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Shrimp Stuffed Sole

I know a secret, do you?

How about “The Secret”? I haven’t read it, but a have taken a  glance through it’s pages while standing in a very busy book section at Costco, chewing on a delightfully free sample of Iso Protein bars. I get the gist. A riff on the “Field of Dreams” in my opinion. Though replace “build” with “visualize” and “he” with “it” or whatever noun fits best for your situation.

So here I sit, stuffing my face with freshly baked Brown Butter Blueberry Muffins, whilst a visualize only good things to come in my future. My garden will be brimming with gorgeous greenery in a matter of weeks. The seedlings are just below the surface of the dirt, set upon my countertop, awaiting transplantation when they are big enough to stand it. The deer, rabbits and raccoons will not eat them. I will remember to close the gate.

My house is a sanctuary, as I’ve cleaned and reorganized as much as I can. Incense has been lit, windows have been opened to the sing songy birds and fresh spring air outside. A new bed is coming soon for the little man so as to free up the crib for the new arrival.

And the new arrival to come…. I am visualizing only chubby little pink thighs, round little apple cheeks, wisps of ginger hair and a soft, tiny wail only a Mother would love so dearly. In few words, a happy, healthy baby to hold.

Why the change?

I’ve decided that no good can come from worrying and only thinking positive thoughts will help me get through all this uncertainty. I look to inspiration from other mother’s who have gone through much worse and come out the other side in a better light than through which they had come. It is nothing short of a miracle to have optimisim be your only guiding light, and so I am making it mine. The glass is half full…

Also, good food always helps. Make this shrimp stuffed sole tonight and make peace with your over dieting, under eating ways. Make lots, there’s never enough…

Shrimp Stuffed Sole

4-6 sole fillets, skin removed
150g fresh shrimp, peeled, deveined and chopped
1/4 cup cream cheese, softened
1 tsp Grey Poupon or Dijon mustard
Fresh ground salt & black pepper

Bread Crumb Topping:

1/3 cup panko bread crumbs
1-2 tbsp canola oil
Fresh ground salt & black pepper
1 tbsp fresh rosemary, minced
1 tsp Grey Poupon or Dijon mustard
1 garlic clove, minced

1. Preheat oven to 375°F. In small bowl, mix shrimp, mustard, salt, pepper and cream cheese.

2. Lay sole fillets on flat surface and spread cream cheese mixture over each fillet. Roll up and pin with toothpicks.

3. Set fillets in greased baking dish and set aside.
4. In another small bowl, mix together bread crumbs, oil, salt, pepper, rosemary, mustard and garlic. Make sure to mix well.

5. Sprinkle over rolled up fillets and set in preheated oven for 15-20 minutes.
6. Remove from oven and serve immediately.

Tell me how it is you stay positive in times of trial. I could sure use the upbeat words right about now….