Finally, a Giveaway!!


He wants to share something with you….

And he’s really happy about it.

IΒ know, I know! It’s been almost a year since I held a giveaway and I felt like this time, it should be something fantastic. I’m actually going to give away two books I am DYING to have myself, but have yet to purchase. You can have all the glory, just let me know how you like them! I love to give and it’s high time I started doing it on my blog, giving back to my loyal audience.

I am not going to make you do ridiculous things for this prize. I will not make you tweet, e-mail, blog, digg it, journal, etch into a tree, carve into stone or spray paint on buildings. I will not make you tell 1,459 of your friends about this giveaway so that you have one more chance at winning, and I won’t even make you beg, plead and cry.

I simply ask that you leave a wonderful comment at the bottom of this page telling me why you deserve to win these prizes and don’t forget to leave me your e-mail address so I can inform you of your prize! I may pick a winner randomly (using if there are an overwhelming number of deserving responses or I will pick the winner myself based on the amount of humour/sympathy/tears/etc. that come through in your comments.

So what am I going to giveaway you ask?

These fine specimens:

Now I am only holding this giveaway to tide you over until I can squeak out a decent recipe in the 3.5 minutes I have to make dinner every night…so hold on tight!

Please note: This contest is over. Done. Gone. You’re too late.

Contest Rules:

1. Leave a comment telling me why you deserve to win this prize. Spelling and grammar count…;)

2. Contest open to residents of Canada and the United States. Sorry other countries, I’m not made of money!

3. Contest closes July 29th at 12 a.m. Pacific Time.

4. Winner will be chosen at random by me.

5. Once winner is chosen, prizes will be shipped directly from, depending on winning country.

6. Good luck!

PS. I just realized I have been blogging for one year… I guess this is kind of a one year anniversary party as well. Whoo hoo!!!

80 comments to Finally, a Giveaway!!

  • Rob

    I would like to win because I love good food. I also (as my favorite person and sous-chef would verify) need as much help as I can get.

  • Okay. why do I HAVE to have these books. Well, because I am still learning how to cook/bake and the more information I have the better. My Hubs has developed a sweet tooth (thanks to TWD) and I need more to bake. More ways to spice things up. Sweeten things up. Liven things up. And if they taste GREAT he will be satisfied with less. So if I win these the Hubs might eat less sweets with more fulfillment and therefore lose weight.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!!!
    Margaret recently posted..CEinMB Chicken with Warm Tomato-Corn SaladMy Profile

  • Yvonne M.

    I am in school to be a dietitian and I’m a foodie. I’m trying to learn to cook with FLAVOR and finesse and keep it healthy as well. I’ve managed to help my daughter and I with both health and weight loss due to just changes in food and my husband is off of his cholesterol meds and his diabetes is seemingly gone. So I live and breathe COOKBOOKS and you have to know I “torture” my family with at least 3-4 new recipes a week. These are two I’ve never seen and am excited to possibly own them! Thanks for your consideration!

  • Well, who DOESN’T need a flavor bible? Seeing as how I don’t read my regular Bible enough, maybe a food one would make up for it. Hmm, what’s that you say? It won’t save me? Weeellll, it might not save my soul but it sure might save my taste buds. I can come up with some horrifying flavor combos…NOT cool for my taste buds or my marriage. And my poor toddler. You should have seen her at lunch today. As if choking on a potato casserole wasn’t enough, apparently the acidity of the tomatoes made her tongue hurt, almost as much as last night when she ate soap, but that’s another story for another time. (No, we did not make her eat it…it was completely voluntary on her part.)

    So see, my poor family really could use such a thing as a Flavor Bible. They would push their gagging tongues back into their throats and utter a blessed, “Thank you!”

    (Oh, and that baking book would be awesome, too! Does it by any chance include any whole grain baking tips? I could really use those. I just made the driest, most bland, whole wheat molasses coffee cookies ever.)

  • I deserve these cookbooks because I’m a busy mom of 4 boys that actually likes to cook for my family. I’m pretty much raising the boys by myself because my hubby is always gone and I also have a small business sewing aprons, blankets, quilts, baby bibs, burp clothes and other things. Oh and another reason why I deserve to win is that I have never won anything before on blogs.

