually “gentile” foodie nature. Victoria food festivals (not including the tourist-y fests that are catered largely by food trucks) are usually awash in sophisticated dishes, well-dressed folks holding napkins and tiny portions, and jazzy music. This festival was hands-on, rugged, raw and yet not in any way unrefined. Sure, there were people holding gigantic slabs of beef on huge rib bones called “Tomahawk” steaks, slobbery hands digging into food sans cutlery, fountains of barbecue sauce to dip your protein in, and whole animals roasting on spits in the open air. In a word, it was awesome. Continue reading “Brewery and the Beast – Take II” →

Since going paleo, I don’t miss a lot of things. I don’t miss the sweet tangy smell of fresh baked sourdough bread. I don’t miss the slurpy, saucy goodness of noodles covered in cream sauce. I don’t miss peach bellinis. I don’t miss cheesecake smothered in berry sauce and I sure as hell don’t miss the fluffy goodness of white flour based cakes!
Aw snap! Who am I kidding? OF COURSE I miss those things….sometimes. I do really miss bread based foods, but only when I’m at some fancy-pants restaurant that serves meat and cheese platters that come with 1:1 ratio of meat/cheese and bread or crackers. When I ask the waitress if she can sub extra olives/cheese/meat/fruit/spreads/anything for the bread, I usually get a bemused smirk and a “I’ll see what the kitchen says…” as she runs off laughing back to her cohorts in the kitchen. Sometimes I get an extra pickle. Continue reading “Sweet and Salty Coconut Chips” →

It occurs to me that my last post (Apple Pie Pancakes) and this one, look awfully similar. Flat, round discs of deliciousness…what can I say? You get creative when you don’t eat grains, dairy, legumes, corn, soy, sugar or vegetable oils…and by creative I mean, I really know how to mash things up, mix them with eggs and fry them. You can really make a whole lot of good things in this way, mostly pancakes….or “patties”.
When the youngest monkey was a wee one, we used to mix up whatever I could think of and make patties…eventually he asked for “no more patties!” so I guess I really do make them a lot.
Continue reading “Curried Plantain Patties” →

Today I whipped up some pancakes. Just off the top of my head this morning, I thought….”Wow, we have a lot of apples sitting on the counter.” The apples were a gift from our friends and neighbours, who have a large transparent apple tree in their yard. It’s our own little U-Pick! I don’t like them that much, personally…they are a bit tart for eating out of hand. But Adrian and the kids LOVE them for some strange reason.
In any case, we picked a bunch last week, made some pie (recipe is being tweaked..but it’s coming atcha soon!) and then forgot about the bag. So this morning I figured, I MUST be able to turn them into dessert for breakfast type treats for the kids. They’ve been eating bacon and eggs every morning for weeks…which they love, but you know, bacon. It’s not the best food in the world.
Continue reading “Apple Pie Pancakes” →
Hi! I'm Elizabeth. I like fitness, bad ass tattoos, food, bacon, chocolate, taking lots of silly pictures and my spawn. Check out my FAQ for all the usual Qs or send me an e-mail and tell me all about your cat and your Aunt Sally's amazing apple pie.