Quick Tuna Lettuce Cups

So I’ve been getting a lot of flak lately for my frequent picture taking while sweating. What’s up with that?

I know I haven’t always been as obsessed with fitness and health as I have been in the past four months, but fitness and healthy foods have always had their home here at Guilty Kitchen. The whole reason I named my blog “Guilty Kitchen” was because I wanted so bad to eat healthy food and get my exercise every day.  I struggled with that for a long time. Balance was an issue. I would eat healthy five days a week and binge on booze and indulgent food every weekend. I worked out every day for the past 8 years in one form or another (except when I was 9 months pregnant and resembled a hippopotamus).

So don’t come tell me now that I am suddenly changing “everything I’ve stood for”. I am simply changing, changing for the better. Everyone should grow and change as they age, I would hope we all do. What a boring, unintelligent life it would be if no one ever changed. It’s taken me my whole life to finally be in a place where I am happy with my body and happy with the food I am eating and allowing myself to eat. I love how I feel these days and I want to share that with all of my readers, friends, family and strangers. I feel on top of the world! I feel strong! Why wouldn’t I share it?

And here’s how I feel about all the hating. If you don’t like it, you feel uncomfortable with my lifestyle change, my confidence, my strength, then go ahead and follow Jason’s lead up there. No one will ever know you did it. Just don’t bog up my feeds with your shameless ranting and otherwise negative outlook.

Life couldn’t be better right now and I hope I can spread that feeling to everyone I meet.

Oh, did I mention we started CrossFit too? Our neighbours are CrossFitters and we’re CFs in training now baby. Soon, I’ll be Snatching and Kipping with the best of ’em. The only problem with eating grain free, dairy free, soy free and sugar free is snacking. Snacks usually have at least three of the four listed no no foods in them. So what’s a newly Paleo girl to do when the hunger pangs hit? Well, I say whipping up a quick batch of these cabbage wraps will suit you just fine. Perfect for lunches, snacks or munchies. Whip up your own mayonnaise, and you won’t be sorry. A lot healthier without all those additives…

We had a little road trip to buy much needed supplies too…

One year ago: Roasted Potato Salad with  Corn, Pancetta and Blue Cheese

Two years ago: Grilled Fish Tacos

Three years ago: Buttermilk Panna Cotta

Quick Tuna Lettuce Cups

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes

Yield: 1 serving

Calories per serving: 464

Fat per serving: 33


  • 1 can of tuna (preferably skipjack), drained
  • 1 green onion, chopped
  • 3 small green cabbage leaves (or butter lettuce)
  • 1 hard boiled egg, chopped
  • 2 tbsp full fat mayonnaise (preferably homemade)
  • sea salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/4 small avocado (about 25 grams), diced
  • 3 or 4 cherry tomatoes, chopped


  1. Mix the drained tuna with the green onion, hard boiled egg and mayonnaise.
  2. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Scoop the tuna mixture onto the cabbage leaves, top with chopped tomatoes and avocado and serve.


For a low fat variation, try using plain Greek yogurt instead of mayonnaise.

Similarly delicious recipes from other fabulous food blogs:

Paleo Summer Wraps with Tahini from Anja’s Food 4 Thought
Crab Lettuce Cups with Bacon and Avocado from The Evolution of Jenn
Asian Beef, Mushroom and Broccoli Slaw Lettuce Cups from Nom Nom Paleo
Cinnamon Chipotle Sliders from PaleOMG

21 comments to Quick Tuna Lettuce Cups

  • Amy

    Going paleo is hard! Especially when you love to bake…
    We have been trying for months now but still have not been able to kick our bad habits.
    It is surprising how many people utterly shocked/ignorant/rude when you tell them you are trying to eat paleo.. almost like you are telling them you have decided to eat a diet of small children or something… Many times I have said I am going to start lying and just say I have food allergies…
    I am glad to see you are choosing to keep your head held high… gives the rest of us paleo-wannabes hope/strength.
    Amy recently posted..Cherry Cola Float CupcakesMy Profile

  • Brenda

    Keep up your good work Elizabeth, and congratulations with all you have accomplished! Life changes and as it does one can choose a different path that can bring them unexpected rewards and joy. Taking care of yourself in the best way you can, and being as healthy and fit as you can be are all fantastic goals and something to be proud of.

  • If there was ever a time to say “you go, girl,” this is it. (I never, ever say that, but still.) Exercise is great, and good for you for sticking to it! Plus those tuna lettuce cups look amazing. 🙂
    Eileen recently posted..Fresh from the farmer’s marketMy Profile

    • Elizabeth

      I just keep thinking that all I make is awesome food anyway, so no matter the label attached to it, it’s still great food!