  • Ooooh… Oooh… Pick me!
    Why? Because I never ever win anything. EVER. Not even a free lottery ticket. Well, except for that one time that I won a free coffee on Roll Up The Rim To Win, but that barely counts because I only won the one time even though I was buying two coffees a day.
    (Also, my spelling and grammar are great, so there’s that.)
    Isabelle recently posted..Lifes a Bowl of – Double Cherry Almond CrumbleMy Profile

  • Jenny

    Quite simply because I am culinarily challenged and my poor hubby who has been my cooking guniea pig for the past year would GREATLY appreciate any help I could get πŸ™‚

  • Karen

    Why pick me???? Because I am a foodaholic! I LOVE Food! I love to cook it, to eat it , to watch cooking shows on TV. I had to put a moratorium on buying cookbooks, but that doesn’t stop me, because there are soooooooo many great websites and blogs on food that I can just download recipes from them. I have a huge file box of recipes and they are all categorized on a spreadsheet with comments if I have made them and what adjustments I make. When I find something I LOVE at a restaurant, I have to go home and duplicate it.

    Now, all that being said……..why do I really want to win? 4 years ago I switched to being a pescatarian for health, animal abuse and environmental reasons. I have never felt better. But what I find is that while there are many different ways to cook an eggplant or zucchini, I feel that I am at a standstill lately. When I saw that book “The Flavor Bible” I literally started drooling. Oh what that could do for my veggies and fish. How much fun it would be to experiment with flavors! So, please please PLEASE pick me! I don’t even care about the other book, you can give it to someone else. That would be totally cool.

  • Alena

    Why do I deserve to win?

    Well lets see, I in my own right, am a good cook (at least in mine and my husbands eyes :P). However, I have this amazing sister who has exceeded all my expectations for her, and has become an amazing chef, mother and entrepreneur. She continues to inspire me to try new recipes and to experiment with my own flavours, and for this I will be eternally grateful. Winning these books would just help me continue what she started.

    Thank you!

  • I would so love to have both of those books! I’ve had Flavor Bible on my wish list since it was published. And I can always use another dessert cookbook!
    Vicki recently posted..Crispy Fried Pigs TailsMy Profile

  • Jadeno

    I’ve never won a THING in my life (31 yrs)! I am obsessed with cooking and learning but can only ever afford to buy cook books from second hand shops, where the pickin’ is pretty slim!

  • Melissa

    Why do I deserve this??? I am also a fellow canadian! YAY. AND also am learning to balance the 2 kids thing. Plus I have only started to embrace cooking since my son was born (almost 3 years ago) and could use some extra inspiration!!!!!!!

  • alf

    I think meals are a celebration of flavor and good company! Therefore, new cookbooks are always awesome and I would be ecstatic if I won!

  • ephrat

    I deserve to win this prize because I’ve never won a thing in my life! Also, I am obsessed with anything to do with food, especially your blog!

  • Lisa

    I can cook when I have good recipes and yours are the best. The swiss chard ravioli were amazing. So happy I discovered your website..thanks Google.

    I’d love to win the cook books so that I can share them with my fellow foodies… much like I’ve shared the link to your site. Thank you!

  • Joyce

    I am a seasoned cook (60 years-old and no pun intended). I love to cook but like to create dishes from what in my refrigerator and pantry. I joined a Community Supported Agriculture group this summer and have fresh produce delivered once a week. What I need to a tool to help me created dishes from what I receive. That would be absolutely awesome. In addition, I teach a cooking class for young girls on Saturdays so I could pass along more wisdom with your help. Thanks for having this giveaway.

  • Joyce

    Oops,two mistakes in my comment. Sorry. Please forgive me.

  • Perhaps a Haiku will be the winning entry…

    I love to eat food
    Grown from the ground to the plate
    Blessed by the sun’s ray
    Paul Kamon recently posted..The Nuttiest Thing You’ll Read All WeekMy Profile

  • i deserve this win beacause—-> 1. Your Son is adorable. 2. Guilty Kitchen RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    astheroshe recently posted..Whip it WednesdayMy Profile

  • PS 3. More important things in the world than to worry about my grammer πŸ™‚
    astheroshe recently posted..Whip it WednesdayMy Profile

  • Niveditha

    I am still a novice in ‘American style’ cooking. I know for sure that both these books would be a guiding element for me in that field. Thanks for this giveaway..

