Harvest Your Health Bundle Sale


Today I’m bringing you an extra special post (no recipe per se, but there are MANY in this post) bringing you an unbelievable offer from our friend Todd at Primal Toad (who organized this whole sale). I’m super excited to be a part of all the affiliates selling this bundle, and not only because I will get a part of the proceeds. <– Disclaimer!

Yes, when you buy the Harvest Your Health Bundle Sale from ME, I will get a portion of the sale price. Is that why I am participating? Hardly. I imagine my traffic is not quite high enough to reap huge benefits from the sale, but what I am excited about is bringing you these awesome references to make your life a million times better! Every book in this bundle offers some amazing information, resources, recipes, tips and more for you to better your life and the lives of those around you.

Here’s a simple breakdown for those solely looking at the $37 price tag: You are saving over $1000 ($1107 to be exact) by buying this bundle! Each book will cost around .52 cents in the bundle vs. an average price of $14! A savings of over 97%. Not only are you saving money, but you are getting EVERYTHING you need to transition to a healthier lifestyle. Not only will these resources save you money and time but you will also be receiving cooking strategies and ideas for meal planning so that you are not eating out every day (a common problem when switching to paleo/primal). For the cost of ONE MEAL OUT for yourself, you could purchase this bundle and save thousands!


There is also now a giveaway of over $2000 worth of goodies and 34 winners, no purchase necessary!!


So let’s break it down even further. What comes in this fantastic bundle of goodies??

cooking paleo

Cooking/Preparing Paleo Food

These books are AWESOME! I myself bought the “30 Day Intro to Paleo” by Bill and Hayley myself when I first transitioned to Paleo. That book, plus Melissa’s beautiful “Well Fed” alone are worth the cost of the $37 plus you get EVERYTHING ELSE! This sale is truly a once in a lifetime deal. This bundle could be the ONE THING you need to switch from the lifestyle that does nothing for you (or worse) to a healthy, fulfilling, nutritious and delicious way of life.

real food

Cooking/Preparing Real Food

Ever wanted to make your own cat food? Healthy, protein rich broths to sip? Garden on your tiny apartment balcony? These books offer tips and practical real world advice to do all of these things. Learning to cook and prepare your own real foods is a skill a lot of people have never learned. Don’t you think it’s time to find out how to feed your family in the simplest, most natural and healthful ways?

Harvest-Your-Health-Bundle-Sale_Buy-Now1Meal Plans

Worried that when you first go paleo/primal you won’t know where to even start when it comes to meal time? These meal plans will get you started and keep you going for months.

Personal and Home Care

Personal/Home Care (Skin, Hair, Teeth, Cleaning)

Ever wondered how to make your own natural and non-toxic/child-friendly cleaning products or get that frizzy hair under control without spending hundreds of dollars at salons filled with chemicals? These books will get you right on your way…

fertility unlocked

Fertility, Pregnancy, Babies, Children, Motherhood

Many women on the path to motherhood struggle with unexplained infertility. Did you know many women can cure their “infertility” simply by changing their diets? These books will get you on a healthy path towards motherhood and then from there, take you on a  journey of health with your children. Every child deserves a healthy start in life and these books can really help in the transition.



Be inspired by these stories of overcoming addiction, disease and poor health. Anyone who has gone paleo can tell you a story of their own, but these books put into words some amazing tales of how the paleo diet is truly a “lifestyle” that can cure autoimmune disease, type II diabetes and more.



If you read my blog, you know how much I love fitness. These books can get you started on a path of weight loss, muscle building, increased stamina, and of course, a more healthful lifestyle. I’m particularly intrigued by “The Sandbag Solution”. Sandbag training has been an up and coming style of training for a few years now and it’s something anyone can do. There are even posts out there on the interwebs on how to create your own DIY Sandbag. So what are you waiting for?

Simple Living

Intentional/Simple Living






Online Magazine Subscriptions





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