Adrian’s Top 10 Brews of 2011

When Elizabeth suggested that I do a round up of my top 10 brews of 2011, I was actually really nervous. I’ve been a beer guy for years, but a lot of people claim the same thing and well, their idea of a great brew is Bud. Sorry, but  I wholeheartedly disagree.

Unibroue Trois Pistole

But I digress, why was I nervous? Well, my palate for beer is different than so many. What I find delectable, frothy, creamy and delicious the next guy may find overly bitter, thin and unappealing. I have read a number of “Top 10” brew posts this year and they are just littered with IPAs (India Pale Ales). Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I don’t love a good IPA, in fact, I love me a great IPA. However, I feel they are getting more press than other, equally delicious beer and there are still so many other brews worth mentioning.

I don’t expect everyone to fully agree with me on this list as these are what my taste buds salivated over and remember with great detail. What I try to do with every beer I drink is look for the subtleties that make it unique, different and special. I may not like a beer but I hope I can appreciate it for what the brewmaster was trying to accomplish through their art. Yes I said it, brewing is art. I have brewed about three or four dozen batches over the years including one all grain brew, and believe me, it truly is an art. The chemical changes that take place, the enzymes, the colour, head, nose, taste, finish, feel. Should I go on?

My hopes for this list: When you are at your local brew purveyor and you see that beer that you have staunchly avoided, but this time you actually pick it up, read what it is all about and try it! You will hit some duds, no doubt about it (it happens to the best of us). So to attempt to help you avoid some of those, I’ve also listed my number one dud brew at the end of the list. You will also discover that brews are so complex, sometimes understated in their craft, so full of flavour and character that it is beyond surprising (at least to me) that some people still just drink whatever is on special that day.

So without further commentary, I present to you:

Adrian’s Top 10 Brews of 2012:

1. Unibroue: trois pistoles

Ripe fruit nose. Malty spicey slap across the face taste. Lingering port finish.
Adrian Score: 4.5/5. Intense at first and mellows out a few sips in.

2. Phillips: Hoperation Tripel Cross

This was my staple beer for a couple of months earlier in the year. Intense hit of hops at the start. Fruity taste with a nice lingering hoppy goodness.
Adrian Score: 4.5/5

Driftwood Fat Tug IPA

3. Driftwood Brewing: Fat Tug IPA

Driftwood continues to impress me. This IPA is what I want from an IPA. Lots of slap in the face hoppiness along with a great balance of bitter taste with maltyness. 80 IBUs of IPA goodness. My favorite IPA at the moment.
Adrian Score: 4.5/5

4. Unibroue: La Fin Du Monde

I know I am quite late to the Unibroue club, but better late than never! Fruity Citrus nose Sweet sweet fruit taste Full and smooth Tart lingering finish.
Adrian Score: 4.5/5

Phillips Brewing Trainwreck Barley Wine

5. Phillips Brewing: Trainwreck Barley Wine

Sour nose. Earthy to start with sweet caramel notes and a  pleasant slightly sour taste. Lightly carbonated. Nice bitter bite at the finish.
Adrian Score: 4.5/5

6. Rogue: Mogul Madness Ale

Pleasant (if you like hops) hop nose. Hop forward light malty taste.
Adrian Score: 4.25/5 Awesome.

Granville Island Brewing Imperial Chocolate Stout

7. Granville Island Brewing: Imperial Chocolate Stout

Malty Chocolate nose. Malty spiced chocolate taste. Lingering malty sour taste.
Adrian Score: 4.25/5 Love it

Alagash Black

8. Allagash Brewing Company: Black

We tried this beer at Umami Burger in Santa Monica while in town for IFBC. I was thrilled to find this on the menu! The silky mouth feel is a great balance to the roasted character, coffee and dark chocolate notes expressed throughout this beer.
Adrian Score: 4.25/5

9. Chimay: Blue Cap or Grande Reserve(750ml)

Big thanks to Rod Phillips over at Liquor Plus for bringing this to my attention. Again, I know this is a long long long standing great beer, I am just new to the party. Fruit notes, a little spicey in the finish. Warms the throat. Perfect for a Sunday afternoon
Adrian Score: 4/5

Brooklyn Brewing Local 1

10. Brooklyn Brewing: Local 1

This beer was recommended by two very great people that worked at a local restaurant that is now closed. Thanks so much for this pick you two! Pilsner nose, sweet creamy taste and feel. Warm Belgian yeasty finish.
Adrian Score: 4/5

Honourable Mentions:

Howe Sound Brewing Father Johns Winter Ale

Elysian Brewing: Avatar Jasmine IPA – I first tried this beer a few years ago at the Great Canadian Beerfest and it is still just as good! Sweet herbal nose. Malty, jasmine flavour with a hoppy finish. Awesome. 4/5
Vancouver Island Brewery: Dough Head – I was really happy to see Vancouver Island Brewery put out something completely different. This was a great attempt at a seasonal. Can’t wait to try more! 3.5/5
Howe Sound Brewing: Father John’s Winter Ale – Spicy vanilla nose and start. Lingering bitter malty ness. 4/5


Adrian’s Least Enjoyed Beer in 2010:

Dead Frog Brewery’s Christmas Beeracle

This came to me recently and I tried it hoping for the best. I would call it a dud. Sorry to those that enjoyed it…I just did not.

