Chocolate Avocado Mousse


Keep staring at this delicious picture of my chocolate avocado mousse…

…or continue to the next sentence for some AMAZE BALLS NEWS!

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Dijon Crusted Pork Butt Roast



I like BIG BUTTS and I cannot LIE!


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Paleo Sandwich Bread


Paleo Sandwich Bread in all it’s glory.

For the recipe, scroll down….

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Paleo Carrot Cake


Birthdays’ occur just once a year. Bummer…

30th birthdays happen only once in a lifetime. Win!

I wanted to do something amazingly special for my 30th this year. I wanted a perfect Paleo Carrot Cake, a beach, sunny weather, sand, a hot tub and peace and relaxation. I got everything I wanted, except the last two things…who knew kids loved hot tubs so freakin’ much?! Give the adults some quiet time will ya?

We spent four bliss filled days in a beautiful house in the woods. We woke up, soaked in hot tubs, drank BulletProof Coffee, walked ridiculously fast on beaches, WODed on decks and in the sand and anywhere else we could perform movements. We worked out for THE FUN OF IT. We threw logs around, we sprinted in the sand, we did double unders under cedar canopies, we did way too many push ups, we ate a lot of cake, we relaxed, and we had fun. Oh and we nerded it up satellite style with the premiere of Season 3 of Game of Thrones. So sue me…it premiered on my birthday. I LOVE THAT SHIT RIGHT THERE….I’m still reading book two but I don’t care!
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Paleo Porridge (Grain and Nut Free)


I’ve struggled with dairy since I was about 20 years old. After years of tolerating it (or so I thought), I suddenly became bloated and uncomfortable every time I ate any kind of dairy product (mainly low fat varieties of low quality dairy). I tried Lactaid for a while but gave up as it is extremely expensive and kind of made me think that maybe I shouldn’t be eating it if it bothers me…

When I got pregnant the first time, suddenly I could dairy again! No problems whatsoever. I continued to go on and off the dairy for the next nine years. Which brings me to today.

The vast amount of knowledge I’ve built up over those nine years is just not quantifiable, it’s invaluable. I eat dairy as much as I want now, no problem, no digestive aids, no Lactaid, nothing. So what is the key to being able to eat dairy no problem? Although I don’t feel like I’m qualified to answer that question for everyone, here is what worked for me:

Eat high fat dairy, preferably cultured or fermented. The bacteria added to cultured and fermented dairy aids in it’s digestion. My favourites are grass fed yogurt, butter and kefir. Hard cheeses such as KerryGold Dubliner are a favourite too as well as any and all goat milk products (naturally lactose free).

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