  • Jessica

    I deserve this book because it’s high time to get me a man & start a brood of my own. I’ve done the career & independent woman thing, but all I want to do now is take care of a little family and make my kitchen table the best part of their day. After cooking for myself all these years I could use a little inspiration, and I’ll take the rest from there.

    I dig your style & the recipes I’ve tried from you always turn out great. Keep doing what you do.

  • Charlene

    Why pick me? Well why not! You tell me why I don’t deserve to win these books. I am as good as anyone else, I work hard, pay my taxes, say thank you and please. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pick me! Thank You very much! LOL

  • Kayleigh Rosien

    I deserve to win because I never win anything! I really want to know what it feels like to win something, especially something as great as a cookbook! I guess you could say I collect them so some new ones would be great, and useful to boot!

  • Anna

    I need to expand my library!

  • I deserve to win at least one of these books because after 3 years of blogging I am still learning.I need all the books I can get my habnds on to add to my collection so that I can wow my friends and family with my culinary expertise. You know I am only kidding since maybe I just want to have an excuse to head to my favourite furniture store to purchase another bookshelf to hold my ever growing collection:D Or maybe…..
    bellini valli recently posted..Lavender Cheesecake with Blueberries and Lavender HoneyMy Profile

  • What?! A cookbook giveaway?! I LOVE cookbooks! I also am in desperate need of them, as I can’t freestyle a recipe to save my life. I recently moved to Canada, and thought that I should change my health habits along with my surroundings. I am trying to surround myself with local ingredients, healthy eating ideas, and inspiration. Your blog is wonderful inspiration, our farmers market provides the delicious ingredients…and this cookbook would give me so many recipes and ideas to keep me on track and eating well. Pick me! πŸ˜€
    Rowie recently posted..Everyone Elses RecipesMy Profile

  • Ooooh. Very nice giveaway. I’d love to have these books. Cookbooks are so expensive that I rarely purchase them and do most of my recipe searching online. This would be so nice to get me started with a nice collection.
    Michelle recently posted..Championship chocolate chip barsMy Profile

  • Kirsten

    Because I LOVE to EAT and I LOVE to COOK! And I JUST heard about “The Flavor Bible” this past weekend and thought it was a genius idea! I am always thinking about different flavours to combine and it would be an amazing addition to my cookbook library/bed time reading material. As for “In the Sweet KItchen”…if there is one thing I enjoy more than cooking (besides eating), it would be baking. So those are my reasons for picking me as the recipient of these two cookbooks.

  • Mubeena

    I love your blog, and am a Victorian.

  • Julia

    I need “The Flavor Bible” because I’ve lost my touch. Lately, I’ve overdone all spices and herbs to my cooking and baking. I need to start over.

  • Because I am curious about compatible flavors and creating new tasty dishes.
    Nate @ House of Annie recently posted..Need your help with the finishing touches…My Profile

  • Jess

    I would love to win because I have been reduced to eating the same thing every day and am in need of some fresh ideas!

  • I deserve a prize because I’m a grammar/spelling Nazi. πŸ™‚ I’ve made my whole career out of it!
    Jennie recently posted..Latest LovesMy Profile

  • A Guilty Sis-In-Law

    Hm… Why do I deserve to win a fabulous cookbook from a foodie whose blog leaves me reaching for a hanky to wipe away the drool after every delicious, mouth-watering recipe is posted? I had to think this one over very, very hard. It comes down to experimenting. My powers of experimentation are beyond compare. There are not enough words in the Oxford dictionary to even begin describing how very awful, how very unappetizing, and how very horrifying my results are. Family members cringe at the thought of even letting me near the stove without some sort of guide to ensure their continued safety. So, you can see that any help would go a long way to my family’s peace of mind. Nay, to their very survival! This is why I deserve to win.

  • Amanda Green

    I like free things. That’s part of why I follow the website; your sister in law pointed me at you and I started working with some of your receipes.