  • Adrian

    Haters gotta hate. Fail.

    I love you and our new and ever changing life! It’s too bad haters are out there. I think it means you made it! You have haters!

  • Amy

    Oh wow, Liz. I gather you’re getting a bunch of disgruntled comments? Trolls… and you could kick their ass with your super strength and Insanity moves!
    Amy recently posted..Garden Mini Bagel with Scallion Cream, a Video of the new OXO 3-in-1 Avocado Slicer, and a GiveawayMy Profile

  • Sarah

    Elizabeth, I have quietly followed your blog for about a year now and just have to thank you for all of the healthy inspiration. I too was a heavier teen and it really took a toll on my self-confidence. In the past few years, I’ve went from a size 14-16 to a size 6. It takes so much hard work and dedication that it seems completely ignorant for people to leave negative comments on what should be a totally commendable lifestyle change. Basically, I just want you to know that there are readers out there that couldn’t be happier about the change and that I have actually started a new supplementing regiment thanks to you and feel GREAT! Keep all the delicious recipes/work outs coming!!! Congrats 🙂

    • Elizabeth

      Hi Sarah,

      Thank you so much for coming out of the woodwork to say that. I know I have a lot of quiet followers, but I love it when they talk to me. Congratulations on your transformation! That is an amazing feat of will power and strength and I know how hard it is. I’m so glad you are happy with the supplementation! What have you been taking?

  • Gail

    Elizabeth, Haters will always find something to hate. I think the changes you’ve made a stupendous.

    I too am trying to move to a paleo way of life but I’m taking it in baby steps. I’ve been brain washed about eating fat and that is the hardest part for me.

    Keep it up, ignore the haters and keep posting your journey.

  • Sarah

    Thank you! As far as supplements go, instead of taking the usual multivitamin I’ve switched to taking the Greens Superfood powder which I feel makes a huge difference….I take probiotics (I too have converted to the paleo style of eating and found that my sensitive stomach does better without too much dairy in my diet) and vitamin D3 daily and have also started adding chia seeds to my breakfast/post work out smoothies. The combination keeps me full and energized throughout the day and I have NO stomach problems for once in my life! I lost my job earlier this year and fell out of my routine for a while, added a few lbs and felt sluggish, which was all the reinforcement I needed to really commit to my newfound eating habits. Sometimes its hard for an avid cook and baker (I’m sure you understand!) to stick to a plan as rigid as the paleo diet at first when my family and boyfriend demand indulgent sweets and italian pasta dinners, but I have found some ways to even get them to adapt and enjoy whole foods that make everyone happy. Giving up grains/sugar/processed food is such a small price compared to how much better I feel now….especially not having to meticulously count every calorie of special K I’ve eaten for breakfast and I can sit down with a plate of REAL FOOD that I can both enjoy and feel good about! 🙂

    • Elizabeth

      I hear every single one of those words Sarah. I know how hard it can be. People judge, but I just keep saying in the back of my mind how awesome I feel, how awesome I look and how awesome the food is! More fat makes everything better. 🙂

      • Sarah

        You should watch Fat Head! Its a hilarious documentary on how everything we’ve been taught about nutrition is completely backwards…..it explains why fat is your friend and knocks the “scientific studies” that “prove” why a low fat diet, chock full of overly glorified whole grains, is beneficial to our health. Who’d of thought that the FDA would tell us invalid information that would damage our bodies for their own personal financial gain? I could go on and on….but its definitely a must see that I think you’d get quite a kick out of!

  • Abigail

    I have experinced the same “horror” from others as I share my decision to eat meat, veggies and healthy fat. Many of these people are certainly not an example of health, nor do they seem to care that eating this way has helped me feel better than I ever have before. Oh well, while I wish them well, my guess is that our quality of life (and skin!) will be far different in our 80’s…..and mine will win out. 🙂

  • jenny

    ONWARD with your blog…..it’s soooooo refreshing. I’m really tired of the witty, wordy, smokescreens covering the UNHEALTHY combos of full cream, butter, white sugar, and white flour recipes used on popular food blogs. Oh, forgot the Crisco, corn syrup, Miracle Whip, and Dr. Pepper soda! I’m not a HATER of those blogHERS and their millions of followers; I’m concerned that they are riding the same rails as Paula Dean leading to Type 2 diabetes.
    Good for you! We need change. We need a food/exercise/health revolution in this country

  • Gus Rigas

    I always like the taste of Greek yogurt. Most of the time i use it as a substitute for sour cream.

  • […] year ago: Quick Tuna Lettuce Cups Two years ago: Salt Roasted Beet Salad with Creamy Lemon Vanilla Dressing Three years ago: Key […]

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