27 comments to Adrian’s Top 10 Brews of 2011

  • I love this list! I haven’t had all of them, so I’ll have to keep an eye out. I am, however, pretty partial to the Allagash!
    Jackie @ Domestic Fits recently posted..Spicy Thai Coconut Shrimp SoupMy Profile

  • The only beer I’ve had on this list is the Chimay, and I am inclined to agree that it deserves a spot. (Elizabeth-there is a FANTASTIC recipe for Chimay Braised Short Ribs in the Zuni Cafe Cookbook. There maybe a mustard crust involved.) I drink a lot of local brews, but there is a store by me that stocks thousands of microbrews from all over the world.

    I usually pick new beers to try because of the bottle, but I will be sure to look for some of these. And the reason IPA’s are everywhere? Hipsters. IPAs became the beer for them this year.
    Deanna recently posted..LambstramiMy Profile

  • Greetings from Australia! Just wanted to congratulate you on your website. Have just found it!

  • So glad you conceded to doing this post-it’s a great way to give us a snapshot of your taste! Sour and fruity are my weaknesses (blame the Belgians-they have it goin on!) Also wanted to mention the staff at Liquor Plus on Quadra/Hillside are a great hand at pointing out hidden gems!

  • Wholeheartedly agree with you that IPAs are not the only game in town. However, it’s part of the natural progression of a male beer drinker. When one makes the jump from mass market lager to something else, it becomes the “best beer in the world”. Then, it’s dark beers, progressing to full-bodied stouts. IPAs and sour beers are the most challenging tastes to acquire, so it can become a bit of a pissing contest when one develops the chops — “If you drink anything less than Stone Ruination IPA, you’re a pussy!”

    The final stage is when one realizes all beer styles have merit. Sure one has their preferences, but you doen’t dismiss an entire category because it happens to be the most pervasive beer style brewed on the planet. You realize that there is no such thing as the “best” beer, period, because the context always changes — season, food, mood. People also have different palates. If you never turn down the opportunity to try a new beer, you’ve reached this stage.

  • Mike

    Ever drunk any Dogfish?

    • Elizabeth

      Hey Mike,

      Yes, we LOVE Dogfish Head beers. My favourite is the Chateau Jiahu. Apparently though, they have stopped shipping to Canada, so we may have to hoard it the next time we are in the States. 🙂

  • Betsy Richter

    Love, love, love Unibroue’s Trois Pistoles!!! The owner of one of our local taverns is really into good beer, and he’s got TP on tap :-). However, I’ve not had the pleasure of trying the rest, and will be on the look out for them at our favorite liquor store – Club Liquors in Menasha, WI.

    I agree that “Bud is not a great brew” (it’s a mass-produced offense to the craft of brewing beer), and you certainly don’t need to be sorry for saying it! Our go-to beer is Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale.

    We love to try “micro” beers, and as you mentioned, it’s a bit of a hit & miss process. However we, like you, appreciate the effort and art of the brewers.

    Love your site, all the recipes and photos, and your ode to good beer 🙂 Thanks so much for all!!

  • Mr. Guilty

    Thanks so much for the comments! It can be hit and miss for sure, however there are some keys to help. Untappd ( on iPhone and Droid is like Facebook for beer drinkers. You can post pictures, ratings and other information. If I am seriously questioning something I will check there. it hasn’t really steered my wrong.
    Thanks again for the comments 🙂

  • Kim

    Great list, Adrian! I agree that brewing is an art, and we’re not all going to agree on what makes a great beer. The key is simply to try them, eh?!

    E – kudos on making A do this post.


    P.S. Been really enjoying these on your Instagram feed, too.

    • Mr. Guilty

      Thanks so much Kim! I am really enjoying doing the pics on Instagram too. The key is trying them yes. You never know when you’ll find something you like. For example, Elizabeth doesn’t like lagers. However, I have found two now that she enjoys 🙂

  • Festus

    I’m distressed that you didn’t mention Hermmans Bock on your list. To correct this egregious error, bring some by my place next week.

    • Mr. Guilty

      HA! Thanks Festy 😉 I am not a big fan of the Hermmans Bock to be honest. Hence why it didn’t make my list. I will bring something good on Friday though sir 🙂

  • Jasmin

    I think I only tasted like 2 or 3 from these ten and I hope i can try the others too…Thanks for the idea…This can help, definitely…
    Jasmin recently posted..Freeview TV essexMy Profile

  • I want to try them all…especially the chocolate
    norma recently posted..CHICKEN IN VINEGAR – POLLO EN VINAGREMy Profile

  • I’ve been loving Adrian’s instagram pics of all the beers he’s been trying. I’m slightly jealous of all the awesome varieties, like the chocolate stout, oh dear! I WANT! Probably because Im a chic and chics like chocolate. Do they make peanut butter beer? I want to try that. I bet it’s disgusting, but I’d still try it!

  • I’ve tried the Local 1 and that was one of the best beers I’ve had in awhile. I’m trying to get my cousin to send me some since I live in the midwest.

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