    See, I rely on sites like this. My mother wanted me crippled in the house — and didn’t teach me anything about how to cook or clean. When I got out on my own I was nearly helpless in a lot of way. I figured out how to eat more then spaghetti-os, and then more then hamburger helper… But the real kicker was when my fiancee and I split up six in 2005. I decided I had to be more then what I was– I had to be a well rounded individiual. I couldn’t count on a man, and I couldn’t count on my Mom, so I had to count on myself.

    Now, kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in the house; right now I’m eating apricot glazed chicken, a baked potato and a sweet peas that I cooked and prepared with my own two hands. It was a hard thing — I tried too much too fast, but I eventually learned what my limits are, and then to push them. But it was sites like this that kept me going. Recipes that weren’t just hamburgers or the average casserole, folks that were accessible unlike most of the Food Networks folk.

    So here I am. Self-taught, self-mastering. My now-husband often tells me that it’s because I started to cook — and didn’t let my initial failures stop me from trying again — that he started to love me. Food’s brought me a few extra pounds, but it’s brought me some self-respect and the love of a good man (proving again, the way to their heart is through their stomach).

    But I’m still pushing those limits, and I love me some cook books! ;D So I’m here among your readership, looking to continue to expand my ability.

    (PS: Your roast brussell sprouts helped get my husband EATING them! He’d sworn them off long before we were together.)

  • Valerie

    Mmmmmmm …….. let me think why I deserve it more than anyone else
    Probably no reason – although I am love cookery books and love making recipes from
    all over the world. Oh yes and this is the only blog I have ever used
    just because it is really excellent.

    Lastly – I do live in S Africa ( and I would pay the postage if you picked me !!!!)
    Well if you dont ask – you dont get.

  • i don’t know that i necessarily DESERVE to win the books, but i will tell you that i’ve asked for the flavor bible for the last three gift-giving occasions and my family and friends have not been responsive. twerps, the lot of ’em. πŸ™‚
    also, i love that you’re taking grammar and spelling into consideration. you’re a gal after my own heart. πŸ™‚
    grace recently white on breadMy Profile

  • While I am not sure I “deserve” to win these books, I am looking to cook through some cookbooks during my vacation and the flavor bible and in the sweet kitchen would make excellent references!

    The flavor bible, particularly, has been in my “to buy later” list on amazon ever since a chef friend of mind told me she dog eared her copy within days of buying it. It sits proudly with her equally dog eared copy of culinary artistry.

    I also share cookbooks with friends and neighbours. Many know the library of cooking-related books I have is open to “borrowing” πŸ™‚
    Don (@foodieprints) recently posted..Candwiches Seriously!My Profile

  • I would adore getting these books because I need some guidance in the kitchen! I’m very experimental, but a little structure and know-how can’t hurt!

    I’m hoping to create some really great baked goods and other delicious items to sell at our local farmers markets in the [hopefully] not-too-distant future. The instruction I get from these books could help greatly!

  • Hello there. πŸ™‚

    Well, I’m freshly married (2 months next Thursday) and eagerly seeking out any advice or assistance in figuring out how to feed my wonderful new husband. You see, I can’t live without flavor and his favorite meal of all time is alfredo sauce from a jar with pasta and peas. He’s the very best man any girl could ask for, I promise you. He just… possesses lamentably unadventurous taste buds.

    Lucky for me I have a full spice cupboard and plenty of free time to read up on how to enhance his treasured comfort food! Please help me? I have to go back to school in a month and he’s scheduled for deployment so I’d really like to leave him with some delicious memories of married life. You know, incentive to come back to me as soon as possible. πŸ˜‰

    Mmm and “In the Sweet Kitchen” makes me drool. Plus, I promise you I take the best possible care of all my books and never allow them to simply gather dust on a shelf. I’m a part-time librarian/full-time Math major. Trust me, that’s a winning combination for obsessive compulsive orderliness, grammatical accuracy, and a penchant for reading any cookbook cover to cover. In other words, no one would appreciate this giveaway so thoroughly as I.

