Banana Bread Ice Cream

I’m back, but only for a minute. Round here, we like to make vacations last as long as possible…so we stopped home for a brief minute before leaving again as soon as I finish this sentence.

Kidding, but not really…I’ll be back on the road again the minute the last sip of this morning’s coffee hits my lips. We’re heading up to the North of our Island to see some friends and we’re going to cook up a serious seafood extravaganza. The Fraser River Sockeye return this year was bigger than any return since 1913! That’s a long time to go without an abundance of your favourite salmon, but now it’s cheaper than chicken and we’re taking advantage. So I am bringing you this recipe to tide you over until I can tell you all about our lovely trip to the deserts of Canada.

Recently, a friend and neighbour gave me 4 lbs. of overripe bananas. Living in a small community, the grocery store had become over run with the things and needed to get rid of them. Being the conscientious observers of food waste that they are, they pawned them off on unsuspecting customers instead. And so I came to have half the surplus sitting in my kitchen with a million fruit flies hovering just above them. I had to do something.

I cooked banana bread, duh.

Then I thought, well, now I have a loaf of banana bread, but I still have three pounds of bananas to go. What else could I make? Digging through the fridge and pantry, I found everything I needed to make a serious ice cream that would taste just like the banana bread I just made!

This ice cream is a step up from your average one ingredient banana ice cream, of which I am not a big fan (too icy!) and takes you to a whole new level of flavour but remains simple to make. The peanut butter and stracciatella are completely optional but do round out the flavours of the banana bread. Cause, you know, I eat my banana bread spread in peanut butter and sometimes Nutella, doesn’t everybody?

Until next time friends! Enjoy the last bits of summer while you still can!

Banana Bread Ice Cream

Yield: 1 Litre
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cooking Time: 30 minutes

2 lbs ripe bananas
1/3 cup butter
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup heavy cream
3/4 cup half & half (or for a creamier ice cream use all heavy cream)
2 tsp vanilla

For Peanut Butter Chunks
1/2 cup peanut butter (smooth or chunky, natural or not so natural)
1 tbsp icing sugar

For Stracciatella
3 oz dark chocolate
1 tbsp + 1 tsp butter

1. In small saucepan melt the butter over medium heat. Continue to cook until it begins to foam and bubble but do not stir. Cook until the foam dissipates and you are left with a browned butter.
2. In 2 small baking dishes (such as 9″ rounds), slice bananas into coins. Pour browned butter over and coat. Bake in 400°F oven for 20-25 minutes. Your bananas should begin to caramelize and be a bit golden when you take them out. Allow to cool before continuing to next step.
3. In a blender or food processor, purée the banana/butter mix with the sour cream.
4. Meanwhile, in a medium saucepan over medium heat, heat cream(s) with brown sugar, salt and vanilla. Do not allow to boil, but just bring to a high enough temperature that the cream begins to steam and the sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat.
5. Cool to room temperature and add to blender or food processor with puréed bananas. Blend until smooth.
6. Pour into bowl or container, cover and refrigerate overnight. This is your Ice Cream Base.
7. In a small bowl, mix peanut butter and icing sugar until well blended.
8. On a cookie sheet spoon out small teaspoon sized portions of peanut butter. Place in freezer overnight.

9. Over a double boiler or a metal bowl set over a pot of gently boiling water, melt chocolate and butter together until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside.
10. Remove ice cream base from refrigerator, place in ice cream maker and follow the manufacturers instructions for your machine.
11. When the ice cream is basically done, begin to drip the chocolate in a fine stream into the ice cream. This will create the stracciatella (little bits of chocolate that melt in your mouth).
12. Remove ice cream from machine, stir in peanut butter chunks and freeze for at least four hours.

Similarly delicious recipes on other blogs:

Roasted Banana Frozen Yogurt on Pink Bites
Roasted Bananas with Chocolate Yogurt Cream on How Sweet Eats
Roasted Banana Cinnamon Rolls on Picky Palate
Roasted Banana Cupcakes on Prissy Cooks
Banana Brown Sugar Bread and Butter Pudding on The Gluttonous Vegan

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