    Oh, and I’m a redhead! (shameless, I know)

    Pick me? πŸ™‚
    Danielle recently posted..On Silences- Radio Or OtherwiseMy Profile

  • Because I work night shift as a nurse and make every meal from scratch with local, seasonal ingredients almost exclusively. This means that I exhausted every use and flavor combination I know for turnips and rhubarb by the time May came to an end, and I’m running out of ideas how to serve up the apron load of fresh tomatoes from the garden I’m hauling in every day. In addition, I just got engaged last Friday, and I believe these lovely books would be excellent tools for maintaining a flavorful and satisfying marriage over the years. Hurray!
    Gelfling recently posted..Hip hip- hurray!My Profile

  • Because, I would love to have those books!!! :))

  • Kim

    I feel kind of dirty posting in this comment section just because I wan to win….I read your blog all the time and adore it, and frequently consider leaving a comment but I don’t because that’s just not “how I roll…”. I live in Victoria and spend a fair bit of time in the Cowichan Valley, so every time you reference a business or place in your world I get a kick out of it because I also know and frequent many of them personally. You may remember a brief exchange we had about Red Fish Blue Fish, which by the has become my all time favorite place to eat out and I am holding you personally responsible for my BBQ Wild Salmon Tacone addiction!!! Anyways, I hope you pick me because I’m in the process of making some major diet/lifestyle changes and cooking at home is one major element of this process. Even if you do not pick me, I will still love your blog and look forward to each of your posts! Thanks for inspiring and entertaining me, and for sharing little pieces of your world!

  • aimee

    I would love to win either of these cookbooks! Why pick me??? Well… I am expecting my first baby any day now, and I’m longing for a new cookbook to read and love during the next few months as life takes on a slower pace. Unfortunately, all my money seems to be going to things for the baby, and alas, there is no money for a new cookbook!
    Oh yeah, I also live in Victoria, and love to your ‘local’ blog!

  • Samantha

    I need these books because my husband and I are food junkies. And I don’t mean junk food junkies (though I do enjoy a good double-stuffed oreo now and again πŸ˜‰ ), but lovers of real, homemade, delicious food. I am in desperate need of some inspiration, and these two books look like just the thing… and I will be adding them to my wishlist if I don’t win!

  • Both of those books look wonderful, but I’m particularly drawn to the first one, The Flavor Bible. I cook bunches, but I’m not skilled at creating new dishes or knowing seasonings go with what foods. One of my friends is super-gifted at that, so I’m always calling her up and grilling her. This book might ease my last-minute panicky phone calls. I think she’d like it if I’d win.

    (If you can write a recipe in 3.5 minutes, then you need to write a blog post telling us how you do it. Please? Writing recipes takes me FOREVER.)
    Mama JJ recently posted..A free-wheeling educationMy Profile

  • Brrandon Linz

    I am a college student (an amateur foodie) and am just starting to branch out upon my forte of culinary delights and a cookbook would more than help do this.

  • Andrea

    Well, first things first. (A little “butter” if you will…) This is the perfect occasion for the truth to come out! I have been faithfully following your blog for several months now – but here’s the amazing part – yours is the ONLY foodie blog I follow! (Not counting the requisite poking-around-the-interwebs when collecting ideas for a dish, of course.) I stumbled upon your space early on and fell in love with your photography, your writing, your recipes (most memorably: your 11/29/09 post guided me through my first foray into homemade sushi), and most importantly: your STYLE. Creative, fresh, local farmer- and earth-friendly, and always up for a challenge! I have a very similar approach to food and cooking. Plus, you and I are roughly the same age, and I so admire your dedication to providing your family (and readers!) with quality food without sacrificing quality TIME with the ones you love. It puts me at ease when I think about the possibility of kids in the near future.

    Ok…now that that’s out on the table, here’s why I want those books!

    I have been teaching myself to cook for several years now, and continue to slowly wean myself off recipes as I experiment with technique and (my favorite part) seasonings that work in various dishes. My husband rarely cooks, but when he does, I am always called in to add the flava. I love the exotic, the pungent, the ethnic, the unexpected – but I get a little nervous when cooking for others who like their dishes more “subtle and refined.” How can I do subtle without bland? How do I choose two or three spices that will add a real kick instead of tossing in ten that just end up competing for attention? Just two of the many questions I’d hope “The Flavor Bible” would help me finally figure out.

    “In the Sweet Kitchen” would be another great tool for transforming my kitchen into a haven for creative release. Baking is territory I have yet to conquer in terms of being comfortable with significant modifications without a recipe. I waste so much time poking around for a recipe to perfectly suit my tastes, knowing that if I just understood the science behind what’s going on in the oven, I could do my own adaptations without breaking a sweat.

    I do occasionally share with family and friends what I’ve been up to lately in the kitchen, and they’ve tried my recipes with positive results. It’s a good feeling! I focus on dishes that are simple enough that it’s worth spending a little time in the kitchen even if you’re only feeding one or two people. So thanks again for all the inspiration you’ve provided as I continue honing the craft! Whether or not I win the prizes, all the best to you and your family!

  • I would love these books! I read cookbooks like they are novels, and am not fully comfortable using them until I’ve gone cover-to-cover, fully understanding where the book stands on levels of technique, principles, and flavour expectations. Another reason: Marissa (I work in Organic Fair’s store) told me about your blog, and I have learned a lot from it. The importance of good quality photos of food is definitely one, as a fellow shutterbug. I have also been working through reading your long series of recipes, and really like the way you lay out everything and the food itself is fantastic. Bonus: I collected the eggs and packaged the vanilla beans you used in your ice cream recipe! I would be excited to get this giveaway, but am just plain excited to have found your blog. Thanks!
    Jenny recently posted..Tri-Berries mean Pie Berries!My Profile

  • I think you should pick me because I need a lot of help in the savory flavor department and I love sweets, well, because I am! πŸ™‚

  • Kristen

    OMG, the flavor bible!!! I’ve been wanting that for so long! I don’t know a thing about the sweet kitchen, but hopefully it’ll help with the baking aspect of our kitchen, as it’s pretty much non-existent now πŸ™

  • Humor πŸ™‚
    Tears :””)
    Sympathy πŸ™

    I’m not sure I can quantify that I DESERVE to win any prize; ask my kids they would say no, ask my dogs on the other hand they would say YES but would also think half a cookie adequate!

    I can say I would just LOVE the Flavor Bible; I mean a book about flavor with prayers in it, right?

    And then one with sweets. No quip here; it is sweets; what more CAN be said.

    To quote Meredith Gray, her of the good fortune to ‘pretend’ to make out with McDreamy, Pick Me, Choose Me, Love Me!

  • sara

    Both books look great. I love reading your blog and seeing your recipes. Keep up the great worl!!

  • Kimberly

    Hello! I think you should pick me to win these books because I love food. I love anything and everything to do with food. I am applying for a culinary arts program here in Nova Scotia next year and the more I read the better. I take my cookbooks to bed and read them at night…to the rolling of my husbands eyes. I recently moved to Nova Scotia from Vancouver Island and bought a house and money is tight so having these books would be a welcome gift! Baking is also a newer concept for me as I like to work with the savory parts of the kitchen, but it is something that I would like to learn more about! Thanks for considering me!
    I love your blog as it takes me back home to the island when I read it.

  • Caitlin

    buttermilk ice cream was/is amazing!!! mmmmmm summers tasty

  • Giordana

    Ahhh I have been lusting after those! After putting myself through school in New York, I have no money to buy the things that I really love (anything to do with food being one of those things), as my whole life revolves around my debt and loan repayments. I’d love to be able to treat myself to things like that, especially as being surrounded in coffee and chocolate and treats all day at work makes me want to explore making them more at home!

  • Anne

    I am always looking for new ways to make my recipes taste even better and I can definitely do that with these two books! I would love to have them!

  • Katie

    oooo, books I love books, and I love food. So books about food are the best.

  • Nadia

    Now, I can’t say that I deserve more than others to have these books, but I have to say I’ve been dying to get the Flavor Bible! I like to call myself a foodie, but I have no actual culinary experience or background – aside from my grandmother, who measures nothing πŸ˜‰ For me, it’s all been trial and error and I’m so anxious to learn more! And as for The Sweet Kitchen – I’m not a baker by any means and it seems ridiculous that I can be intimidated by baking but will jump to make risotto for 15!! I Want to learn, I NEED to learn, and I would FOREVER be grateful! Plus I’m super local – low shipping! And I’ve secretly wanted to be a red head most of my life – make me stand out a little more and go with my personality! AND, thanks for not making us jump through the endless hoops! Heartfelt message should be enough πŸ™‚

  • Since I already have The Flavor Bible on my bookshelf (one of my most useful cooking-related books), I ask you to count me out for the giveaway (though I will be putting In the Sweet Kitchen on my Amazon wish list). However, I wanted to congratulate you on one year of blogging. Not only do I enjoy coming to your blog for your inventive recipes, beautiful photos, and engaging writing, but I am so pleased to have met you in person in May. You are a down-to-earth, kind person with adorable kids to boot (I still picture Cohen chasing those chickens around the yard). Here’s to many more years of fabulous recipes from you.

  • Hollie

    The books look fun, for some reason I am unable to read anything besides cookbooks! All of you recipes look and the ones I have tried taste AMAZING! Thank you for sharing your life and recipes with us! Im on the edge of my seat waiting for more

  • Nancy

    Alright Liz! – congratulations on the blog anniversary! It is so interesting to follow the journey of your life as is being recorded through the photos, the background info, and personally adjusted recipes that you post. Just as your recipes seek to help us create food from simple flavour through to complex, layered flavours, the blog reflects the simple pleasures you find in your life that make it so rich and flavourful. Do I sound like I could really use that book on flavour or are you going to just let me muddle on on my own with trying to figure out if I can make a much northern mayonesa that would work for the last recipe?

  • sherry klusman

    Cooking and cookbooks have become a huge part of my life. My mother is in the last stages of a fatal disease and curling up in a comfy chair in the evenings with a “deserving” cookbook has been a wonderful escape. Your humor, your zest for trying new things has been in inspiration to me. Reading your blog makes me feel very lighthearted. I would enjoy adding either of these cookbooks to my collection. Keep up the good work.

  • Corey whitman

    Why do I deserve to win these cookbooks? I don’t know if I “deserve to win” but I would like to be selected for this prize for several reasons. Growing up my mother did not cook, she made reservations! My interest in cooking came to a head two years ago as a senior at Syracuse University. Up to this point I was able to make eggs (scrambled even if they were supposed to turn our differently), pasta, and I was an expert at baking chicken nuggets (7mins of each side). Then I found out I had high cholesterol (not a sob story just a fact of life) which I found hard to believe as I was always active playing sports or chasing girls (not a formal activity more of a hobby). With this being the case, I changed my eating habits drastically, no more fried foods, limit the cheese, the whole nine yards. Eating out and healthy was really expensive so I started to cook, learning from my roommates (not the one who loved fluff and hot dogs mixed with macaroni and cheese). Grilling chicken and vegetables was where it started and my passion and interest grew from there.

    Today, I am still very limited with my knowledge and cooking abilities but I was still able to successfully (I base this on no one getting violently ill) make a dinner for 10-12 people on several occasions. I feel that these cookbooks will enhance my knowledge and new found passion for cooking while giving those around me more then a few dishes that they have come to expect when I invite them over (usually grilled chicken, sweet potato fries (baked), grilled eggplant and baked asparagus). So, this cookbook will not only benefit me and help me expand my cooking horizons but, I am sure my family and friends will appreciate the wider array of food that I will ultimately cook or at the very least a different seasoning for the chicken.

    Lastly, thank you for your emails I enjoy reading them and learning methods and seeing how different things can go together.

    Congratulations on becoming a mother, again.

    Corey W.

    PS. Now when I make eggs I have a say in how they come out…practice makes perfect and a little oil in the pan never hurts.

  • I admit it, I’m one of the lurkers – I read your blog all the time but am too shy to comment. But I love your pictures and your writing! I would love the Sweet cookbook, I only own very basic baking books and I don’t have recipes for anything more unusual. I love books that explain the process of baking, and this one looks amazing. Also, my roommates would thank you dearly for giving me an excuse to bake even more. congratulations on the anniversary!

  • Happy Bloggoversary! Good luck to all!!

    PS> Love your system. One day I’m going to pick whoever the heck I want. =)
    Aimee recently posted..Three 3-Minute Chilled SoupsMy Profile

  • Pick me, pick me, pick me. I could use all the help I can get for Pete’s sake.

    Why, even though we work all day we are faced with the age old question, β€œWhat’s for Dinner” when we walk in the door. I suppose since I have never changed a flat tire, my spousal unit considers turn about fair play. The difference being I’ve only had about 5 flats in my entire life and dinner is expected 365 days of the year. My goal is the same as many, to spend minimal time in the kitchen so I spend my time off enjoying my life with the Big Tuna (same significant other).

    My mom ran a catering business on the side, but my family members relegate me to peeling potatoes and washing dishes since they deem themselves better around the stovetop then me. My friends however are the first to belly up to the table for seconds and proclaim they have never left our house wanting for more. I started a blog in hopes of in pulling things together for a meal and make you a rock star with your family and friends without driving yourself over the cliff. The most important thing to remember is to enjoy the company and pour yourself a glass of wine before commencing. Let the games begin
    Dawn recently posted..We’re Not in Arizona Anymore TotoMy Profile

  • Tiffany

    Happy one-year Blogiversary!!!! I would absolutely be thrilled to be the winner of your contest! I read cookbooks like others read novels….. I am seriously addicted to buying them!!!! Please, please, please choose me!

  • I am a pastry chef and a fellow food blogger who has lusted after these two books for a long time.
    Dawn recently posted..July Fruit Preserving RoundupMy Profile

  • Meagan

    I think I deserve this prize because after a hard day at work I love to come home and crack open a cookbook and create a tasty homecooked meal!!

  • Happy one year of blogging Elizabeth!

    I would love to win a copy of The Flavor Bible. I’m a food enthusiast who loves to cook but I don’t have many cookbooks. For the past few years, my Dad has taken to giving me first edition copies of Martha Stewart cookbooks as birthday and Christmas gifts. I love my father but I’m now up to a total of eight cookbooks including the crown title of the collection Entertaining. In full Martha Stewart glory, this book has some of the most useless recipes for entertaining like a Russian buffet for twenty-four or a clambake for thirty. Seriously!

    Please help round out my cookbook collection with one of your giveaway books. I will be a dedicated reader forever if I win.

    Melody Wey recently posted..Salad Days of SummerMy Profile

  • I’d like to win, so I can wish you a happy anniversary by offering you one of the two books to keep for yourself. I’ll post recipes from one book and you can post recipes from the other book.
    But i’ll be wishing you a happy anniversary win or lose!:)
    Ethan @ recently posted..Homemade blueberry waffles Family time Gold A lot of dogMy Profile

  • I do NOT think you should pick me. I say this because I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY love both of those books, and I already own them both. I think they should got to well deserved homes that would appreciate them as much as I do!

    They are both invaluable tools (I consult with the Flavor Bible ALL THE TIME and it was integral in a pie I just won an award for).
    I have an earlier edition of the In the Sweet Kitchen and the deep chocolate pudding is fantastic, not to mention the amazing resource it is for ingredients if you are a baker If you don’t win these books, I highly recommend you go and buy them. They are worth every penny.

  • madonna Cramer

    I would like to wish you a happy blogoversary! I wish I would have found your blog a year ago to have grown with you over the last year.

    I am a struggling non-chef surrounded by foodies. I deserve a darn chance and a descent way to compete with them by reading these books. I may not have mad cooking skills now but I can with these books make a start at playing with the big boys in my family. My brother is a food scientist and my husband is the store director/chef for a Whole Foods Market. I love chemistry and isn’t that a lot of what baking/cooking is about put that together with the right flavor profile and “Bam” as Emeril would say an amazing dish or inspiration appears. The books look amazing especially the Flavor Bible with my new knowledge of flavors and my bros access to a food lab maybe we could invent the next must taste popcorn or something together who knows.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  • Mr. Guilty

    Happy Anniversary Mrs. Guilty! We have sure learned a lot about this blogging thing in the past year. And a huge thanks to all of My lovely wife’s readers. A day doesn’t go by when I come home from work and Mrs. Guilty shows me something someone has sent her, commented on or told her about.

  • Damnit, I’m from the UK πŸ™

  • […] winning comment was: Alena July 22nd, 2010 at 12:13 pm Β· […]

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